Monday, October 26

The Jock And The Fat Chick by Nicole Winters

The Jock And The Fat Chick by Nicole Winters
Release Date: October 13, 2015
Publisher:  HarperCollins
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 250

Summary:  No one ever said high school was easy. In this hilarious and heartwarming debut, one high school senior has to ask himself how much he's willing to give up in order to fit in.

Kevin seems to have it all: he's popular, good looking, and on his way to scoring a college hockey scholarship. However, he's keeping two big secrets. The first is that he failed an assignment and is now forced to take the most embarrassing course ever--domestic tech. The second is that he is falling for his domestic tech classmate, Claire.

As far as Kevin is concerned, Claire does have it all: she's funny, smart, beautiful, and confident. But she's off-limits. Because Kevin knows what happens when someone in his group dares to date a girl who isn't a cheerleader, and there's no way he is going to put himself—or Claire—through that.

But steering clear of the girl of his dreams is a lot harder than Kevin thought…especially when a cooking project they are paired together for provides the perfect opportunity for things to heat up between them outside the classroom….

Epic Reads Impulse is a digital imprint with new releases each month.

My Thoughts:  We are introduced to Kevin who is really into sports. He plays hockey and all he can really think about at the moment is getting a hockey scholarship. He lives at home with his mom and mostly lives off junk food and whatever he can find at the moment. Kevin is part of the popular crowd and all the guys aren’t very considerate really. They constantly make jokes about the girls who are overweight or have extra meat on their bones.

His coach realizes how bad he’s eating and that he isn’t doing the best at some of his classes and ends up making him take a domestic class! He gets to learn how to cook!  Sounds fun, right? Not to Kevin! If anyone finds out he’ll be so embarrassed!  

Well, he ends up in the class and finds himself really liking it. He starts eating healthy and actually making himself the right kind of food. He also meets a girl named Claire. I really liked her. But of course, she’s a bit of a bigger girl. Her personality was awesome! I never really saw her as anything else but Claire. But of course Kevin finds himself falling for her but he’s scared to admit it to anyone in fear of them making fun of her and embarrassing himself.

I did like this one. I loved the cooking moments and getting to know Kevin and Claire. I also liked Claire’s parents. I did have a little bit of trouble with Kevin’s voice at times. I always just like reading girl narrators better. I relate more. And, there was some crude language but that didn’t really bother me.

I was happy with how things ended up turning out, even though there were a lot of bumps in the road.

Overall: I would probably give this one a 3.5 cupcake rating. I liked it but I didn’t love it. And it did interest me as I read through it. I liked Kevin even though I struggled a little bit with him. I also laughed out loud a few times!

Cover: Like it! Like the colors!! 

What I'd Give It:

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