Monday, October 26


I have heard from ALL the winners accept:
(maybe becuz so many winners, you missed your name)

Where Are The Rest Of you??? Since I announced winners on Sunday at noon. I gave 48 hours to respond. I'll be drawning new names tonight if you do not respond. thanks!


I will need your address asap, or I will have to choose another winner.

Overall, the contest was a huge success and people emailed me quickly. There were around 60 winners and all but these emailed me within a day, I'd say that is pretty darn good!


Unknown said...

Thanks so much! I emailed you my information for the Prophecy of the Sisters audiobook.

Ellz said...

I'd say the contest was a HUGE success.

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Wow awesome that so many people won!

Also, shipped out Once a Witch to the winner today :)

Raspberry said...

Cindy - Secret Society doesn't have a winner listed by it, are you still waiting for results?

Cindy said...

Lili emailed me the winner this morning. Forgot to add it on here, I think she has been contacted by Lili.

L said...

Hey cindy, I'm pretty positive I emailed you, but I'll send it again.


The winner's name that you're still waiting on is "Where Are the Rest of You?" Strange name ...

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

I still can't believe I missed my name there. I emailed you, and thanks for the awesome contests! Happy reading, everyone. :)

L said...

I still see my name, but I emailed you my info-did you get it?

Shanyn said...

I got Snap in the mail today - it was even signed! Thank you so much, it's awesome!

Cindy said...

Alexa: Yep I turned your name in, I was just too la


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