Summary: Emerson Watts is on the run: from school, from work, from her family, from her friends, from herself.
With everyone she loves furious with her for something she can't explain, and nothing but the live Stark Angel fashion show on New Year's Eve to look forward to, Em's reached the end of her rope. . .what's the point of even going on?
But when she discovers the truth about Nikki's secret, she knows there's only one person she can turn to.
Will Christopher be able to put aside his personal feelings and help her expose her employer to the world? Is it even fair to get Christopher involved--since if he agrees, there's every chance that Stark Enterprises will try to have them both killed--this time, permanently?
Maybe it would be better for Em to just keep on running.
My Thoughts: Cutest Series Ever!!!! I devoured all 3 books within a 2 day period! In Runaway, we get to know Em aka Nikki and her bunch of friends again! But this time, Em is on the run with a few acquaintance's trying to keep them all out of sight! Her friend/boyfriend Christopher finally knows she is really Em and that's the best part of the story! The last 2 books had me getting frustrated wanting him to realize she was Em all a long! Em still has a lot of problems to deal with though. Brandon Stark is blackmailing Em to do what he wants and stay away from Christopher. The real Nikki wants her body back. Her agent still wants Em to do all the modeling gigs and keep her image up to date! Where does that leave Em? This book is basically the book that ties everything up and together from the previous books so make sure you read them in order!!I adored this series! I've always liked Meg Cabot but I think this may be my favorite series of hers so far! I really liked Christopher and I liked how upset he was after Em's death. Is that bad? I liked seeing him pine over her.
Runaway got a 4 cupcake rating while Airhead and Being Nikki got 5. I liked them a tad better but I still thought Runaway was a good ending point to the series.
Overall: Liked it a lot! Great series! Definitely worth checking out! Honestly, I wasn't sure I was going to like them. I'm not real into fashion books/modeling books so I was hesitate to start them. I even had them on my TBR pile about a year but finally gave in and read them. So glad I did.
Cover: It's really pretty. All the covers are really shiny and definitely appealing.

Loved this series too and just posted my review today as well! Cabot is probably my favorite writer ever and she never seems to disappoint. Great review!
Loved those books!!! although Runway kinda felt flat of my (high) expectations
Reposted today: Cindy, I just gave you an award over on my blog page! Please come over and check it out so you can pass it on!
I love this series, but I think that her Mediator series is my favorite! Great review, and I agree about liking Airhead and Being Nikki a bit more.
This series is so fun. I really enjoyed the first two and I bought the third book this past Friday. I'm hoping that I'll like it as much as you did! I absolutely love Meg Cabot :)
Thanks for the review :) I have not read this series, yet. I defintiely want to.
You have an award on my blog here.
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