Tuesday, September 28

Win The Awakening-CLOSED

The first in a trilogy. Get out your tape recorders, crystals, and extra batteries— you’re about to go where our world meets the spirit world.

Psychic Kids, Paranormal State, Haunting Evidence—these and countless other television shows are making believers out of millions of people: Ghosts exist, and they’re living right beside us. For centuries, individuals have been trying to prove the existence of ghosts. But without hard evidence, it’s been difficult to make the case. But now as science and technology have progressed, ghost hunters have been able to use scientific means, along with more traditional psychic tools, to make their case. Photographs, video recordings, and sound recordings are all producing some amazing results.
In this new series, Ghost Huntress, meet Kendall Moorehead, a seemingly typical teen. When her family moves from Chicago to the small historical town of Radisson, Georgia, her psychic abilities awaken. She’s hearing, feeling, and seeing things that seem unbelievable at first, but with the help of the town psychic, Kendall is able to come to terms with her newly emerging gift. So, together with her new BFF, Celia, Kendall forms a ghost hunting team. They’ve got all the latest technology. They’ve got Kendall for their psychic. Now they’re going to clean up Radisson of its less savory spirits.
The story is fiction. The science is real. Welcome to a new reality.

Author: Marley Gibson
Donated By Publisher
Paperback Edition
Open To US Only


Tina said...

I really like the feel that this cover gives off. Thanks for the chance to win!
melodiousrevelry (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Sounds good!

swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com

throuthehaze said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Amy J said...

Thanks again!
Amy J

Kelsey said...

Yeah yeah! Moving along moving along. kelseyrdickson@gmail.com

Nely said...

Oh, I wanna read this.


Edna said...

Count me in please! Thanks.

nalynboni AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Enter me please.


Also don't forget to check out my amazing giveaways located at the top of my blog posts.

Ashley's Bookshelf

Karina said...

I'm entering.

Unknown said...

Please enter me!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Sounds interesting! I'm in!


Keturah said...

I've been wanting this book forever!

Leslie said...

I haven't seen this one, but I like the cover a lot.

Jessica B said...

Enter me please!

shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom

Teril said...

Ohh this is a nice looking book! I love the cover.

Erica said...

I would love to win!

lulilut said...

I love the cover.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

d.septer at insightbb.com

Emily said...

Please enter me :)



Marie said...

This book sounds very interesting!

ako4eggs at comccast dot net

Melissa S. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Melissa S.
chaoticmommmyreviews at live dot com

Kate said...

I'd love to be entered!

sithereandread (at) gmail (dot) com

Lauren M said...

The story sounds interesting, and the cover looks great!
Thanks for the giveaway!

pichipitch AT gmail DOT com

ReaganStar said...

Sounds like a good story, thanks for the giveaway

I am a follower

Anonymous said...

great cover

loniflowers at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like ghost related books! sounds good!


Danna (Bananas For Books) said...


Alexa said...

Sounds like a good book. :)


A Life Bound By Books said...

Enter me please!
Thanks! :)

-Lisa (A Life Bound By Books)
alifeboundbybooks AT hotmail DOT com

Jenna said...

I heard about this series, but never bothered to pick up the first one. I guess this is my chance!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Andrea said...

I would like to read this one!


Katie said...

cool thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this giveaway!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

Sounds like a fun read!

Erin said...

Please enter me.

Erin D.

Khelsea @ Once upon a review said...

Amazing cover!


justpeachy36 said...

Please enter me in the giveaway.


Cass said...

Sounds good! Thanks for the giveaway. :D

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Chapter Chicks said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting this for a while, but I'm just too broke right now. :(

ChapterChicks (at) gmail (dot) com

Lilixtreme said...

Totally want this one!


Bookish in a Box said...

This sounds like fun! I hadn't heard of it before. :-)

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

Sarah L
two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. The books sounds reall good. Tore923@aol.com

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

Sounds amazing!


Unknown said...

Cool Giveaway!!!!

>>> becarattacaso @ yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! Please count me in. Thanks!

CHRISTIE said...

I’d love to enter. Thanks so much!


- Melissa - said...

:O ohmygosh! paranormal stuffs?


whitewolfreads said...

Sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway!

spettolij AT gmail DOT com

Jessy said...

I have the second in the series, but not the first. thanks for the chance to win.

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Marlee said...

This seems goood! LOL me and the author have the same first name just spelled differently!


Marlee said...

seems really good! Me and the author have the same first name! LOL!


Julie S said...

This sounds good. Please enter me.

Mandy said...

Please enter me

bratdownstairs at yahoo

Claire @ YA Bookie Monster said...

This book sounds good!


Linda Henderson said...

Sounds good, I'd love to read this one.

seriousreader at live dot com

k_sunshine1977 said...

this sounds like the start of a great series - and i'm in total cover love!

k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

flanpnhfpnanfnFN said...

PLease enter me!!!


sablelexi said...

this sounds interesting.

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

debbie said...

I would like to read this, it sounds really good.

ChanelLeigh said...

This sounds good; enter me, please!


The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly Book Reviews said...

Thanks for the contest!

Name: Aine said...

Please enter me.


Lori L. Clark Art said...

Please enter me! Lorielle11@gmail.com


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