Summary:Sophie Greene gets good grades, does the right thing, and has a boyfriend that her parents— and her younger brother—just love. (Too bad she doesn’t love him.) Sophie dreams of being more like Devon Deveraux, star of her favorite romance novels, but, in reality, Sophie isn’t even daring enough to change her nail polish. All of that changes when Sophie goes to Florida to visit her grandma Roz, and she finds herself seated next to a wolfishly good-looking guy on the plane. The two hit it off, and before she knows it, Sophie’s living on the edge. But is the drama all it’s cracked up to be?
My Thoughts: I was really looking forward to this one from the moment I heard about it last year! I read another one of Robin's and liked it a whole lot. This one was also a good one. We meet Sophie who has been dating Josh for 3 years. She was supposed to go with him down to Florida but he gets sick so she goes down to visit her grandmother alone. Lately, she has felt like they don't have a connection anymore, the romance has started to run sour. Right before she leaves, Josh tells her he thinks they should take a "break." On the plane she meets Jack. Can he be her soulmate? He does end up sitting next to her! Well, she spends the plane ride talking to him and getting to know him. Her grandmother meets him at the airport and invites him home with them since he has nowhere to stay. Sophie gets to know him over the next few weeks and she fees like they have a connection. He is sort of a bad boy so she feels drawn to him. From the get go, I did not like the guy. I thought he was a user. He kept on insisting Sophie pay for everything and that really bothered me. I didn't find him to be charming or sexy like Sophie did. I wanted her to stay with Josh and work on their relationship. A bunch of money comes up missing and Sophie thinks Jack took it. Josh than comes to Florida to see Sophie. What happens next? Read the book to find out. Do Sophie and Jack get together? Do Josh and Sophie stay together? Who took the money? What happens?
Overall: I enjoyed reading this book but I just did not like Jack from the get go. I liked Sophie but her choices are all over the place and she falls in lust too easily. Oh, and the references to Nicholas Sparks were definitely awesome! Heart his books!
Cover: Love the cover. Its really cute and love her clothes and shoes. She looks stylish.
What I'd Give It:

This sounds pretty awesome! I love cute books like this!
This sounds cute! Probably not something I'd read, but I'm glad you liked it. :]
This book sounds really cute! I'll have to try to get a copy. :)
I hate users. Also seems like a quick easy read
i am probably try to get a copy and read it.
and, yah, i like reading very much too, so if you don't mind, feel free to visit mine in Buku Buku Dela
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