Tuesday, May 24

My Life Undecided Giveaway

My Life Undecided by Jessica Brody Giveaway!


Okay, maybe that was a bit melodramatic, but I’m sorry, I’m feeling a bit melodramatic at the moment.

Here’s the deal. My name is Brooklyn Pierce, I’m fifteen years old, and I am decisionally challenged. Seriously, I can’t remember the last good decision I made. I can remember plenty of crappy ones though. Including that party I threw when my parents were out of town that accidentally burned down a model home. Yeah, not my finest moment, for sure.

But see, that’s why I started a blog. To enlist readers to make my decisions for me. That’s right. I’m gave up. Threw in the towel. I let someone else be the one to decide which book I read for English. Or whether or not I accepted an invitation to join the debate team from that cute-in-a-dorky-sort-of-way guy who gave me the Heimlich Maneuver in the cafeteria. (Note to self: Chew the melon before swallowing it.) I even let them decide who I dated!

Well, it turns out there are some things in life you simply can’t choose or have chosen for you—like who you fall in love with. And now everything’s more screwed up than ever.

But don’t take my word for it, read the book and decide for yourself. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll scream in frustration. Or maybe that’s just me. After all, it’s my life.

Visit Jessica's Website HERE

Watch The Trailer:

To Enter To Win An ARC Of This Book:
- Leave a Comment telling me a choice you have had recently! 
-Example: I had a choice between movies: Something Borrowed or Thor and which you choose!

Contest Ends Monday May 30th!


jayjay said...

I choose between friend or love.

Thanks for the awesome ARC giveaway! would really love to read it! ;)

email; fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com

Deborah Julene said...

This choice is kind of lame, but it's all I could think of right now.
I chose oatmeal over cereal!

This book sounds great! I'd love to get a chance to read it!


fredamans said...

I had to choose whether to let my son come back home or not after he ran away. At 16, that was a hard choice.
(I let him come home of course.)


DeNiSe said...

I had to choose between going to a Art School or going to a University and which one I would want

It wasnt an easy one and even know that Ive made my choose I still struggle with the What if



Ann Diana Dinh, said...

I am still deciding...but the choices are peace or happiness.


Vivien said...

I had the choice to follow temptation or to not.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Mitzy said...

I had to choose between covering someone's shift last minute at work or going to visit my friends in socal. I picked work, made the money, then left for socal right after!

Diana said...

I recently had to choose between family or work. It was my grandpa's birthday and they were having a small get together for him (79 years old). Unfortunately I also had to work that evening :[ .... I called in sick. I got in trouble for it, but was well worth the family time!


Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books) said...

Um... this happens almost every night, but I always have to decide whether I should read or not. I know that if I do, I'll keep reading until past midnight and wake up feeling terrible. I do it anyways.


Linda Kish said...

I have to choose daily if I am going to accept the stupid things my DIL does or get upset about them. I just remember the serenity prayer and accept the things I cannot change. It keeps me a little saner.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I had to choose between going to my boyfriends house or staying home and geting things done!

unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

Melissa said...

I chose between smoking or NOT smoking, and I chose NOT. 2 wks and going.. smoke free.


Tiffany Drew said...

The most recent choice I had to make was this morning: go back to bed after three hours of sleep or spend the day photographing my baby niece. I chose my niece! She is adorable, how could I not? :)


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I had to choose to either do housework or read tonight. Reading is winning!

lisasworldofbooks @ charter.net

Jennie said...

I had to choose between studying or going out with my friends. I chose studying, but it was difficult because I don't really like the class.


Unknown said...

I had to choose if I'd get pissed and release my anger or not. Good thing I chose not to. :D

sauvadeavelle @ yahoo dot com

my place of peace said...

I chose to live instead of letting myself die, I needed to make a serious choice on a surgery, cancer. if I didn't do it, I would have short time, if I did it my chances would be I would last longer, here I am Cancer Free, although I have a brain tumor that can not be removed ( no cancer there though). That is my Life Decided!. Ladyfiera (at) aol (dot) com

Makayla said...

I had to chosse between a family trip or seeing a friend I havent seen in years.
Thanks for the great giveaway!!


bookworm1494 said...

I had to choose between whether or not I wanted to go to college or not... now i have to choose a college :/


cant wait to read this one!

Llehn said...

I had to choose between which project to undertake.


Badass Bookie said...

I had to make a choice between getting Chicken Wings for Lunch or a Honeycomb milk :P Small choice but a choice all together!!!



ps- chose the milk :P

Anonymous said...

I had to choose whether to get out of bed and have some time to myself...or sleep longer and kick some booty to get ready on time. Although,the latter is my usual choice. Today I chose the former. Ahhhh, peace!!!

nowakoski at sbcglobal dot net

Anonymous said...

I have a choice to make whether to give into temptation or not. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...

This is a biggie: I had to choose whether to tell a friend about something that she would want to know, but may have made her angry at me.

I chose not to tell. I'm still not sure it's the right choice. But I kind of think it's the only choice.


cassie said...

ok,so i am a fashionista and following trend is practically compulsory but it is kinda hard to so i choice i make daily is "should i follow the trend or screw it and wear what i want to."
i really want wanna read this book,it sounds pretty interesting:)


Patricia's Particularity said...

Hmm... there are so many that we all make every day. The most recent one was to get another tattoo - I decided not to so I could save a little money (tough one but the right one).

Great question! Thank you so much for this giveaway!


casi rose said...

i chose between buying chocochip cookie dough or hot chocolate fudge!!
i chose cookie dough!!!!:)


Sara said...

I choosed between studying for my exams and taking a break. Obviously I took a break ;)

I'd like to be entered if this contest is open internationally!


Lindsay said...

I had to choose between getting better grades in school for college or being lazy. Tough decision but I know I made the right choice. And I absolutely love Jessica Brody! I can't WAIT for this book to come out! :D

lindsaydevine @ bellsouth . net

Erin said...

I had to make a choice yesterday about what bottle of wine to buy for a house warming. It was tough!


A Canadian Girl said...

I had to choose between going to class or seeing Lauren Oliver and Veronica Roth at a signing. I think it's fairly obvious what I chose :)


Cass said...

A choice between going to uni JUST for lectures or not. I decide to go, though it was probably better for my health that I didn't (sick).

Thanks for the giveaway!

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Sarah said...

After my graduation we had an impromptu celebration at the local Waffle Houe and I had to choose between two of the greasiest, yet so yummy! food choices. :p

two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Kandace said...

I had to choose whether to work today and make up time I REALLY needed or to go to my husband's family reunion that I did Not want to go to.

Since he have me a choice but admitted he wanted me to go I went. Now i'm exhausted from the drive (6hrs one way then 6hrs back) but my husband is happy i went for a few hours at least. :)

kandycain is my g mail


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