The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jennifer @ Crazy for Books. It's a chance for book bloggers to get together!
How many blogs do you follow?
Wow, uh I'm guilty. I follow a lot. What can I say, I love them and most of them are other book blogs. hehe.
Wow, uh I'm guilty. I follow a lot. What can I say, I love them and most of them are other book blogs. hehe.
Hopping back. Thanks for being my 200th follower!!!!
My Hop
Hopping by. Happy Friday. Great blog, I'm now following you.
Kathy @
I Am A Reader
Thanks for stopping by on the hop and for following my blog. I look forward to being a book geek with you ;)
Hi! I'm just stopping by from the hop... I'm a new follower!! Have a great weekend!! :)
~Book Obsessed
Am an old follower here from the Hop. I hope you have a great weekend!
I have an award for you! http://goddessofthelibrary.blogspot.com/2010/08/versatile-blogger-award.html
Hmm...I'm guilty of following almost 100 blogs! I don't check all of them regularly, but I find so many of them interesting!
My blog:
Stopping by the blog hop to say hi!
I follow a alot also. It's hard not to, huh?! hehe
P.S Love your blog!
Here's mine if your interested:
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Let me just say that your top banner is very cute and has made me want a cupcake. :]
Hope you have a great weekend!
Hi thanks for following! I am now following you as well. The cupcakes are making me hungry lol.
Just hopping through. Thanks so much for visiting my site.
You're layout is really great.
Have an awesome weekend!
Hi! Just hopping through. Have a great weekend.
Hey Stopping by from The Hop! I've been a follower of your blog for a while and I just love it! :D
Have a great friday!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm off to read more of yours!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I also love YA and Paranormal books. Look forward to reading future reviews from you.
Happy Reading and Weekend!
Thanks for hopping by my blog! I'm now a new follower of your blog! :)
Have a great weekend! :)
Hopping back over. Love that review. Sounds like a great high school love story. I like remembering high school, but it was never like it was in the books! Still, I'd like to read the book.
Hopped by to say I am your newest follower. Have an awesome weekend!
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the follow! I already follow you of course!!!
Thanks for stopping by at my blog. I'm a follower of yours now! :)
Hi there Cindy! I finally got around to following you! (You have my books for review! At least I hope they made it to you!) Anyway, just popping by on the hop! Hope you are having a great day!
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