Friday, December 18

Day 8- 12 Blogs Of Xmas Giveaway

CLOSED- Winners announced


April (BooksandWine) said...

Awesome giveaway Cindy, then again all of your giveaways are amazing :-D

Cindy said...

I try to share! LOL! thanks!

Nad said...

Yeah Cindy..
The prizes are a-w-e-s-o-m-e

elaing8 said...

Great giveaway.

Charlotte said...

Wow, that's what I call Christmas Gifts ! Thanks a lot for this gigalicious contest. :)

donnas said...

Very cool. Thanks!!

Justine said...

Gahh, this is such an awesome contest. You're the best, Cindy! :)

SiNn said...

awesome contest

ReaganStar said...

What a great contest, *crosses fingers* Prize 1 please I want each and every one of those books

Happy Holidays

Brodie said...

Ohh so many awesome books! I definitely entered my name in :) Thank you for making it international!

Lotte said...

Oh wow this is the most amazing contest ever! I've never entered any like this, so I'm pretty excitted :) Thanks so much for doing this! Also thanks for making it international :)

estereta said...

Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

awesome contest! thanks :-)

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Awesome contest, thank you! :)

Ladytink_534 said...

Such a great giveaway!

CeeCee said...

You have great books lined up.
Very good contest.


margaret said...

I couldn't enter - it wouldn't let me fill out the form.

margaret said...

Gah. Never mind I entered, my computer was being silly.

Angela Arias Molina said...

Awesone contest! And international! >////<

Thank you soooooo very much!

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

Awesome contest!! Thanks for the chance to win some great books.


pepsivanilla said...

Filled out the form!
You always go all-out! Thanks :)

Julie@My5monkeys said...

great contest and I hope I get picked.

Sherry said...

Cindy I think I might have entered twice by accident, If so I apologize, im not trying to skimp extra entries!!!!


fredamans said...

Awesome contest!!

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+1 Follower


Cindy said...

Remember guys, you have to fill out the form. You do not enter through comments. Thanks


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