By Stacey Kade
Summary: After a close encounter with the front end of a school bus, Alona Dare goes from Homecoming Queen to Queen of the Dead. Now she’s stuck here in spirit form with no sign of the big, bright light coming to take her away. To make matters worse, the only person who might be able to help her is Will Killian, a total loser/outcast type who hates the social elite. He alone can see and hear her, but he wants nothing to do with the former mean girl of Groundsboro High. Can they get over their mutual distrust—and this weird attraction between them—to work together before Alona vanishes for good and Will is locked up for seeing things that don’t exist?
My Thoughts: Awwww, this book was so adorable! We meet Alona who goes from popular prissy girl to dead girl! She gets hit by one of those big yellow things, what are they called again? Oh right, a school bus! This book was so funny and I'm still smiling! Alona wakes up dead and starts to wander around wondering to herself, "what happened?" She tries to get people's attention but none of them can see her. She's a ghost! Except one boy who walks by her and actually laughs at her! She realizes Will can see her! Will and Alona are complete opposites. Will is somewhat a goth or a loner and Alona a cheerleader, they just come from different cliques. We soon realize that Will can see a lot of ghosts and Alona is just one of the many. Alona has a game plan. She wants to know why she is still around and has not moved on. Will is just trying to get by day to day tuning out all the ghosts. Alona will stop at nothing to get the boys attention. He is the only one to help her! This book was full of laughs, romance, mysteries, ghosts seeking attention and just full of the right combination of deliciousness! There are so many back stories and I enjoyed them all. For example, Will's friend Jonnie and her back story! Or Alona's boyfriend I liked both Alona and Will and could see how opposites could attract here! I also liked the way the book is told in two separate perspectives switching back and forth between Will and Alona. This is a great novel.
Overall: Loved it! It had laugh out loud moments and I especially liked Will. His gorgeous teeth, his eyes, and oh that brooding chest! Even though he is described as gothy, somewhat nerdy, I could see myself swooning over him.
Cover: This is one of those covers you look out and think that is so clever! Its really cute and got my attention right away! Love it!
What I'd Give It:

OK now this book sounds really cute!
I may just have to pick it up.
Thanks for the review!
Aah! I need to read it now! Is it my turn on the tour yet?
I'd love to read this :) I'm glad you liked it!
We both liked Forget You so much so I'm so sure I'd like this - if it weren't so dam expensive in the UK I'd go run buy it now!
This sounds like a really fun read. I can't wait to pick it up!
Lol, every cute book character's name is Will...
This book sounds absolutely adorable. I've seen it around quite often and so far everything I've heard has been mostly good!
Great review. This sounds like a fun read and I will have to check it out soon. Thanks.
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