Sunday, March 21

Win The Fidelity Files- CLOSED

By Jessica Brody


A beautiful L.A. woman goes undercover as a “fidelity inspector” to find out who’s faithful and who’s not in this dazzling commercial debut.

Working under the code name Ashlyn, Jennifer Hunter is hired by suspicious wives and girlfriends to conduct her infamous “fidelity inspection” on the men in their lives. Between bachelor parties and business trips, "Ashlyn" has successfully exposed hundreds of unfaithful men. Of course, she never actually sleeps with any of them; she tests for an intention to cheat only. But Jen's double life starts to take its toll and her friends suspect that the reason she hasn't had a date in two years is more complicated than the demands of her supposed “investment banking” career. And when a suspicious email surfaces with her picture on it warning men of her real motives, Jen fears that her secret identity is in danger of being uncovered. Plus, her best friend Sophie now plans to hire “Ashlyn” for an inspection of her own! Just when it seems like nothing is going her way, Jen meets sexy, sophisticated Jamie Richards. She knows there's no room for romance in her life, but she finds herself more and more drawn to him. It doesn’t take long to realize it’s time to retire Ashlyn for the sake of true love but not before taking on one last assignment--a job which will change everything.


Donated By: Kathleen

Open To US Only

Ends March 27th (midnight)


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

I think this would be a very interesting job to have, though it might get you killed. Would love a chance at this book.

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Bookie said...

I've heard about this type of things on shows like Maury but never in a book. This should be be very interesting. I'd love to read this.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a great read!

Kelsey said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this! From the synopsis, this sounds like a great read and I'd love to review it on my blog!


Britt said...

Enter me please!

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting! Would love to read it.

pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I LOVE these kinds of books.
They are fabulous.


Persephone said...

I would love to win this one. I think I read something a while back about it, because it sounds familiar. MMmm.

patronus89013 at yahoo dot com

ReaganStar said...

I love her writing, Would so love to win this book

Jenny said...

This looks really good!

jennala @ cfl . rr . com

Mg (LWS) said...

Looks really cool!


Sarah (Book Reviews from Inside an Igloo) said...

This looks so good Cindy!! You have the best contest, love the sounds of this one!!

Erica said...

I would love to be entered!

:) Erica

Girl on a Mission said...

I'd like to enter this one! onlysexybooksallowed AT yahoo DOT com

Debbie F said...

Please enter me! Thanks!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the contest, thank you.

stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com

Amanda said...

Ooooo! This sounds really good. Please count me in!!

Christa said...

Yes, please. : )

I'm a follower. ambience.of.rain {at}

cindyrella64 said...

Enter me please!..I'm a follower!

CrystalGB said...

Sounds interesting. I would love to read this book.

Stacey Brucale said...

Please enter me!


ChanelLeigh said...

This looks really interesting! Enter me, please! :-)

Andrea I said...

It sounds like an interesting book. Count me in.

TexyLivesForFashion said...

This book sounds great !
Please enter me !

Michelle said...

This one looks like it would be fun.

mmillet at gmail dot com

CallMeKayla said...

this sounds interesting.. would like to read.

sexywomenread@yahoo . com

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered! It sounds like a great read!


linz said...

This book sounds fabulous! I would love to be entered!


julstew said...

This one sounds fantastic!

julstew at gmail dot com

misskallie2000 said...

Oh I love this one already. I love suspense, mystery and romance. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Linda Kish said...

Sound good. Count me in. Follower and subscriber

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Sounds good


Lilixtreme said...

I've been wanting to read this one for a while!

Ari said...

Sign me up :)

ReggieWrites said...

Count me in! Sounds really good! Lauren from Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf loved it, so I'm taking her advice and entering =) Thanks for the opportunity!

Reggie =)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting premise! Please enter me :)

thebookvixen at gmail dot com

Erin said...

My post on Impossible was supposed to go here... LOL Got mixed up. Anyway, I'de love to be entered for this one as well.


Anonymous said...

Me please!

ChicagoCubs - PBS ID

stargirlreads said...

Sounds cool :)

Chelsea said...

sounds interesting.

Kari Olson said...

flamingo1325 at gmail dot com

Lena1xoxo said...

OOOH, didn't the author also write The Karma Club?

Enter me please :)


Ann Diana Dinh, said...

Count me in please


Cobragirl396 said...

This sounds like a great read! Please enter me.

Thank you!

Celticlady's Reviews said...

Congrats to the winner of Fidelity Files...Wouldn't it be fun to spy on cheating people?? Well maybe not so much, especially if it puts you in danger...

The book to Brianna will be mailed 3/31/10...It is all ready to go...


Celticlady's Reviews said...

Forgot to mention for those who do not know,the author of Fidelity Files has a blog called Free Book Friday

Where you can sign up weekly to win a free book!!!


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