Wednesday, November 13

Altered (Crewel #2) by Gennifer Albin

Altered (Crewel #2) by Gennifer Albin
Release Date: October 29, 2013
Publisher: Farrar Straus and Giroux
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 400

Summary: Life. Possibility. Choice.
All taken from Adelice by the Guild—until she took them back.

But amid the splendid ruins of Earth, Adelice discovers how dangerous freedom can be. Hunted by soulless Remnants sent by Cormac Patton and the Guild, Adelice finds a world that’s far from deserted. Although allies are easy to find on Earth, knowing who to trust isn’t. Because everyone has secrets, especially those Adelice loves most. Secrets they would kill to protect. Secrets that will redefine each of them. Torn between two brothers and two worlds, Adelice must choose what to fight for.

In this thrilling sequel to Crewel, Adelice is about to learn how tangled up her past and future really are. Her parents ran to protect her, but nothing can save her from her destiny, and once she uncovers the truth, it will change everything.

My Thoughts: Another cool novel by this author! I enjoyed the first one and I enjoyed this one.

We are back with Adelice and her two boys Jost and Erik. Both boys are so yummy! They are on the run together. Remnants and Cormac (is that his name?) are after them. They escape Arras and end up on Earth. Not long after arriving they meet a guy named Dante. I really liked this new character. He was nice yet brave but also very protective of Adelice. He cared about her. Didn’t want to see anything bad happen to her.

Adelice and the boys spend most of the book trying to please the new guy in charge. Instead of having to deal with Cormac they know have to deal with Kincaid. Ick. He’s just as bad but tends to hide it better. He comes off as nice but in reality he’s a jerk too.

I don’t know what to say about this one. It was completely different than Crewel but not in bad way. It focused more on what was going on instead of the spinsters. Time also moves differently on Earth. Adelice wants to get her sister back while Jost wants to get his daughter. Everyone has an agenda it seems, a goal, a mission.

And the love triangle, wow! I don’t know who I like more. Jost and Erik are both so darn hot and irresistible. They are both such great guys! They are so different but each one of them cares deeply about Adelice.

It also seems like all the characters have changed, for the better. They have gotten stronger, smarter, and braver.

I liked what was going on in this one, I loved the characters and their blossoming relationships. I liked where things are going but of course we get another major cliffhanger! After reading this, I just want the next one; plain and simple!

Overall: I can’t wait to see more of Jost and Erik! I need them in my life right now. I want to see what is going to happen. And I like her with both boys! Oh no! I really loved this one and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Cover: I like it! The girl looks tough! Totally reminds me of her! 

What I'd Give It:

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