By Abby McDonald
Summary: Can a boy-hungry Jersey girl survive the wilds of Canada with her eco-identity intact? A witty new YA novel from the author of SOPHOMORE SWITCH.
Jenna may hail from the ’burbs of New Jersey, but Green Teen activism is her life. So when her mom suggests they spend the summer at Grandma’s Florida condo, Jenna pleads instead to visit her hippie godmother, Susie, up in rural Canada. Jenna is psyched at the chance to commune with this nature she’s heard about — and the cute, plaidwearing boys she’s certain must roam there. But after a few run-ins with local wildlife (from a larger-than-life moose to Susie’s sullen Goth stepdaughter to a hot but hostile boy named Reeve), Jenna gets the idea that her long-held ideals, like vegetarianism and conservation, don’t play so well with this population of real outdoorsmen. A dusty survival guide offers Jenna amusing tips on navigating the wilderness — but can she learn to navigate the turns of her heart?
My Thoughts: We meet Jenna who is really into the environment and taking a stand to do what is "right." She is a member of the Green Teens. She has plans with her best friend Olivia that involve campaigning for Eco-issues. Honestly, I didn't like Olivia from the get go. Something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. Jenna's parents "might" be having problems so she chooses to go to her godmother Susie's house instead of her grandma's house with her mom. She thinks it will be a bit better. So she gets shipped off to Canada for the summer. She has to stay with Susie, Susie's husband and Susie's step-daughter Fiona. From the beginning, we get the vibe that Fiona is a stuck up spoiled brat, but in reality she's just having trouble adapting to Susie and her dad's relationship. Jenna starts helping Susie with getting the Bed and Breakfast she is opening.
She also meets 3 guys. Ethan, Reeve, and Grady. At first, I had trouble keeping them straight. I would have to flip back a few pages to remember who was who. After a while, we get to know their personalities so distinguishing them becomes easier. I really liked getting to know Jenna and watching her grow and change as a person. I also liked the 3 guys and it really sparked the story up a lot. There were laughs and the guys were just flat out funny sometimes. And 3 guys, what better way to spend the summer? The real question is, which guy does a romance blossom with? Read the book to find out!
I really liked this book because we actually see Jenna start to realize what is important. I enjoyed reading about the day to day stuff. For example: Jenna and Reeve running into the bear.
Overall: Hmm. First off, I really lingered on if I should give this book 3 or 4 cupcakes. I honestly wasn't sure. Yes, I did like it. But I didn't love it. Did I like it a lot or just flat out like it? I finally decided to give it 4 cupcakes because I did enjoy it a lot, I just didn't like every aspect of it.
Sometimes her rambling got to be too much but I just went with it and let things progress. Overall, its a good story and there's enough romance in it to keep you going. I also recommend it for anyone who likes spending time outdoors!
Cover: I really like the cover. Love how they are sitting on the dock barefoot.
Sounds so cute! :D
Man I could use a cupcake.
Great review! I thought this was a fun book too.
I left you an award!
This was a cute story! Great review!
I'm adding to my wish list, mostly because she gets shipped to Canada, and I like that.... Good review!
Sounds like a cute story and I just love that cover.
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