Summary: Kayla McHenry’s sweet sixteenth sucks! Her dad left, her grades dropped, and her BFF is dating the boy Kayla’s secretly loved for years. Blowing out her candles, Kayla thinks: I wish my birthday wishes actually came true. Because they never freakin’ do. Kayla wakes the next day to a life-sized, bright pink My Little Pony outside her window. Then a year’s supply of gumballs arrives. And a boy named Ken with a disturbing resemblance to the doll of same name stalks her. As the ghosts of Kayla’s wishes-past appear, they take her on a wild ride… but they MUST STOP. Because when she was 15? She wished Ben Mackenzie would kiss her. And Ben is her best friend's boyfriend.
My Thoughts: I first saw this book months ago. Probably the moment it was put up on amazon. I knew I had to read it and it would be one of my most anticipated books of 2010. We meet Kayla who is just a normal girl, not popular and not unpopular, just like most teenage girls; they are just themselves and fit in a little bit of everywhere. I could instantly identify with her. She has a best friend since forever and than there is the super dreamy guy named Ben she's madly in love with. Of course he also happened to start dating her best friend. Nobody but Kayla knows about her feelings for him. Nothing can just be easy for her. Her dad left, her mom's always busy, her brother is annoying, her best friend is acting weird, and the guy she has her eyes on is dating someone else! On her 16th birthday her mom throws her a party and she blows out the candles. She wishes that her wishes actually came true ,because whats the point of wishing it nothing ever happens? Her party is basically a disaster. She wakes up the next day to find a teenage girl named Raggedy Ann in her closet. One by one her wishes start coming true! This book was so much fun! I couldn't put it down, I even took it to Dairy Queen with me. I loved every second of this! I laughed so hard at some of the wishes. This book could have been written about me (and every other teenage girl who has ever been alive)! I felt as though I could relate to it 100%, no doubts in my mind! I think it relates to every girl who has ever wished her doll came to life or for a hot pink pony (yes that was me as a kid) or for that hot boy to kiss her. She tries desperately to remember all the wishes she could have made growing up so she'd at least know what to expect but how can you remember what you wished for on your birthday when you were 8 or 9?
The wish that does stick out in her mind though is her 15th birthday wish. She wished Ben would kiss her! OH NO!!!!! Kayla always finds herself in sticky uncomfortable situations. Especially around Ben. These things just keep happening to her when he's around! She falls out of desks and does everything possible to ignore him, so than there is no chance he'll kiss her! I especially liked Ben! He was so dreamy and I wanted him to want her so bad. I loved the chemistry. I loved it all. You Wish is brilliant! Funny. It makes you want to jump up and down wishing for that pony or having your own gumballs fall out of your pockets! It will keep you up all night reading wanting to know what-else Kayla wished for!
I loved love loved loved this book! I just can't praise it enough. It it so cute! It is so funny! And with the romance between Ben and Kayla thrown in, its one of the best books I've read all year! I recommend this to all you who love a cute romance and lots of laughs! If you want to keep yourself sane until August and get a taste of Mandy's awesome books, go buy Prada And Prejudice to hold you over until than!
Overall:This book is yummy. It is addicting! You will start reading and want to know what her other wishes were! You will feel like your on a journey with Kayla while all her wishes unravel right before your eyes! If I could give this book more than 5 cupcakes I would. Heck, I'd give it a whole cake. This book was amazing. It was so darn cute, I'm still grinning from ear to ear about it!
Cover: Love it! Whats not to love? A hot pink cover, a cupcake with a pony! Perfection!