Tuesday, January 22

Me And Timothy Cooper by Suzanne Williams

Me And Timothy Cooper by Suzanne Williams
Release Date: December 14, 2012
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services (Sold By)
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 254 KB

Summary:  Seventeen-year-old Taylor Lawton has a crush on Timothy Cooper, a boy at her school, and as crushes go, things are normal. He ignores her. She doesn’t speak to him. Until their English teacher, Mrs. Walker puts them on a project together.

A turn of fate then throws them both for a loop. For an entire week, they will stay beneath the same roof. Will this be too much togetherness? What will Taylor do with Timothy’s painful secret?

A light novella with a touching storyline, this tale is enjoyable for both young adults and grown-ups alike.

My Thoughts: Boy, was this really short! I read the summary and I thought this could be great. It seems like my kind of story. But it also said novella, so I wondered, how short?

It was fairly short and the story did move really fast too.

We are introduced to Taylor who lives with her parents who never seem to be home. She stays on her own a lot with her grandma checking in on her. She also attends high school and she has a crush on a boy named Timothy Cooper. She thinks he doesn't know she exists until one day he talks to her for a school project. On that same day, she hurts her ankle, and Timothy picks her up on the side of the road, and he offers her a ride home. She ends up going to his house where his mom who is a nurse insists she stays there.

She ends up staying there a while and the two of them get closer and their feelings develop.

This was just okay for me. By the end of the week he was telling her he loved her. Just too fast for me!  Yes, it was a novella so there wasn't a whole lot of depth.  AND, even though it was so short, there was a little bit of religion in it which will turn some people off. I wasn't bugged by it, but him telling her he loved her so quick, I just didn't like!

Overall: This one was just okay in my opinion. It was a fast read so there is that.  If you're looking for a fast story to read, this might be for you! I hope a few more people do read is, so I can read some other reviews!

Cover: Love the cover ! It’s so darn cute it is what made me first notice the book. So cute!

What I’d Give It:


Archaznable said...

Hmm only 3 cupcakes for this book intriguing


Dana Pratola said...

I read it and loved it. I gathered early on that Timothy had had a crush on her for a while, so the short time span didn't bother me. Sometimes it's a short fall from crush to love, lol. I thought the religious thing was great. It's refreshing to see kids who believe in true love beyond what they learn on "reality" TV. Kudos, Suzanne!


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