This Is The Starting Line For Princess Bookie's Contest Craze Contests.
Good Luck everyone and Enjoy the contests! Hope to see you all here and wish you the best of luck at winning!!!! Are you ready???
Contest Craze Dates: September 27th-October 10th. Be sure to visit Princess Bookie everyday for the next two weeks! Contests, Mini Challenges, Chances To Win, It's a blast of FUN!
Cindy aka Princess Bookie
___________________________________________________________________Many Thanks To All The Lovely People (Authors and Publishers) who donated books to make this happen!!!
Can you please allow the full feed to show up on google reader?
Updated it, hopefully it works now!
Will you add the links here?
Aw, I was kind of excited for the regular weekend long thing. 12 days is too much of a wait! Well .. for me .. since I'm impatient, haha.
I feel like I'm at the races or something, lol
I can't wait for the contests to start! Thanks in advance!
I'm here --- and waiting!
I'm psyched!
Ashley I will be putting up a mr linky so someone can link each contest as we go. Me or whoever gets to it first!
I'm so ready!
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