Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Release Date: December 31, 2012
Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Age Group: Adult
Pages: 369
Summary: Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.
What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.
Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.
What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time.
My Thoughts: The reason I love Goodreads is that I find new books that I would have never found otherwise. I saw this pop up on my feed and someone raved about it, so I had to find out more. I went to the summary and it sounded like an interesting read so I had to pick it up.
We are introduced to Lou who has just been let go at her job. She still lives at home with her family and she needs a job to earn money. She ends up working a job for a man who is paralyzed from a little above the stomach down. His name is Will. Before his accident, he was a really active person and happy. He had everything going on. Now he’s confined to the live he has to live now. He isn’t happy. And he makes everyone else miserable too. When Lou starts the job, she doesn’t know if she can do it, care for him.
But Lou doesn’t give up. She strives on and tries to deal with everything the best she can. What choice does she really have? Lou and Will. Loved them. They talk. They get to know one another. They annoy each other, they irritate each other. But they also make eachother laugh.
I seen so many sides of Will. I fell for him. I wanted and needed him to be happy. I loved Lou as a character. I also loved all the side characters and what they added to the mix.
I loved this book, even though it was heartbreaking at times. I felt tears running down my face. But I also laughed during it. This was probably one of the best books I’ve read so far in 2013.
I don’t read too many Adult books anymore. I tend to read more Young Adult. But this one= wow!
A unique heartbreaking story. I recommend it to everyone. Please add this to your To Be Read Pile now!
Overall: Great!!! I don’t even know how to describe this. I just want all my friends to read it and talk about it with me. I want to hear and know their thoughts. Amazing characters and an amazing story.
Cover: Like it. It’s plain yet appealing enough to make you wonder what it is about.
What I’d Give It:

Wasteland by Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan
Release Date: March 26, 2013
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 352
Summary:Welcome to the Wasteland. Where all the adults are long gone, and now no one lives past the age of nineteen. Susan Kim and Laurence Klavan’s post-apocalyptic debut is the first of a trilogy in which everyone is forced to live under the looming threat of rampant disease and brutal attacks by the Variants—hermaphroditic outcasts that live on the outskirts of Prin. Esther thinks there’s more to life than toiling at harvesting, gleaning, and excavating, day after day under the relentless sun, just hoping to make it to the next day. But then Caleb, a mysterious stranger, arrives in town, and Esther begins to question who she can trust. As shady pasts unravel into the present and new romances develop, Caleb and Esther realize that they must team together to fight for their lives and for the freedom of Prin.
My Thoughts: I wasn’t real sure when I started this one. I wasn’t sure I would like it or hate it, I’ve heard numerous things about it. It was just okay in my opinion. I did finish it, and it did have some good parts to it.
We are introduced to Esther who has an older sister named Sarah. They live in the town of Prim. In this setting, there are no real adults. Everyone dies before they get too old. Some people (who are considered normal people) live inside the town while others called Variants live outside of town. Most people are actually scared of the Variants, but Esther’s best friend is one, and she’s not scared at all. She sometimes thinks they are misunderstood though.
Esther is enthralled with a new stranger who comes to town, his name is Caleb. He is looking for his son who was stolen. He was a very likable character to me.
The Variants start to attack the town and everyone is doing what they can to try to save it, and keep the piece but things are hectic. They don’t have many supplies and its hard for everyone.
Then there is Levi, who is basically in charge of everything. If you need something, you go to Levi. Yet he has his own goals.
Some of the characters were pretty creative, the plot was a weird one but interesting enough.
Wasteland wasn’t near as bad as the things I heard. It was just okay in my opinion. There was a bit of romance but it felt kind of rushed to me.
Overall: I did finish it, and am glad I read it for the debut challenge this year. It wasn't one of my favorites but I will continue on with the series as they come out. I can see where others will probably like this one more than me. Probably more of a 3.5 cupcake rating.
Cover: Like it. Like how the girl is just standing there!
What I’d Give It:

Kiss Me Kill Me (Scarlett Wakefield #1) by Lauren Henderson
Release Date: January 8, 2008
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 272
Summary: When 16-year-old Scarlett Wakefield transfers from St. Tabby’s to Wakefield Hall Collegiate, she is relieved that no one knows her dark, haunting secret. A few months ago, Scarlett was invited to an elite party with a guest list full of the hottest names in British society, including Dan McAndrew. Before the party, Scarlett had only imagined what it would be like to have her first kiss with Dan, but on the penthouse terrace, Dan leaned in close and she no longer had to wonder. Their kiss was beautiful and perfect and magical, and then . . . Dan McAndrew took his last breath as she held him in her arms. No one knows how or why Dan died, and everyone at St. Tabby’s believes Scarlett had something to do with it. But now that she’s safely hidden away at Wakefield Hall, Scarlett would rather forget that it ever happened. Only she can’t. Especially when she receives an anonymous note that will set her on the path to clearing her name and finding out what really happened to the first and last boy she kissed.
My Thoughts: Another series I’m really late to read. We are introduced to Scarlett who isn’t exactly popular but when she gets an offer to a popular party, she’s so excited to go! She also has a crush on a boy named Dan who is also from the popular crowd.
She’s been admiring him from afar for a while so when he shows interest in her, she can’t be more excited.
But things don’t go as planned and she ends up killing him, kinda. Wow, that was crazy! The whole thing was crazy. She was kind of naive though. She dropped her friends and everything blew up!
As this is the first book in the series, I just felt like it was ok. I wasn’t eagerly excited after reading it but I will continue the story. It was another one of those “just ok” books for me. I do want to finish the rest and see what happens though.
Overall: Just ok. Am hoping to enjoy the rest of the series more. This was a very fast read for me though.
Cover: I like how she is kissing him. Its a sweet cover.

Enchanted by Alethea Kontis
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Publisher: Harcourt Childrens Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 320
Summary: It isn't easy being the rather overlooked and unhappy youngest sibling to sisters named for the other six days of the week. Sunday’s only comfort is writing stories, although what she writes has a terrible tendency to come true.
When Sunday meets an enchanted frog who asks about her stories, the two become friends. Soon that friendship deepens into something magical. One night Sunday kisses her frog goodbye and leaves, not realizing that her love has transformed him back into Rumbold, the crown prince of Arilland—and a man Sunday’s family despises.
The prince returns to his castle, intent on making Sunday fall in love with him as the man he is, not the frog he was. But Sunday is not so easy to woo. How can she feel such a strange, strong attraction for this prince she barely knows? And what twisted secrets lie hidden in his past - and hers?
My Thoughts: I was somewhat excited for this one. It sounded really romantic and something I could get into.
We are introduced to Sunday who comes from a big family. She has a lot of people in her family and they all have unique things about each of them.
One day she meets a frog. She tells him her stories and continues to see him. Until he isn’t there anymore.
Come to find out the frog was under a curse or enchantment and he finally turned back into a human after she fell in love with him.
I liked this one, kinda. Yep, it was unique but I just didn’t find myself that attracted to the Prince or even like most of the characters. I just had a hard time connecting with the whole thing.
I think if you're a fan of fairy tales, you’ll probably enjoy this a lot more than me. It seemed more middle grade than young adult really.
Overall: I just didn’t really connect to the story or the characters. I did finish it though, just wasn’t one of my favorites of the year. Probably more of a 3.5 rating than a 3.
Cover: I like it. Like her dress.
What I'd Give It:

Pretty Girl-13 by Liz Coley
Release Date: March 19, 2013
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 352
Summary: Reminiscent of the Elizabeth Smart case, Pretty Girl-13 is a disturbing and powerful psychological mystery about a girl who must piece together the story of her kidnapping and captivity.
Angie Chapman was thirteen years old when she ventured into the woods alone on a Girl Scouts camping trip. Now she's returned home…only to find that it's three years later and she's sixteen-or at least that's what everyone tells her.
What happened to the past three years of her life?
Angie doesn't know.
But there are people who do-people who could tell Angie every detail of her forgotten time, if only they weren't locked inside her mind. With a tremendous amount of courage, Angie embarks on a journey to discover the fragments of her personality, otherwise known as her "alters." As she unearths more and more about her past, she discovers a terrifying secret and must decide: When you remember things you wish you could forget, do you destroy the parts of yourself that are responsible?
Liz Coley's alarming and fascinating psychological mystery is a disturbing-and ultimately empowering-page-turner about accepting our whole selves, and the healing power of courage, hope, and love.
My Thoughts: This one sounded really interesting, it did. I thought it would be quite the mystery novel. But it just wasn't really for me.
Pretty Girl-13 starts off with Angie wandering off into the woods to go pee and she ends up getting kidnapped, for three whole years. She ends up making her way back home after three years, back to her family who has been searching for her since.
She can’t remember much of her time away. It’s like a blank slate. She remembers wandering away from camp and that's about it.
Her parents end up taking her to see a counselor and the mystery unfolds. Come to find out, she has DDD ( dissociative identity disorder) and has many different people inside her.
I just couldn't grasp this. I understood it, and understood how it worked, but I just didn't want to know.
I was happy to see Angie uncover the truth but this story just didn't keep me interested or make me want to know what was going to happen next. It was traumatic in some ways but also not the right story for me. It sucks what she had to go through.
This one is about healing and the effect things can have on the human body.
I liked Angie enough as a character but I just didn't fall in love with the story line (duh I don’t think we’re supposed too) but I also didn't want to finish reading it, even though I did.
All in all, this just wasn't the right novel for me. If you like mystery novels or novels about things that can happen in real life, you’ll probably enjoy this one.
Overall: It was just okay. Not really the novel for me but that is ok. I can’t fall in love with everything I read. This one has gotten some great reviews so I know people do really enjoy it! It’s also part of the 2013 debut challenge!
Cover: Its spooky and will catch your eye in a bookstore.

Reasons I Fell For The Funny Fat Friend by Becca Ann
Release Date: January 7, 2013
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 328
Summary: It’s stupid to fall for your brother’s ex. It’s even worse to enlist another’s help to win the ex over. But Brody is desperate and Hayley, his partner in American Sign Language, is more than willing to lend him a few tips.
She’s the school’s matchmaker,’ and with her bizarre and positive personality, Brody finds her easy to talk to, even about the most awkward situations. Hayley’s tips seem to be working, but as Brody learns more about his matchmaker, he starts finding reasons to spend time with her, and not the girl he thought he was in love with.
But Hayley isn’t ready to fall for anyone. Labeled the “Funny Fat Friend” within her group, her self image makes it impossible for Brody to share his feelings without Hayley shrugging it off as a joke.
Convincing her Brody can, and did, fall for the “Funny Fat Friend” turns out to be harder than simply falling in love.
My Thoughts: These kind of books are always a hit or miss with me. Reading a book that hasn't gotten much recognition is always a risk. You might like it, you might not.
We are introduced to Brody who has been crushing on his brothers ex for a long time. His brother really messed up with her bad and Brody would love to pick up those pieces and heal her heart.
Until he gets to know another girl named Hayley. A girl who has offered to help him win her.
Yep, that is right. This is told from the male perspective, which is another thing I have a problem with usually. I liked Brody. He had a nice sense of humor and was sweet at times. I also liked Hayley. She called herself the funny fat friend. She was so sweet and I’m so happy that Brody liked her.
Brody and Hayley get to know one another, and all throughout the story she thinks she isn’t good enough for him. She isn’t up to his “level.” But Brody thinks the opposite. He thinks she’s an awesome cool girl. I liked the characters getting to know each other. I liked the way they talked and hung out. And I liked that the characters could see past the person’s looks. But who cares if she was a little overweight, that is totally cool and fine. I’m just glad Brody wasn't a jerk!
I liked this one. It was a fun fast read. I’d rate this probably more of a 3.5 though. I didn’t fall in love with it but I liked it enough and thought it was cute.
Overall: Very cute read.
Cover: Like it. Love how they are laying there chillen.
What I’d Give It:

Lovely, Dark and Deep by Amy McNamara
Release Date: October 16, 2013
Publisher: Simon And Schuster Books For Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 352
Summary: A resonant debut novel about retreating from the world after losing everything—and the connections that force you to rejoin it.
Since the night of the crash, Wren Wells has been running away. Though she lived through the accident that killed her boyfriend Patrick, the girl she used to be didn’t survive. Instead of heading off to college as planned, Wren retreats to her father’s studio in the far-north woods of Maine. Somewhere she can be alone.
Then she meets Cal Owen. Dealing with his own troubles, Cal’s hiding out too. When the chemistry between them threatens to pull Wren from her hard-won isolation, Wren has to choose: risk opening her broken heart to the world again, or join the ghosts who haunt her.
My Thoughts: Well, I’m not sure why I didn’t think to read this debut in 2012 but I am finally getting to it in February 2013.
We are introduced to Wren who has just finished high school. She is supposed to start college but she doesn’t want to go. She doesn’t want to do anything. Her life is over in her mind. She doesn’t deserve to do anything. She deserves what she gets.
She lost her boyfriend in a car accident. She survived and she feels hopeless. She is staying with her father out in the woods. Its peaceful, she doesn’t have to deal with anyone. It’s quiet, it's everything she wants. Until one day when she almost gets ran over while out riding her bike. Out jumps a boy only a few years older than her. His name is Cal and he isn’t perfect either. He is dealing with his own set of problems. Of course she wants nothing to do with him either.
But she gets stuck helping him out because of her dad. She’s going to over a few days a week and do things around the house for him and give him rides. This opens up a whole new perspective for Wren.
As Wren and Cal get to know each other, we get more of their back stories. We learn what really happened to Wren and more about how she is feeling and coping.
I liked this one. And I liked Cal.. alot. This story was kind of long though. I think it could have been a little shorter and still been fine.
I liked where things went and I’m happy with the way things ended. I’m glad Wren realized things and decided to move on. She needed too. She had too.
This debut was pretty nice. It’s about loss and grief and how things intertwined with other people.
Overall: Liked it alot. The characters were believable. And I liked the setting. I really felt like I was out in the woods running with Wren. I felt the coldness and how the house and woods were portrayed.
Cover: Like it. It looks snowy and kind of dark. I think it fits.
What I’d Give It:

The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines
Release Date: October 20, 2012
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 288
Summary: Get seduced by a sizzling account of attraction and betrayal in this previously self-published phenomenon.There was something wicked about Beau that drew me to him. What was wrong with me? Why did I want to sin so badly?
Ashton is getting tired of being good, of impressing her parents and playing ideal girlfriend to Sawyer Vincent. Sawyer is perfect, a regular Prince Charming, but when he leaves town for the summer, it’s his cousin Beau who catches Ashton’s eye. Beau is the sexiest guy she’s ever seen, and even though he’s dangerous, Ashton is drawn to him.
Beau loves his cousin like a brother, so the last thing he wants to do is make a move on Sawyer’s girl. Ashton is off-limits, absolutely. That’s why he does his best to keep his distance, even though he’s been in love with her forever. When Ashton wants to rekindle their childhood friendship in Sawyer’s absence, Beau knows he should say no.
Ashton and Beau don’t want to hurt Sawyer. But the more they try to stay away from each other, the more intense their urges become. It’s getting way too hard to resist...
My Thoughts: I honestly didn’t know what I would think of this when I read the summary but I wanted to read it anyway.
As I started it, I still wasn’t too sure. I used to really like books that were “sexy” but anymore I mostly just like them with a hint of romance, more like sappy innocent romance I guess. And this one did get kind of graphic for young adult. But surprisingly I enjoyed it!
We are introduced to Ashton who is the girl who always hung out with the Vincent Boys. Beau and Sawyer were very tasty! I have a hard time figuring out who I want! But in the end, I think its Beau for me.
Well Ashton is dating Sawyer but he’s away for the summer and she ends up spending a lot of time with his cousin Beau. All three of them hung out constantly as kids. Beau and Ashton would get into trouble and Sawyer would get them out.
Ashton spends a lot of time with Beau and finds herself rekindling their friendship and then some. Beau has his own girlfriend though. But, Sawyer gets back and so many secrets are revealed and Ash is kind of just stuck.
This was full of romance, sweet times and funny times. I couldn’t get enough. Things aren’t perfect and Beau sees the real Ash. It’s complicated, complex, and things aren’t really what they seem.
This is another one of those you're either gonna hate or love and I was very hesitant but will I be reading the next in this series? Yep! And I picked up another one of Glines books as well. I can’t wait to see if I like them or... not?
Overall: I ended up really liking it! All the characters are very likable and the plot is entertaining enough.
Cover: Uh, guy with his shirt off? Um yes please. LOL. I like the cover though, its cute.
What I’d Give It:

Requiem by Lauren Oliver
Release Date: March 5, 2012
Publisher: HarperCollins
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 400
Summary: Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.
After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven—pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fiancée of the young mayor. Requiem is told from both Lena’s and Hana’s points of view. The two girls live side by side in a world that divides them until, at last, their stories converge.
My Thoughts: I really enjoyed reading Requiem but not quite as much as the other two. We are back with Lena and her crew out in the Wilds. And half the book is spent on Hana's point of view. Yes, folks it switches back and forth between viewpoints.
Alex and Julian are both in the picture and Lena has some tough choices and roads ahead of her. I liked seeing both boys in the story but I felt like there just wasn't enough romance. It wasn't as love trianglely as I thought it would be, which I'm sure some will like but I wanted more chemistry and more romance.
I really liked Hana's point of view. I liked exploring her mind and what she was thinking. She wasn't perfect and she had a lot of negative thoughts and she wasn't as tame as her husband thought. Go Hana!
I liked exploring the Wilds but at times I wanted to know more. I felt like I really was in the woods with Lena but sometimes it was hard to actually identify where they were and I wanted to know and understand more of "where" they were. And than people out to kill them, ouch, they always had to be on the lookout. They could never let their guard down, even for a minute.
I liked all the side characters just like in the other books. We get to see more of their personalities and who they really were. Throw in some new competition for Lena, and things can go haywire alright.
And she runs into the person she thought she wouldn't, her mother. Now, that was interesting.
As for the plot. Liked it. They just want freedom, to be able to make their own choices, to be able to love.
As for Julian and Alex, gosh, I like both boys. Can Lena just be with them both? I know, I know, she can't.
I don't want to say much more, because I don't want to give anything away. You need to experience this one by yourself since you've already read the first two and are probably anxiously wanting this one! So, go read it now and decide your own opinions!
Overall: Liked it alot. Probably more of a 4.5 but I'm giving it a 5 anyway. I loved Oliver's others and I'm sure I'll love the next one. Love the style of writing and the way she writes characters.
Cover: Like it! I think I like it a little less than the others though but its still cool.
What I'd Give It:

Unremembered by Jessica Brody
Release Date: March 5, 2012
Publisher: Farrar Straus and Giroux
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 320
Summary: The only thing worse than forgetting her past... is remembering it.
When Freedom Airlines flight 121 went down over the Pacific Ocean, no one ever expected to find survivors. Which is why the sixteen-year-old girl discovered floating among the wreckage—alive—is making headlines across the globe.
Even more strange is that her body is miraculously unharmed and she has no memories of boarding the plane. She has no memories of her life before the crash. She has no memories period. No one knows how she survived. No one knows why she wasn’t on the passenger manifest. And no one can explain why her DNA and fingerprints can’t be found in a single database in the world.
Crippled by a world she doesn't know, plagued by abilities she doesn't understand, and haunted by a looming threat she can’t remember, Seraphina struggles to piece together her forgotten past and discover who she really is. But with every clue only comes more questions. And she’s running out of time to answer them.
Her only hope is a strangely alluring boy who claims to know her from before the crash. Who claims they were in love. But can she really trust him? And will he be able to protect her from the people who have been making her forget?
From popular young adult author, Jessica Brody comes a mesmerizing and suspenseful new series, set in a world where science knows no boundaries, memories are manipulated, and true love can never be forgotten.
My Thoughts: I might be the only person who didn't love this book. I adore Jessica Brody but I just didn't like this one as much as I hoped. I did finish it and liked it enough to keep reading, but it just wasn't one of my favorites of the year. Maybe I’m the minority here.
We are introduced to Sera aka Violet who is found among the wreckage of a plane crash. She is the only survivor. She wakes up in a hospital and has no clue who she is. Her memory is gone, blank, she doesn't have a single memory at first.
She gets put into foster care with a pretty neat family. I especially liked the brother. She also meets a boy named Zen from her past. He tries to explain a lot of things to her, but at first she doesn't believe him.
Sera comes from a pretty weird background. Exploring her past with her was a fun thrill ride for me, but I just didn't feel connected to the story or the characters very well. This was maybe too scifi-ish for me. I’m not sure. I just didn't love the plot and the way things went.
I did like the romance aspect of the book though. Zen was a pretty intriguing guy, and I wanted to know more about him.
Unremembered was just alright for me. Will I read the next in the series? I’m sure I will. I’ll give it another chance and hopefully next time it will be more than 3 cupcakes!
Overall: I can see where some people will love this one! It just wasn't the “right” book for me! Maybe my reading mood, wasn't in the mood for sci-fi, I'm not really sure. Probably more of a 3.5 cupcake rating for me!
Cover: I do like the cover! Its pretty imaginative!
What I'd Give It:

Dualed by Elsie Chapman
Release Date: February 26, 2013
Publisher: Random House Books For Young Readers
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 304
Summary: You or your Alt? Only one will survive.
The city of Kersh is a safe haven, but the price of safety is high. Everyone has a genetic Alternate—a twin raised by another family—and citizens must prove their worth by eliminating their Alts before their twentieth birthday. Survival means advanced schooling, a good job, marriage—life.
Fifteen-year-old West Grayer has trained as a fighter, preparing for the day when her assignment arrives and she will have one month to hunt down and kill her Alt. But then a tragic misstep shakes West’s confidence. Stricken with grief and guilt, she’s no longer certain that she’s the best version of herself, the version worthy of a future. If she is to have any chance of winning, she must stop running not only from her Alt, but also from love . . . though both have the power to destroy her.
Elsie Chapman's suspenseful YA debut weaves unexpected romance into a novel full of fast-paced action and thought-provoking philosophy. When the story ends, discussions will begin about this future society where every adult is a murderer and every child knows there is another out there who just might be better.
My Thoughts: I loved the premise of this one, I really did. But I never really connected with it on a deeper level. I think that was the problem. We are introduced to West (yes, its a girl) who lives in a world where you have to fight, fight, fight. By the age of 20, you get assigned to kill your alt. Your alt is the person who was created at the same time as you and in this society only one of you shall live.
West has already lost most of her family at the beginning of the story. She only has her brother left and his best friend. West makes a lot of decisions, and I don’t really know if they are the right ones.
A fight to the death? Only one of you will live? This sounded awesome, it did. But I just didn't feel the chemistry between the characters and I felt like the whole book was just chasing or being chased by the alt. I didn't really feel like there was much suspense or character development. And I just couldn't connect to West very well.
I loved the premise of this, and maybe the next will rock my socks off. But I just didn’t really feel this one too much. I felt like not enough happened. I do read a lot of dystopians though and that may be the problem. They have to hold my attention to the extreme to keep me interested.
As a fan of The Hunger Games, its hard for me to read these kinds of novels and not compare them a little bit. That is probably why none of them spark my interest quite as much. It did have an interesting premise, so I will read the next in the series. This one was just ok for me though. I didn't love it like I had hoped while opening that first page.
Overall: It was just ok for me. I didn't really connect to it, and that is ok. I’m not going to be giddy at every book I read. It was ok though, and I will pick up the next one when it comes out. Maybe even a 3.5 cupcake rating, instead of a 3 rating flat. Give this one a try as part of your 2013 debut challenge and see what you think.
Cover: Like it. Love how we see her shadows and the weapons she is carrying.
What I’d Give It: