It's time for Round 2 of Voting!!!!
-Make sure you choose the right box when voting!
Choose your favorite, not which one the person asked you to vote on please!!!!
-If you put up a post you can show people your cover but you can not hold a contest if they vote for you!
-Please do not ask them to vote for you just because you want to win, please ask them to vote for their favorite!
-Be careful when voting, make sure you are choosing the right box under/below the image for the cover you like best. Voting Open Until Monday Morning 3/28! Top 6 will go on!
Innatraea by E.R.Zaugg (Book Promo)
17 hours ago
Oh, wow. That was really hard! So many pretty ones that it was really hard to pick! After taking so long to decide, I finally went with DIE FOR ME.
These are all SO amazing! :)
I love the Bufferfly cover so beautiful. All the covers are really great though.
These are all so great!
It was between Butterfly and Die For Me though!
Had to go for Butterfly =)
Those are some stunning covers. It's hard to choose!
I'm so impressed. These all looked like legitimate covers. Sooo good. And a couple of them actually made me go look up the book! It was tough to pick just one. Fantastic job, all of you!
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