By Simone Elkeles
Summary: Moshav? What’s a moshav? Is it “shopping mall” in Hebrew? I mean, from what Jessica was telling me, Israeli stores have the latest fashions from Europe. That black dress Jessica has is really awesome. I know I’d be selling out if I go with the Sperm Donor to a mall, but I keep thinking about all the great stuff I could bring back home.
Unfortunately for 16-year-old Amy Nelson, “moshav” is not Hebrew for “shopping mall.” Not even close. Think goats, not Gucci.
Going to Israel with her estranged Israeli father is the last thing Amy wants to do this summer. She’s got a serious grudge against her dad, a.k.a. “Sperm Donor,” for showing up so rarely in her life. Now he’s dragging her to a war zone to meet a family she’s never known, where she’ll probably be drafted into the army. At the very least, she’ll be stuck in a house with no AC and only one bathroom for seven people all summer—no best friend, no boyfriend, no shopping, no cell phone…
Goodbye pride—hello Israel.
My Thoughts: First off, I just want to say that I am reviewing all 3 books in this one review. The other titles in the series are How To Ruin My Teenage Life and How To Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation. We are introduced to Amy who lives with her mom. Her dad has been in and out of her life throughout the years but he calls and wants Amy to go to Israel because her grandmother whom she has never meant and to learn more about his home country and her family. Amy goes and spends time there and it is nothing like what she is used too. She meets her dad's side of the family. She meets a boy. Not just any boy but a hot boy named Avi. It was love at first page for me. I loved him and throughout all three books I fell in love more and more. Part of me felt like he was my Avi!
How To Ruin My Teenage Life deals with Amy being back home in the states and she has went to live with her father in Chicago. She meets a new boy named Nathan but deep down her heart belongs to Avi but the catch is Avi is spending 3 years in the military because that is law in Israeli so how can she be with someone who is not around? But what happens when he does come around?
Book 3, How To Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation deals with Amy ending up on Avi's boot camp. I don't want to say much more without giving away every detail of every book. But, here is the short version. I spent 24 hours reading these 3 books. Did I sleep? Not much. One of the times, my boyfriend came in the room and I was asleep on top of the book. I fell asleep reading it! Of course I got right back up and started reading it again until my eyes got tired. I went to bed for a few hours, got back up, and started reading again. These books are so addicting and I love Amy, all of Amy's friends, and Avi. I hope there is a book 4!!!!!
Overall: Loved the whole series! Devoured it! So good!
Cover: I think all 3 covers are really adorable!
What I'd Give The WHOLE series:
I still haven't read this series yet, but I loved Simone other books so I'll have to check this out. I didn't read past the first book review though, lol
I love Simone!! I'm going to order these books next. I just read Leaving Paradise and I need to know what happens next like right now!! Oh and Perfect Chemistry is one of my favorites. Can't wait to read these books.
I really enjoyed this series, too. great review of all three books.
Elkeles definitely has a way with words. I remember being enchanted by Perfect Chemistry! I'll have to pick these books up :-)
Nice honest review!!
I have been wanting to read this series, but I just haven't caved to buy it yet. Great review! :]
They sound so much fun!
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