By Dandi Daley Mackall
Summary: True love is like a good dog—it comes when you need it the most. Bailey Daley might not have found true love just yet, but it’'s not for lack of trying. She has a string of ex-boyfriends—and their dogs—to prove it. Bailey’s been raised to believe in true lasting love—and to wait for it. Along her path to love—and three boyfriends later—Bailey discovers that the things she was taught to believe are the things she really believes, too: it’s worth waiting for that one true love, the guy has got to believe in God, and he’s got to love her for who she is.
My Thoughts: This is one of the cutest books I've ever read. First off, I'll start by saying I'm not a huge fan of books that go back and forth between characters (alternating viewpoints) or books that take place going back and fourth between past and present. This book jumped back and fourth between the past and present! It totally worked in this book! It made it what it was. We meet Bailey who shows up at a cafe in the middle of the night. 3 mean are there. The old guy who owns it, Rune, who is the tattooed guy and Colt, the boy who always seems to be around. They wonder why Bailey is there in the middle of the night in a soaking wet prom dress. Basically, Bailey tells each of the stories on how she came to own each of her dogs. Each dog came from a relationship. I loved reading about each of the relationships and why they didn't work out. And I love the irony of who she does end up with at the end. I love hearing about fate and that is what this book reminded me of. I loved Bailey's friends and her mom. I loved the things her mom said. They were so refreshing! Especially the one about going back to an ex boyfriend and how it relates to garage sells. I don't want to give away the whole book, but I was smiling so much throughout this book, I swear my cheeks were going to freeze that way. This book was so much fun. I stayed up until 4 Am reading it. I needed to finish it. I needed to know what happened to Bailey and her 3 guys/3 dogs. I could see myself in each one of her relationships and how she grew from them. I wasn't fond of any of the 3 ex-boyfriends but I still loved hearing about how she outgrew them. I also loved the Goofy aspect of the book. It was just so darn sweet. To quit bragging now, I loved this!
Overall: Buy this now! It was so much fun and so sweet. I adored this book. I loved the storytelling of this book. I loved the way we could go back and live through Bailey's words. I loved the 3 guys in the cafe. I loved everything about this book. To sum it up, it was amazing.
Cover: Love it. And the back cover is awesome as well, it has a picture of the 3 doggies on it. Its so cute!!!!
What I'd Give It:

Great Review sounds like an amazing book!
Sounds cute! Thanks for the review :)
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