Wednesday, October 21

Win Hold Still by Nina LeCour- CLOSED


Winner Was:

Wouldn't you like to win a copy of Hold Still by Nina LeCour?

Here is your chance!!!! Very interesting!!!!

Summary: Devastating, hopeful, hopeless, playful . . . in words and illustrations, Ingrid left behind a painful farewell in her journal for Caitlin. Now Caitlin is left alone, by loss and by choice, struggling to find renewed hope in the wake of her best friend’s suicide. With the help of family and newfound friends, Caitlin will encounter first love, broaden her horizons, and start to realize that true friendship didn’t die with Ingrid. And the journal which once seemed only to chronicle Ingrid’s descent into depression, becomes the tool by which Caitlin once again reaches out to all those who loved Ingrid—and Caitlin herself.


Be Sure To Watch Both Of The Trailers Before Entering:

Hold Still Trailer 2

Nina will be doing an author event at Borders in San Francisco, which will be streaming LIVE on the POV site on October 28th, at 7 PM Pacific time. Go HERE to watch the event.

Enter Now!!!!!

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It
+5 Enter with a way to contact you
Ends October 26, 2009 But Get Your Entries in NOW!
Open to United States And Canada



Robby said...

this book sounds greatgreatgreat!
i'd love to win. :D

runningforamsterdam @ hotmail . com

Jordan Perryman said...

I am really looking forward to this one!

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebared It
+5 Entered with a way to contact

~The Book Pixie said...

I'd love to have a final copy of this.

+1 Follower
+5 Entered with a way to contact me


Jax said...

This one has been on my TBR list...
+1 Follower
+5 Contact information

Melissa said...

Would love a chance to win.

+1 Follower

+5 jjameli(at)cableone(dot)net

Kat Duncombe said...

+1 follower

+5 looks like a great book. Hope I win it! I'm too broke to buy it, that's for sure :(


+1 side barred it here:

Justine said...

Ooh, I've been pining for this one! :)

+1 follower
+1 linked on the sidebar here
+5 justeena_25(at)yahoo(dot)ca


Andrea [Buried In Books] said...

+1 Follower

+1 Sidebar []


Sara said...

I'd love a chance to win!

+1 follower
+1 sidebar @
+5 entry and email


Ailsa said...

Sounds interesting, but very sad. And possibly a little too close to home sometimes.
I'd enter, but wrong country! I'll see if I can find this in the library sometime.

Zia said...

+1 Follower
+5 Entered with a way to contact


Ellz said...

+1 follower
+5 zenfoxflowerATyahooDOTcom
Elie (Ellz Readz)

Sage Ravenwood said...

With everything I've heard about this book, I would love a chance to read it. Please include me in this drawing. Thanks! Indigo

+1 Follower
+5 With a way to contact me

Staysi said...

I really want this one!!

+1 Follower

+1 Sidebar

+5 Contact me:

staysil7 [at] yahoo [dot] com.

tawndam said...

sounds like a wonderful(?) book for anyone who has ever lost someone close...
+1 follower
+5 contact me through Blogger (someone is getting annoyed by entries with no contact... ;-))

Natalie said...

+1 Follower!
+1 Link on Sidebar

Thanks for hosting!

Dani. said...

Ahhhh, this looks so good. Like the epitomy of awesome. :)

+1: Follower
+1: Linked to Sidebar-
+5: Contact into-


Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to read this for the longest time! It looks ah-mazing!

+1 Follower
+1 Posted about your giveaway on my contests page
+5 Contact Info-

YA Book Queen said...

+1 follower
+1 sidebar
+5 way to contact

throuthehaze said...

Count me in please

+1 follower

+5 contact info:
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Amy1225 said...

Count me in

+1 Follower
+5 Entered with a way to contact me


Alicia0385 said...

I would love to have a copy

+1 Follower
+5 Entered with a way to contact me


Llehn said...

I'd love to play please!

+1 Already following
+5 Entered with a way to contact


Martha Lawson said...

Would love to win this!!

+1 already a follower..

+5 contact info..

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

This book looks good. Thanks for the contest!

+1 follower
+1 sidebar

+5 foltzsfantasticbooks at

WhatBriReads said...

Ooh I'd LOVE to win this.

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It


I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Please count me in

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar
+5 cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I so want to read this book!

+1 Follower
+5 Contact info

You have some of the best contests! :D

Rylie said...

+5 Enter me, please!

bcanyon at hotmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

Sounds terrific

+1 follower

+5 entered with a way to contact me

lkish77123 at gmail dot com


Oooh, I'm excited to read this one.

+1 follower

+5 jessjordan82(at)gmail(dot)com, or

pepsivanilla said...

Please count me in :)

+1 follower
+5 contact


Lori T said...

I have this book on my to be bought list.

+1 follower
+5 latomli (at) yahoo (dot) com

You do have the best contests.

stacey dempsey said...

this sounds great i really want to read this
+1 follower
+ 5 entered with way to contact me

roswello ahotmail dot com

brizmus said...

+1 follower
+5 zedster.tbb(at)gmail(DOT)com

This book looks fantastic!

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

I'd love to win this one! It sounds so interesting and the cover captivates me despite that it is kind of plain.

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar @ Falling Off The Shelf

+5 Way to contact


Thanks for the great contest Cindy!

Pam said...

It sounds so good!

I'm a follower

melacan at hotmail dot com

Stacey Brucale said...

I would love to win this!

+1 follower
+5 squiggles87(at)aol(Dot)com

Debbie F said...

I really want to read this! Count me in!
+1 follower
dcf-beth at verizon dot net

Yan said...

I follow you. Love the whole +5 if you leave a way to contact you. LOL


Cindy said...

Yan. I know! But sometimes its a pain to go to their profile and literally have to find an email address. LOL!

Debbie's World of Books said...

Please enter me!
+1 follower
+1 posted at
+5 dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

Andrea said...

+1 I follow you
+5 belle2211(at)yahoo(dot)com


annie said...

i love this book, i borrowed a galley of it but i don't have a copy. it's really good!

+5 contact info:

Briana said...

Nice contest! This book looks so good!

+1 - follower
+5 - way to contact me


Jenna said...

I've been wanting to read this one for forever. If I don't win I'm going to go and pick up a copy myself!

+1 Follower

+5 jennapomme[at]yahoo[dot]com

Thanks for the contest!

brizmus said...

I already entered, but just added the contest to my sidebar

Anonymous said...

+1 follower

looks good, thanks!

AnAddictedBookReader said...

Awesome, thanks!
+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It
+5 Enter with a way to contact you
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

The books sounds so interesting. Please enter me!

+1 Follower

+1 Posted on sidebar:


Anna ♥

Unknown said...

+1 Follow
+5 kat-tastic(at)

Hailey Miller said...

This sounds like an absolutely awesome book! Please enter me.

+1 Follower!!

+1 Posted about this contest on my sidebar at

+5 Entered with my email!


Jenny N. said...

I really want to read this book. Hope I'm able to win a copy.

+1 Follower
+5 Entered with contact info


Michelle said...

Sounds like a winner!

I'm a follower
+5 mmillet at gmail dot com

nomadreader said...

I'd love to win!

And I follow!

nomadreaderblog at gmail

Sarah said...

+1 Follower
+1 Linked to sidebar
+5 Entered with a way to contact

Thanks for the contest, Cindy! Hold Still looks really good!

two_of_hearts_101 at yahoo dot com

Diana Dang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana Dang said...

Would love this!

+1 follower

f+5 aked_sugartone at hotmail

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

+1 follower
+1 sidebar:
+5 entry with email:

Awesome contest, thanks! And the trailers were nice. I like the one you posted better because it's a little more relateable, but the second one is very pretty as well! :)

Unknown said...

I have been wanting to read this!

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It
+5 Enter with a way to contact you

Sandy said...

1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It
+5 Enter with a way to contact you (email: piratepenguinreads[at]gmail[dot]com)

Kari Olson said...

+1 follower

+1 sidebar

+5 entered with a way to contact

L said...

This book looks really good!

+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar It:
+5 Enter with a way to contact me


Deb K said...

This book sounds so good~Please enter me to win :)

+1 Follower
+5 Enter with a way to contact me


Cindy said...

WON: WhatBriReads


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