My Thoughts:I had been wanting to read this one for a while now, but I was putting it off because it looks amazing and I was afraid it wouldn't live up to my expectations. I'm glad I finally started reading it! I loved it! It was so much fun! We meet Jennifer and John who have been neighbors all their lives. At one point they were even best friends. High school happened and they just fell into different cliques and drifted apart. All the girls had the hots for John and Jennifer didn't seem too unpopular herself. They both get cast as Romeo and Juliet in a school play and they are required to spend more time together practicing. I really enjoyed this one a lot. When he kissed her the first time (for the play) it was so fun but when he really gave her the first kiss (when they weren't doing it for the play) it was even better and more romantic! I loved this story! Of course she's so stubborn at the beginning she tells people he's a bad kisser. But deep down, she loved that kiss! I loved this book! It was sweet and beautiful and I want my own John now!
Overall: Loved it! Read it now! Even if its your first Jennifer Laurens book, read it! Its a cute fun book to read when your in the mood for some romance.
Cover: Loved it! The first time I saw this book, I knew it would be good! The back cover of the book is really pretty too!!!!