Thursday, September 22

Contest Craze: Mini Challenge- Who Should Be A Couple?-CLOSED

Today's Mini Challenge is hosted by me! 

Challenge: Write up a blog post telling us who should be a couple but are NOT a couple. This can include tv, movie, music videos, or book couples.  In a separate paragraph, tell us why you think they should get together.  They can be characters from different shows or the same show.  Be creative. Who would go well together? These are fictional characters, not the real actors. 

Make sure you tell us which show you are going off of (if it's a show and your behind a season, tell us). If its two different shows, and two different characters, tell us. Details please! If it's a book, make sure you tell us what book it is from in your blog post.  This is so people know not to ruin it by telling you spoilers from the next book or season! LOL

My Example:
Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries (I'm on season 3). 

Why I Want them together: This is one of those couples you want to hook up but deep in your heart you know they shouldn't because she's already with a guy you like. I love Stefan. I loved the actor before Vampire Diaries so its hard for me to want her to be with Damon but part of me does. Both guys are so different, yet she has chemistry with them both. I mean, who else laughed their butts off at the beginning of the premiere when Damon and Elena first saw each other? Me Me Me! Who noticed Damon wiggling his eyebrows? But who else cried at the end during that phone call and the look on Stefan's face? Yep, guilty of that too. 

I think maybe I just need to see a real passionate kiss between Damon and Elena so I can let it rest and focus on Stefan. And, I don't mean a peck or kissing the wrong girl either.  A real kiss. 

Vampire Diaries is exempt from this challenge, since I used it as the example! 

Don't forget to link your blog post! 

Prize: Mystery Prize Pack of books
-Winner Picked using randomorg
-Mini Challenges will end randomly, so get your entry in asap!


flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

I've never actually liked Stefan. Not the one from the books or the show. I've always felt that Damon and Elena belong togeather and I'll keep hopeing they wind up togeather to the very end. :)

Great challenge!

Bookish in a Box said...

I thought this was going to take me a while to come up with a couple...but they surprised me.

BookStacksOnDeck said...

LOVE Damon!!! :D


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