This was one of the slowest weeks for me ever!
I got:
Taken By Storm And Unbroken Connection for the tours!
Radiance by Alyson Noel from PBS
Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins ARC
-Already Read Anna and put it on the tour site! Awesome Awesome Book!
Remember to check out the Contest Craze Announcement HERE
What Did You Get This Week?
Great books this week. Radiance was pretty good. Anna sounds awesome and fun. Happy Reading!
Great week! I am quite jealous. :)
I can assure you, next week will be even slower than 4 books, for me!
You got great books, regardless! I'd die if I received a copy of Anna!
Great books! I keep hearing such awesome things about Anna and the French Kiss. Loved Radiance, it was a really cute story.
Congrats on getting some great books this week. I hope you have a lot of fun reading them and can't wait for your reviews. Now I need to go find something sweet because thanks to your header I'm craving sugar :)
Here's my In My Mailbox
fab books!
My In my Mailbox is here
I am instantly jealous of anyone who got a copy of Anna and the French Kiss! You got great books this week :)
Here's what I got :)
Looks like a great haul this week! I've been debating Radiance for a while now - would love to read your thoughts on this one.
Have a great week!
Hope you enjoy your books - Radiance is a cute read!
My IMM is up on my blog if you'd like to check it out. :)
Click here
Thanks for dropping by my blog and following me! I can't believe you got Anna and the French Kiss and read it already. I'm looking forward to that novel and am so happy to hear it's good! Happy reading!
I hope you enjoy your books. Check out what I got In My Mailbox.
Great books!
Also don't forget to check out my amazing giveaways located at the top of my blog posts.
Ashley's Bookshelf
Some great books you got there.
(Wow, that sounds like a cheesy pick up line. "Those are some great yams you go there")
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