Back in October, I hosted a bunch of contests for Contest Craze. I've been working on this years contests. Contest Craze is the weekend of April 10th but will start early during that week.
Last time I held the contests within a 3 day period. Remember, they were like every half hour or so during the read a thon, than a few were the day before it started. I'm sure most of you remember.
How would you like me to do it this year? Would you like the contests to be a week thing, where I suspend all my regular postings for the whole week and just do the Contest contests or would you like me to do it within the 3 day period again? Thoughts, opinions, questions???
There will also be a few mini challenges again as well. If you have ideas, suggestions, leave them here too!!!
I can't wait until April, what about you?
Weekly Reading Goals
1 week ago
I kind of liked having them in 3 days because every time I came back to check there was a new one to look at :) But I'm probably on the Internet a little more than some other people that would enter the giveaways. And I don't know exactly how many you have... I know it's a lot, but if having them in 3 days would be ridiculous because you'd have one post every 5 minutes then it's different!
Is there any chances more of those contest will be open to Canadian readers? I remember being only a few open to us northern neighbours =)
I think the three day period worked well, I know it got me motivated to do read-a-thon stuff and check out what was going on at other blogs.
Tynga: Yep a lot of them are international and Canada as well. I left it up to the authors and a lot of them choose it!
I generally am at work on weekends. 3 day weekends give me a bit more time, but I think I'd prefer a week long edition.
I am SO looking forward to the Dewey read-a-thon! I say condense the mini-challenges to the 3-day period.
If you have any advice for running a read-a-thon I'd love it since I am running my first one the next weekend for school libraries throughout California!
I really liked having them within the 3 days (because I can be on the computer more on the weekend, whereas during the week I'm always slammed with all my classes, and less likely to be hanging in the blogosphere).
I'm so glad you're doing it again!
Do you have a link to your old one so I can see what it was like last year?
Elizabeth, if you type Read-A-Thon up in the search, a lot of the posts should come up. But most of the contest posts were taken down. I had people complaining that when they tried to go back to older reviews, they would have to go back like 15 pages, because there were over 50 contests. LOL I saved them all. But basically each book had a contest, and you entered to win that book. It will be done the same this year.
I may even join this time. It sounds like fun. I will look up some old posts from you, just to get an idea.
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