By Lauren Barnholdt
Summary:Eliza is in a full-blown panic. Her notebook has been stolen—the one that lists everything she wants but is afraid to go after. And the absolute worst person in the world has it: her ex-boyfriend, Cooper.
Like it’s not enough Cooper was lying to Eliza for their entire relationship, now he and his friends are blackmailing her. They’re giving her just one night to complete the most humiliating tasks on her list or they’ll post her secrets online—including the ones that aren’t just about her.
Eliza’s sure of only one thing: she isn’t going down without a fight. Cooper may have what’s left of her dignity, but she’s not the only one with something to hide ...
My Thoughts: We are introduced to Eliza, Eliza's friends, Eliza's ex Cooper, Cooper's so called friends. I want to say that I liked Eliza. I even liked Cooper, even though he was supposedly a jerk. I didn't like Cooper's friends (well duh) and I thought Eliza's friends were annoying. First off, I want to point out that they left her throughout the book and if they were "real" friends they would have stuck by her through everything and not run off with the first guy they laid eyes upon.
Eliza's notebook has gone missing! She has written in there since she was young, all the things she's scared of. Really, this is nothing to be ashamed off. Singing karaoke, asking a hot guy to dance, all typical teenager fears. Eliza has also written a lot of things in the notebook about her friends/family secrets as well so she needs to get it back now! Cooper's friends call her and tell her she has a night of tasks to complete before they will give her the notebook back. How does Cooper fall into this? Well, to get into their little group, he had to a task. The task, that hurt Eliza a lot. She really is not supposed to care about the boy after what he has done to her.
The night goes on and we see all the things Eliza has to do, we experience them with her. Her fears, her accomplishments, her feelings.
Overall: This book was awesome. I love Lauren's books. I've read 3 of them now, and all of them were amazing. She can take such simple subjects and make them so incredible. I also like the guys in her books. I really liked Cooper and I didn't think he was all that bad and I'm so happy with what happened.
Cover: Love it. I know this book went through a few different cover changes but I think they made the right decision on this one. It would definitely make me pick up the book and buy it.
What I'd Give It:

That's a great idea for a plot. I wonder if they make her sing karaoke.
Oh, great review. I didn't like Two Way Street that much so I'm reluctant about this, but I heard so much about it I'm so tempted!
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