Monday, October 10

Contest Craze: Cover Contest Round 4

It's time for voting Round 4! The 5 with the lowest scores were cut and 10 remain!  Too see the scores click HERE. 

Here are the top 10 Covers! Please vote for your favorite! 

Rules: You can not ask people to vote for your cover, you can however put up a blog post asking them to vote for their favorite. You can not hold a contest asking them to vote for cover to be entered in your contest. That is a No-No. You will be excluded.

Top 7 Will Go On To Round 4!!! Remember, there are 6 rounds total. Voting open until Thursday! 

Entry 4

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 11

Entry 12

Entry 17

Entry 22

Entry 24

Entry 26

Entry 29


aurora M. said...

I like 6 and 26 good luck all they are all really good

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

Number 6 is just gorgeous! Honestly though, I'm just amazed at the talent and work that went into making all of these.

Sarah said...


TayteH said...

Woohoo! Wow. Didn't think i was going to make it this far. Not saying which one is mine, but I am going to say I think 6 or 7 are going to win. But i do hope I win. :D

P.S. I'm so happy!

Mimi Valentine said...

WOWIE, they're all so pretty! I have to say that my favourites are number 11 & 29 though, because something about them just takes my breath away! :)

Anonymous said...

I like entry 11 and 26. They are beautiful.

Prangon said...

I like entry number 11. The color and shades are very beautiful.
Good luck!


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