It's time for voting!!!!
3 will go onto the next round! Open Until Friday evening!
-Make sure you choose the right box when voting!
Choose your favorite, not which one the person asked you to vote on please!!!!
-If you put up a post you can show people your cover but you can not hold a contest if they vote for you!
-Please do not ask them to vote for you just because you want to win, please ask them to vote for their favorite!
-Be careful when voting, make sure you are choosing the right box under/below the image for the cover you like best.
Weekly Reading Goals
1 week ago
All these covers are amazing. Great job girls (or guys) with creating the book covers. :)
WOW! How do you gals or guys manage to make these? I need help :( LOL
Email me if you would like to share some tips :D
The first one can't win! Even though it's pretty...St. Clair is afraid of heights in the book! He would never sit on that tall ledge!
HA, true but she prob doesn't know, most likely didn't read yet! LOL
Yeah, what Cindy said. The cover was made before I read the book, or else I wouldn't have put him up there. *cowers under a rock*
Haha but is is VERY PRETTY!!
These covers are awesome! Very creative people. Also, you won an award! check it out here:
I voted (:
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