I will be posting winners for the next two weeks! Usually I'm really quick about this but for all those who follow me on twitter probably have seen my complaints for a while! About 3 weeks ago, I broke a tooth. First molar. I was eating soup and broke the whole side of the tooth off to the gumline, already had a filling in the middle. Went to the dentist, he drilled out the old filling, put in a temporary filling. Let me tell you, temp fillings taste NASTY! And that taste stays a while! The first week I could barely open my mouth and the past 3 weeks I've been dealing with eating nothing but pudding, applesauce, and soup. Jaw hurts, tooth hurts, etc. I'm getting it pulled this week so I might be under the weather for a few days.
Have you seen that cartoon image with the dentists forceps on the guys tooth with his feet up on the chair (for leverage) trying to tug the tooth out? Yep, when I close my eyes I see that. I am beyond scared of this! LOL I've read about every story on the internet about getting teeth pulled, and I'm so scared! There are so many horror stories of how bad it hurts or complications! I'll be awake the whole time so I've got myself so petrified I'll be lucky if I don't have a panic attack or something in the chair. I'm scared of the numbing, I'm scared of the sounds, I'm scared of the pulling. I had my wisdom teeth out 8 years ago (all 5 of them- yes I'm a freak and had 5) but I was asleep so I didn't have to go through the numbing/pulling/noises so I'm scared!!!!!
But FYI; that is why it might take me a minute to answer your email back or to choose more winners but I will soon I promise!
Be sure to check the winners post often!
Friday Free-For-All Readathon
1 week ago
Ive had a tooth pulled and was super nervous. But its really like 20 mins max including the numbing. A little tugging, pain meds that night and so much relief the next day.
I've had seven teeth pulled in my lifetime. True, most of them were my baby teeth, but it wasn't a big deal. I'm sure you'll be fine. :) The freakiest part is the numbing, but that goes by really fast. And dentists are pretty proficient at teeth removing. If you're only getting one out it should only take a minute or two. My dentist got my wisdom teeth out in SEVEN MINUTES. Seriously.
Dentists know what they're doing. :)
Oh, so sorry to hear all that your going through. :( Dealing with teeth pain can be so aggrivating. It's too bad you cannot make an appointment to go to sleep through this procedure like you did with your wisdom teeth. But you know, you have to go into this thinking that these dentists are professionals and they understand your nervous. And you have to trust they will do everything possible to make this as quick and easy as possible. I'll say a prayer for you that everything goes so smooth and wonderful that you won't even know why you worried so much about this.
Ouch. Tooth fillings are nasty. And they hurt too and like you said, there's a really nasty aftertaste. I had mine filled a few years back and let's just say I'm so afraid to go back to the dentist now. But they know what they're doing, so I think you're safe in your dentist's hands. :)
I hope you feel better soon, Cindy!
Oh ouch! I've never had a tooth pulled, but my fiance said it's not that bad. He said the sound is worse than the pain and then it's such a relief when it's out and you don't have to deal with your messed up tooth anymore. I hope you feel better soon!
Good luck with the dentist! I have always really hated going to the dentist and afraid of getting the novacaine injections. All stems from a bad experience as a child. So I know how you feel. Make sure the dentist knows what you are feeling and If he/she is good and patient you won't feel anything other than a little pressure.
Good luck at the dentist. It will feel much better in the long run than it has felt the last week.
It may sound silly, but just remember to breath. I had a tooth pulled and I was about s worked up as sound. It wasn't nearly as bad as I anticipated.
I empathize. Dentist visits like that worry me too.
Take care of yourself.
You will be fine! I have never had a tooth pulled, but I went with my mom and she said that it was no big deal. Don't have a panic attack, because that definitely won't help the situation at all! :)
Aryelle @ ReadingwiththeFishes
Eep, that doesn't sound fun! Tooth pain is the worst :(
You will be ok!
I had every single one of my baby teeth pulled when I was a kid (my teeth apparently have huge roots!).
I hated it BUT the numbing and the pulling really aren't that big a deal. It doesn't feel great but once the tooth is out your mouth will thank you :)
Good luck with the dentist, Cindy. And rest as much as you need. The anticipation won't actually kill us :)
Like some others here, I've had a tooth pulled before and it's really not all that bad. The numbing isn't exactly fun, but it's just a really sharp pinching feeling. They do it a few times and then you feel nothing.
Oh man, that sounds so painful! I'm sorry, and will be praying for you!
Just reading that paragraph you wrote about the teeth pulling process has made me light headed...yep, I'm that pathetic when it comes to talking about doctors/dentists. I'm sure it will be a very smooth process though.
I really need to get some work done at the dentist but hopefully it's just a filling or two. I'm not too nervous about the process but really nervous about getting the bill afterwards! My son had 4 molars pulled a few years ago to make more room for his braces. He breezed right through and those teeth were huge!
If you haven't had the work done already I hope all goes well. You'll probably feel so much better to have the broken tooth gone. Best of luck! :)
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