Friday, September 16

Contest Craze Contest List (Cindy's blog)

Please use this post as a reference post for all Contests listed at Princess Bookie during Contest Craze!!!

If anyone has the time, please link the contests up!

If they do not get linked, just click the older button on the blog, or Contest Craze Fall 2011 (tag).


Hosting Your Own Contest? Link it HERE


Aleksandra said...

Linked up the mini challenge :)

LuAnn said...

What great fun! I'm definitely going to follow your blog and take part in more of these mini challenges!

Unknown said...

Hi! New follower from Dana's YA Bookpile and On the Broomstick.

How does this contest link work? Do we just post any contest or giveaway? I am having several this month, so just wanted to check. :)

April X said...

For some reason it makes me happy inside when I post the links lol.


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