Tuesday, January 3

Flyaway by Helen Landalf

Flyaway by Helen Landalf
Release Date: December 20, 2011
Publisher: Harcourt Childrens Books
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 176

 Summary: Fifteen-year-old Stevie Calhoun is used to taking care of herself. But one night, her mom, who works as an exotic dancer in a downtown Seattle nightclub, never comes home.

That’s the night Stevie’s life turns upside down.

It’s the night that kicks off an extraordinary summer: the summer Stevie has to stay with her annoyingly perfect Aunt Mindy; the summer she learns to care for injured and abandoned birds; the summer she gets to know Alan, the meanest guy in high school.

But most of all, it’s the summer she finds out the truth about Mom.

FLYAWAY is the story of a teen girl’s struggle to hold on to what she’s always believed, even as her world spins out of control.

My Thoughts: Flyaway was unique but I had a hard time getting into it. We are introduced to Stevie who has had a rough life. She is only 15 years old. Her mom disappeared a few days ago and she doesn't know where she went.  She ends up going to live with her aunt for the time being. She also meets a boy named Alan who used to go to her school. She also starts volunteering at an animal clinic. We also find out where her mom went and why she runs away all the time.

I'm not going to say anything else about the plot. Flyaway was an ok book. It wasn't that deep and you can tell it was meant for a younger audience. It is labeled for young adult but to me it seemed more like it was meant for an even younger audience. Maybe 11-12 year olds. Even though there was sex/drugs throughout the novel it was never really detailed very much or that graphic.

Overall: It was just okay. I had a hard time getting into this even though it was under 200 pages.

Cover: I love the colors on this cover. It fits!

What I'd Give It:


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

It sounds as though this book might be a little bit haphazard. I don't think I will check this one out.

Unknown said...

I agree the colors work nicely together.

Vivien said...

I just won a copy of this. I do think it'll probably suffer from being too short. Under 200 pages usually doesn't pack a punch.

Anonymous said...

And the synopsis makes it sound so good! I may still check this one out. It is a short enough read that if it doesn't turn out great, then I haven't wasted too much time either. I love the cover though! The colors are really cute.

Sophia said...

I'm sorry you didn't really get into this book. :( The cover looks really interesting, though! I think I'll skip this one.

ansindt said...

Thanks for the review. I am not sure if I want to read it tho.

Maji Bookshelf said...

oh no, i really hate it when small books are hard to get into and you are only truly into the book more than halfway in. That's not fun for me, and reading is fun.

too bad you didn't like it, the synopsis sounds ok, a bit repetitive though

- juhina

Unknown said...

Those are my favorite colors! I am still a little skeptical about this, but I would love to give it a try.

Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

Thank you for your honest review. I'm thinking this book is probably not for me. I don't see myself being very interested or pulled into the plot.


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