I usually don't post much about covers even though I admire them from afar! But look at these by two of my favorite authors! I love em!
Weekly Reading Goals
1 week ago
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Ohhh!! Very nice! Thanks for posting! I don't think either of the covers are my favourites of Colasanti's or Dessen's, but it's still nice to see them! :)
AWESOME covers!!
I must have been hiding under a rock because I had no idea that Susanne Colasanti was coming out with another book! Oh my, I'm so excited to get my hands on that!
The covers are so beautiful :)
When I had my interview with Susane, she told me about So Much Closer, so its cool to see the cover!
They both look quite nice! (:
I just can't get into covers that only show the bottom half of a person. I like to see faces not butts...LOL
Ooh lovely covers! :D
Great covers!!! =)
HOLY CRAP! Two covers by two of my favorite authors! WHEEE!
I didn't know either cover had been released! I love both of them, but So Much Closer is probably the best of the two. They're so cool. Thanks for sharing!!
I actually really like both covers! I'm not that excited for the Sarah Dessen title, but Susane Colasanti - yes!
Can't wait for the Dessen one!
I think it's a little funny that both have jeans as a main part of their cover.
Okay, you rock for exposing two of my most anticipated reads covers in one go :)
I love the Sarah Dessen book cover!!!
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