Sunday, October 16

Win Unlocked---CLOSED

Summary:  Andy is the janitor's son, an outcast, a nobody. Then the rumor starts-that Blake has a gun in his locker. In a moment of misguided hopefulness, Andy steals the keys from his dad and opens up Blake's locker, hoping that finding the gun will change his own status. But the gun isn't there and Andy remains an outcast. When an unlikely friendship develops between the two loners, Blake shares most of his secrets with Andy, including the gun. But there's one secret that worries Andy more than anything-the date circled on Blake's calendar. Does Blake have something planned? Something that Andy can prevent? In a fascinating look at how teens deal with the now constant threat of school violence, debut author Ryan G. Van Cleave provides a unique, emotional perspective on how it feels to be the one who can prevent a tragedy.

Donated by Ryan Van Cleave
Signed Hardcover
Open Internationally 
2 Copies=2 Winners


Megan said...

This sounds like it could be a really good book! :) I'm entering the giveaway! Thanks for hosting it!


LisaILJ said...

This one sounds really interesting. Thanks for holding the giveaway.

leyser73 at yahoo dot com

Sarah said...

Wow, this sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win it! :)

Sarah Lim
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

fredamans said...

Sounds like a gripping story! Please include me in the giveaway. Thanks.


samantha35 said...

great giveaway
follow via gfc

Pam Gonçalves said...

wow, thanks!

pamelaag (at) gmail (dot) com

Angie said...

Cool giveaway! Thanks :)

Email: osnapitzAngiex3(AT)aol(DOT)com

Orchid said...

Sounds like Unlocked could be a very powerful read. Thanks for the giveaway.


tetewa said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

I'd love a chance to read this thanks!

unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

Lori T said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
buddyt said...

Certainly seems an unusual scenario and it seems a really story and plot.

I would be very interested in reading the book.

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Alicia0385 said...

sounds great!


Christi said...

I've been wanting to read this forever! Thanks for the giveaway!


Khyla said...

Cool giveaway!I would love to read this book.


Sophia said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I really like the cover. It kind of reminds me of Kane Richards Must Die.


Guta Bauer said...

This sounds really good1

Enter me.

gutabauer at gmail dot com

Tiffany Drew said...

Please count me in, I'd love to read this. Thank you!


Amanda said...

This looks so good!

Unknown said...

Sounds good! Thanks for opening this internationally. :D

sauvadeavelle @

Roshini said...

Sounds like an awesome contemporary!


Reading said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Ashley said...

This one sounds interesting! I'd love to win! :D

basicallyamazingbooks at gmail dot com

Julia @ That Hapa Chick said...

I've had my eye on this one for awhile! Thanks for the chance to win. :)


Sab H. said...

Enter me pls! :)

yabliss AT gmail

Vivien said...

Sounds like a great read!

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

ansindt said...

I haven't heard of this sounds really good=)

Raihana said...

This book sounds great!!! Count me in!:D Thank you!

Holly said...

hollytaylor(AT) :D

Maji Bookshelf said...

This sounds awesome! and its international so even better! please include me!



- Juhina

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway, this sounds good. I haven't heard of it, but it sounds good. Enter me.


Aleksandra said...

Sounds good, so please enter me ;D at gmail dot com

Thank you!!!

frunchezzcuh said...

Sounds promising! Please do enter me. Thank you. (:

hellgirl_fran AT yahoo DOT com

Lori T said...

This book sounds really interesting and I would love to be entered for a chance to win.

latomli (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kimberleigh said...

count me in!


Cathy De Los Santos said...

Looks really interesting. I'm in.

roro said...

This one sounds really interesting. Thanks for holding the giveaway.

rogcaprino @ hotmail dot com

jen7waters said...

Enter me please! Would love to win this, and it's international!! yay! thanks ;)

jen7waters at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

Sounds really great!


Stacey Brucale said...

Never heard of this one before, but it sounds good. Thanks for the chance to win!


Llehn said...

I'd love to play please. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Unknown said...


ashleysbookshelf @ gmail dot com

Jill the OWL said...

Awesome! Thanks!!!

thegmowl at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance!


Book Sp(l)ot said...

Oooh, I'd like to read this one - thanks for the giveaways :)

book.splot AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

This loks like an awesome book to read!

Benji @ The Non Reluctant Reader said...

Mare/TommyGirl said...

Sounds like a great book. Count me in!

tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

tiff DOT ing AT gmail DOT com

Leannz0r said...

Sounds awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!


Lex said...

This sounds really good!


The Lovely Reader said...

This looks really interesting!

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

S a n d r a said...

Thanks for the oportunity!

leersinlimites @ hotmail . es

Juh Oliveto said...

Amazing cover! And sounds like an amazing book! ^^
Enter me, please!
Thank you so much! :)

Juh Oliveto
livrosebolinhos[@]gmail [dot] com

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I believe this giveaway is still open, so I hope I'm right because I'd love to win this one!


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Please count me in.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Sharli said...

Sounds fun!

entrelibros_blog at hotmail dot com

Audris said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

roro said...

Wow, this sounds like a great read. Thanks for the chance to win it! :)


Kandace said...

kandy cain at the g account

Katie said...

thanks for the giveaway!



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