Saturday, April 9

Win Your Life But Sweeter CLOSED

Summary: Your Life, but . . . is the only series that lets your true personality lead the way! In this book, you are the main character, so the narrator talks directly to you about everything that’s happening. At the end of each chapter, you’ll take a quick personality quiz, and the results will show you what you would do in that exact situation. Some roads lead to love, fame, and fortune, while others lead to embarrassment, arguments, and rejection. Along the way, you just might learn a little something about the kind of person you are and the kind of person you want to be.

This is a pretty exciting day for your class—because you’re taking a field trip to New York City! Your teachers have lined up an educational day of visiting museums and seeing the sights, but you’ve heard that one of your favorite celebs is in town, and you and your friends would like to do a little against-the-rules sightseeing of your own. Are you brave enough—or crazy enough!—to break free from the pack? Find out what you would do in Your Life . . . but Sweeter!

Donated by Crystal Velasquez 
Open To United States Only


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

Great giveaway!

lisasworldofbooks @

Kate's Book Nook said...

Thanks for another great giveaway!

Ariel Wilson said...

Thanks for the giveaway!


Jennie said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! Please count me in. :)


Linda Kish said...

Sounds great. Count me in please.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Ricki said...

Sounds like a hip choose-your-own-adventure.

Jamie said...

Thanks for the great giveaways!!

akascrapaholic [at] gmail [dot] com

Katie said...

thanks for the giveaway please count me in!


Angelique said...

Oh, this reminds me of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to love when I was a kid. Would love to win this!!

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Awesome giveaway.


alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

Jill Buck said...

Count me in!
buckfamily at


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