Monday, January 2

Big Box Of Books Contest

So, I have a lot of books to get rid of so thought I'd have a contest! Whoahooo!!!

I also have a crapload of reviews scheduled for the next 2 months I want to get them all posted, and be caught up. If I look at my posting schedule, I read too many books in 2011 to just keep posting one a day for the next 2 months so I want to clear out my schedule a little bit and just post a bunch a day. So, that is what I'm doing!

For every comment you leave during now and March 1 on new posts, you will be entered to win the box of books!!! One lucky winner will win all of them!!! 

-You do not need to leave your email in each comment! Just comment, and I will announce the winner and you'll have 48 hours to respond!

Ready Set Go! Let the reviews begin! 


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I wish I had that problem. I'm sooo behind on posting and reviewing and my TBR pile is HUGE!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, can't wait. One question. . . should we leave our email addy's in the comment as well whenever we post one to be entered?

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

I'm so far behind on my reviews it amazes me how many posts/reviews others can put up.

Hope you're having an awesome new years.

Kim said...

I need to catch up on my reviews as well. This is a great idea for a contest though!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

I need to catch up on that too. Great contest

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great contest!

Orchid said...

Cool giveaway! Looking forward to seeing what books uou'll be posting reviews for, as well as what you thought about them.

Linda Kish said...

How did you read 2 books yesterday? You must read like a madwoman. I plod along at a snail's pace.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Arianne said...

Happy New Year :) I just scheduled until January 6 yesterday so I'm covered with posting. I felt so accomplished :)

Alexa said...

Lol you have quite a problem that I wish we all had. I don't think it is possible to have read too many books last year!

Thanks for the great contest though :)

Unknown said...

Books the love of my ♥!

Cindy said...

haha I know! I've been reading a lot over the past 2 days! I finished my 3rd book today. hehehe

Anonymous said...

I just finally caught up on all of my reviews. One of my goals for 2012 is to write them as I read them!

Jessy said...

Sounds like a great idea!

M.A.D. said...

Ugh, I'm also behind on reviews! Mantra for 2012 - Get Caught Up :)

Maybe if I just *tamed* my addiction for new books ... like that's gonna happen lol

Thanks for the super duper giveaway, I'd DROOL to win an entire boxful of bookage :D

Sophia said...

Whoa! You must be a super speedy reader. Posting several reviews a day? I can't even post one review daily! Haha, way to go, Cindy!

Valia Lind said...

Thats a super awesome idea!!!

ansindt said...

I need some new books to read=) I will be happy to take them off your hands!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

What a smart system. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Cass said...

I have 10+ books to review. Not just post on the blog, but actually WRITE! My memory is shocking so I don't even know what I was thinking when I decided to keep holding off on writing them all. These pieces won't fit together in my brain!!! >_<

Awesome giveaway idea! :)

Sandra Stiles said...

I know how it feels to get behind, as you can see from this post. This is the first opportunity since school started back to check my feed reader. Great contest.

bn100 said...

Thanks for the giveaway.



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