Monday, November 16


First off, I just wanted to tell everyone that I will be featured on Climbing Rose Of The Wild Rose Press this week on Friday, for the 5 on Friday edition!

Second, I came across this today! For all you New Moon fanatics out there, like myself!

Did you see the jewelry boxes that came out last year? You know those ones, that were $50 dollars! You told yourself that was tooo expensive but ended up buying it anyways!

Here is the $50.00 jewelry box from last year from Hot Topic. I drove 2 hours to get this jewelry box because I don't have a Hot Topic here! haha

And, than amazon came out with one shortly after that I also had to have (hey it was different) but it was only $20.00. Not too shabby. Granted, it wasn't as nice, no drawer.

Well, I was beginning to wonder when Hot Topic would release their New Moon jewelry box. Have not seen one as of yet. Well, I stumbled upon the new jewelry box on Amazon today, and here it is. It is exactly like the one from Hot Topic with a new design (or at least it looks like it) last year. and its only $22! Way cool!


Jen said...

oh wow that is pretty!

Katie said...

I got the HT Twilight one for Christmas last year and I love it. Plays Clair de Lune everytime you open it. :)

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Ohh, sounds expensive but they do look pretty. :)

Ladytink_534 said...

Well these are neat! And I have a Hot Topic gift card too...


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