Tuesday, February 2

TV/Movie Tuesday 02/2 (26)

Tv and Movie Tuesdays consist of upcoming movies and tvs shows that must be seen!

This Week's Movie Is:
Iron Man 2

Release Date: May 7 2010

Plot Summary: In the sequel, Mickey Rourke will play Whiplash, a character that includes elements from that comic book villain and Crimson Dynamo, another Russian baddie. Sam Rockwell will play Justin Hammer, a multibillionaire businessman and a rival of industrialist Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, being played by a returning Robert Downey Jr.

I'm excited for this one because I really enjoyed the first Iron man Plus I heart Robert Downey Jr!


Anonymous said...

Woah, I had no clue they were working on a sequel. Yay! I loved the first one too, I can't wait to see this. :D

Unknown said...

I can't wait for this one! I love RDJ, he is brilliant.


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