I asked a few people on twitter this question so I thought I'd ask you all too!
What Determines If A Book Is A Keeper?
If you loved the book? Do you have to adore the cover? Do you have to adore the cover AND love the book? Do you keep it if you paid full price for it? Do you keep more paperbacks or hardcovers or is binding not a issue for you? Do you keep every single book you get or do you try to get rid of some? Do you get rid of all books after you read them? How many books do you have on your keeper shelf?
Just wondering everyone else's thoughts?
Innatraea by E.R.Zaugg (Book Promo)
14 hours ago
I never got rid of books before last summer. I was already out of book shelf so some books had to go. I gave away all the books my siblings and I had grown out of like picture books and books that I didn't like that much or never finished or wouldn't continue the series for. All the other books that don't fit into that category I tend to keep whether hard cover or paperback or if i liked the cover or now. If I love the cover as well as the book though then that's just a bonus :).
Usually if I buy it, I keep it. I say usually because sometimes I have to clean some out or my home would be full. But I try to keep my series books. I like looking at my shelves and seeing them all shelved together.
I keep books that I loved and will probably read again or wouldn't mind reading again and books for job reference (useful textbooks, etc...). (Actually, I have added a new category to this of books that my son might want to read.) Regardless of binding, I keep what I like, and get rid of everything else. I just went through my shelves the other day and have a stack of books I will probably get rid of soon.
I have to like the cover and love the entire book! I would keep it if I would read it again. If I wouldn't read it again, I would give it away because there's no point in keeping it. :)
I don't care about the cover or the binding... I just have to LOVE the story. If I don't LOVE it, I sell it, trade it or give it away on the blog :)
It is so hard to get rid of books. My hubby says I hoard them. But actually, I dont! I give away a lot, I just get more in the mail than what I send out! LOL
I am still wondering about this too!
Can't wait to see what everyone says!
I keep every single book I buy. To catch my attention in a shop or anything I have to fall in love with the cover, then I go from there. If I'm not interested in the book after 30 pages I don't finish reading it and give it usually to a friend. :)
I don't think I've ever gotten rid of a book. If I had enough to get to that point though, I think it would boil down to re-readability, and where it came from. If it was a gift, I'd probably keep it regardless.
If I think I'll read it again, then I'll keep it. Binding doesn't make a difference to me. Although from those that I keep the chances are pretty good I'll thin the herd even more.
Most of my books go on my classroom shelf or I give to avid reader/ friends. I do have a small collection of books that are just for me. I reread them every once in a while.
Good question!
I only get rid of books I didn't like tight now. I think eventually I'll start getting rid of books that I don't think I'll reread, but as for now I'm a hoarder. *laughs*
I keep most books. I really want to have a room that is my library when I get older so that's partly...and because I just hate getting rid of most books!! I also have a TON of books I haven't even read yet so I can't get rid of those. haha I just like buying books, even if I can't read them right away.
As for why I keep certain ones? It doesn't matter about binding or the cover. If I really loved a book I could never NOT have a copy on hand.
I'm still new at collecting books so I don't really add any to my permanent shelf as yet but in the future I think I'll only keep the books that were really awesome.
Most of the book I buy end up in my classroom, unless it is too adult for my students then I keep them on my shelves at home. so I the answer is I keep every book I buy.
I usually buy all my books, and have never thrown a book out in the past.
However, I seem to be using the library alot more than I used to, it has so much more choice than it did a few years ago. Though you can wait a long time if someone has a hold on a book and never collected it!
I only keep them if they are signed or if I can't buy it in ebook.
Unless it is one of my three comfort read series. Everything else I give away or donate.
I probably get rid of 95% of my books once I read them. Mainly because I almost never reread a book. The only reason I don't reread many books is that I have so many unread ones.
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