Wednesday, April 18

The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova And Giveaway

The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 384

When an unnatural riptide sweeps lifeguard Tristan Hart out to sea for three days and then dumps him back on the shore of Coney Island, it’s the start of the Sea Court claiming its own. Suddenly, Tristan’s girlfriend dramas and swimming championship seem like distant worries as he discovers the truth: he’s a Merman. Now Tristan must fight for his life, the lives of his friends, and his humanity (if he still wants it), while competing in a race for a throne as ancient as the gods.

Seductive, duplicitous, and with an agenda of their own, these are not the mermaids you know.

My Thoughts: Mermaids? A boy named Tristan? Uh, yes please.

We are introduced to Tristan Hart, who has spent his lifetime on land with his family and his best friend Layla.  Tristan is a bit of a lady’s man and is popular.

Tristan is out on the beach one day, when a storm hits. He wakes up a few days later and can’t remember anything that has happened. He also loses his legs and grows a fin. Weird, right? He finds out later from his mom that he is part mermaid, or merfolk. This is just the beginning of his identity struggle and how powerful his family really is. They aren’t just any mermaids and he has a bigger role to play in the worlds.

We also get to see Tristan and Layla’s relationship. They make such good best friends, even though they also have some feelings for one another. Tristan has a long journey ahead of him with a lot of great allies.

I liked that the Vicious Deep was from a male point of view. I don’t read too many books like this, because at times when I do, I generally do not relate to them as much as girl points of view. But, The Vicious Deep was an easy read and I felt like I really got inside Tristan’s head.

The mythology also rocked. Most of it made sense, and I totally understood it.

The Vicious Deep was an enjoyable debut and I loved laughing along with Tristan and going on his journey with him on how to really become a mermaid and learn to accept it.

Overall: I really liked The Vicious Deep. I even loved it at parts. I’m excited to read the next in the series. All in all, I’m glad I read this lovely debut.

Cover: I really like the cover. I think it is appealing and I like the colors, especially the green.

What I'd Give It:





KMichelleC87 said...

my favorite would have to be sleeping with the fishes by mary janice davidson


Christina said...

Favorite mermaid book: I haven't read too many yet, actually. I liked Siren by Tricia Rayburn, which is about Sirens, but, honestly, I have a lot of trouble figuring out if that's different.

On a completely different mermaid level, I really liked The Republic of Love by Carol Shields. It's not a paranormal; it's literary women's fiction. However, the main character is an academic studying the myth of mermaids, so the lore is throughout the book. It's so incredibly beautifully written!

cynicalsapphire at gmail dot com

samantha35 said...

Favorite mermaid book was Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs

great giveaway
follow via gfc

Jennie said...

I loved Ripple by Mandy Hubbard. It was such an enjoyable and unique read. :)


Valia Lind said...

Right now, my favorite one is Lies Beneath...I adore Anne's take on mermaids!!! ;-)


Vivien said...

My favorite book is Fins are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs.
Thanks again!
GFC: Vivien

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

tetewa said...

I also enjoyed Sleeping With the Fishes!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I haven't had a chance to read any mermaid books, but I'd have to say that the one I'm most looking forward to reader are the Fins series by Tera Lynn Childs!

Ren @ All By Myshelf said...

I've only read two mermaid books, but Forgive My Fins is definitely my favorite. It's hilarious and awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

ren.myshelf [at] gmail [dot] com

Teril said...

Aquamarine and then you totally have to watch the movie while eating swedish fish and gummy worms.

terilhack at yahoo dot com

Kaya H said...

Emily Windsnap has been the book of choice for night reading in our house, so I am loving this series right now.

kasuranna at yahoo dot com

Asura C@Bookittome said...

Just finished Tempest Rising and loved it.

bookittome at gmail dot com

ansindt said...

I love Of Poseidon by Anna Banks=)

TayteH said...

hmm....favorie mermaid book would have to be Forgive My Fins by Terra Lynn Child. :D I Loved it.

thank you

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any mermaid books yet but I like to read Ripple, Forgive my Fins, etc. I seen several out that I want to read. I love the Little Mermaid. Please enter me in contest.

Proserpine said...

Hi! Except for the Little Mermaid, I have not read other books about mermaids, but I have on my eReader a copy of Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper and I'm looking forward to start it! Thanks for this chance!

Proserpine @ Proserpine Craving Books


Belle said...

What a gorgeous cover and tantalizing blurb! I long to read this book...I feel it calling my name!
I must admit that I have not read a mermaid book as of yet, but the one I'm most looking forward to reading is "The Vicious Deep"!

bellewhittington (at) hotmail (dot) com

Sandy said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! I pretty much loved everything about it :) (oh, and this isn't an entry--I just wanted to comment on the review (which was great, btw)).

Kimberleigh said...

I loved Everblue by Brenda Pandos, which unfortunantly isn't very popular, but it was definently one of the best mermaids books I've read. :)

Mare/TommyGirl said...
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Mare/TommyGirl said...

I enjoyed Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs. I still need to read the sequel.

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anjelica said...

I'm really looking forward to reading Of Posideon.

Thanks for the awesome giveaway you can reach me through my goodreads profile:

MistressMoon said...

Well,I'm usually not really into mermaid books,but Tera Lynn Childs Fin series is just awesome! Now I really need the third one! And I'm hoping A Vicious Deep is just as awesome!

Sara M said...

My favorite mermaid novel is Between the Sea and Sky by Jaclyn Dolamore. I haven't read many mermaid novels. I have Siren by Tricia Rayburn and Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs on my TBR pile and have heard many great things about them.

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Lisa B. said...

I've been hearing great things about Of Poseidon. I can't wait for that. Plus Sea was really good.

angel28140 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I recently read The Mers and it was really good. I havent read too many mermaid books though.


Sierra said...

My favorite mermaid book is Fins are Forever.


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