It's time for another Re-Create A Cover Contest!
Official Rules:
Open To US Only (unless you have a friend who will ship to you OR your willing to cover shipping via paypal and I will ship to you)
One Entry Per Person
Open Until August 1 unless we hit 50 before that!
First 50 participates In Mr Linky
We will be voting in rounds!
Mandy will comment on top 5!
Signed Prize Pack
by Mandy!
Link Your Recreation!
Dang it Cindy! Why do you do this to me. These Re-Create a cover contest are like crack..ack. I just want to re-create all of them. Ok, now let me see what I can come up with. LOL!
Thanks Cindy! This is always fun.
oh no I messed up! Can you remove my link? :(
I think I entered the same entry twice because my entry won't show up....
So I had this idea to make a boy cover and a girl cover. It's basically the same image just positioned a little differently so the focus shifts. I'll display it as one image. Does that count as more than one entry though?
Cass- thats fine as long as its techinally just one cover (I think i get what your saying) you could email me and show me if I'm not understanding right.
This is hilariously awesome, and yet SO DIFFICULT. I lack the tools I need for my artistic vision! Why is the original cover so gorgeous so that it's extremely difficult to beat? That said, this was really fun, and I enjoyed participating. Thanks!
Thanks! This was so much fun! :)
Just wanted to let you know that you have an Award waiting for you at my Blog!!!
Well that was a fun excuse to not work for awhile! Can't wait to read this one!
I love these contests! And the book chosen for this was a great one.
Man! I started working on my fan cover as soon as I saw this, but you got to twenty WAY fast! Oh well. It was fun to make, anyway!
A few people asked so I will allow 30 entries,thats it!
Ok I am getting addicted to these things. They are so much fun. Thanks for hosting another one.
I entered :-) Cute contest!
I noticed that the last two numbers, 30 & 31 were not actual entries so I entered myself under #32. Not sure if it'll still count though!
interesting to see so many dandelions.
When I added my link, it showed me up as no. 28, but I just refreshed the page and I'm not there :/ Here's my link: http://lovereadingx.blogspot.com/2010/07/princess-bookies-re-create-cover.html
Awesome contest, by the way! So much fun :)
I've entered! I love these contests, thank you sooo much for hosting them! You rock <3
Ambz x
Ok, as requested, I am opening this until 50 entries, thats it, thats final, LOL
This IS way too much fun to stop, huh? I'm really enjoying all the other entries!
Argh... Um, if I'd known it was going to go to 50, not 20, I wouldn't have rushed so much on mine. Can we make a new one to replace an original, since you're still accepting entries?
Actually, I'm totally okay with keeping my manic pink bonanza of an entry, if necessary. I'm just wondering.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun making my cover!
I'm ok with that, just email me and let me know when you link your new one, so I can delete your old one!
I went ahead and added it to the original entry, Cindy, since there were already comments there. Does that make sense? So the link should still be good.
Yep know what you mean!
The entires were coming in like crazy and now that you extended it to 50, there haven't been any new ones really. lol Always happens that way!
Some great entries so far, these contests are always so fun!
I reposted my entry. Since there was more time I finished the one I started but was afraid I wouldn't finish in time.
My original entry was 17. Can you please remove the link.
OH NO! I just realised I got the name of the book wrong on my entry!! "shame* Please could I re-do mine? So sorry!
Amber from the Mile Long Bookshelf
You can change your entries if you want ( just redo them in your blog post if you want). You can change them up until the contest closes for signups!
FYI: if you do need me to delete your entry so you can link your new one, please tell me which # is yours!
I posted last night that I was 28...I quickly deleted that post and reposted. The link I need deleted is #17 please.
This was my original entry:
I would like to keep this one:
Thanks for such a fun contest! I don't know how I managed to miss this blog before now! (And all the other fantastic sites I'm finding checking out covers!)
Sheri /
I'm #33, please delete me! I've added a new link :)
Thanks for the awesome contest, I've added my link:)
Thanks so much for hosting these awesome contests! This time I finally decided to enter and I submitted my cover!
The two Mandy Hubbard books have been on my wishlist forever so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :)
Thanks for this wonderful contest! This was my first time doing this and I think I have become an addict. We'll see...
First timer over here! And it looks super cool! Check out my version!!! :) -MEEROAR!!!
This is such a fun contest! The idea is so great!
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