Wednesday, November 4

Make A Button Contest

I've been wanting my own button for a while now, and I'm not very artistic. I'm better at reading. hehe.

So this contest is to win a 2009-2010 ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) When the contest is over, I will give you a choice of books! The Winner Of Each Button Will Get To Choose A Book!

What Kind Of Buttons Am I Looking For? Be creative!

1. A Button For Princess Bookie!
2. A Button for the New ARC Tours Website!

Get Your Creativity On! Create Me A Button! I will choose the one I like the most and you win a book! You can do both buttons if you want but you don't have too! Its that simple!

Contest will end when I say It Ends! Open Internationally!
Leave Your Entry In Mr Linky!

Sizing: Small enough to fit on the side of my blog so other people can grab it if they want.

Contest Ended


Unknown said...

I gave it a shot! Hope you like :)

Jordan Perryman said...

I will be making you one for both and linking them! give me a day or two :)


Anonymous said...

Do you want them to be a particular size? :)

Unknown said...

Mine's a little on the big size but of course I can shrink that for you! Just let me know :)

Mariana S said...

Well, is not like I wanted but I like it anyway, hope you´ll like it too. Nice contest ;)

Ellz said...

Great idea. I wish I was talented. I would make a button for myself.

Tere Kirkland said...

Thought I'd give this a shot, and posted it in my sidebar with a link to your contest. Hope you like it!

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Hope you're still taking entries! I just entered mine. I hope you like it =o)


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