Monday, November 16

Cindy's Boyfriend Of The Week (14)

Every week on Monday I host Cindy's Boyfriend Of The Week. It is mainly just a feature where I talk about how devoted I am to actors, singers, etc.

This Weeks boyfriend is
Kellen Lutz

Kellen was born March 15 1985 in North Dakota!
Has six brothers and one sister.
Originally asked to read the role of Edward in "Twilight", but was busy filming "Generation Kill" in Africa.
You May have also seen him on Generation Kill and a few episodes of the new 90210! I remember him!

New Moon comes out this week!!!! Yay!!!! its halfway through November so our leading Twilight man will be coming up soon!


brizmus said...

Have I mentioned before that - MYGOD your boyfriends are always SO frickin' HOT! I wonder if he regrets not taking on the role of Edward. . .

Kaylyn said...

He was supposed to be Edward?! I didn't know that. But in any case this boyfriend is one word: yummy [:

Anonymous said...

So hot! Great pick, he's gorgeous! Can't wait to see him in New Moon.

Alessandra said...

He doesn't look at all like I pictured Edward in my mind (BTW, Robert Pattinson doesn't ether), but he's definitely hot. I don't know why, but he says "bad boy" to me. So not Edward.

Unknown said...

Im sorry Cindy,
Hes taken.
By Me.
Mrs. Kellan Lutz


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