Tuesday, October 27

Waiting On Wednesday 10/28 (16)

This Weeks Waiting On Wednesday is:

Every Little Thing In The World by Nina De Gramont

Summary: A teenager. A pregnancy. A familiar story. NOT

When sixteen-year-old Sydney Biggs’s pregnancy test shows the tell tale plus sign, she confides in only her best friend Natalia, and Natalia promptly “borrows” her mother’s car so Sydney can confront the baby’s father. But after the car is reported stolen and police bring the girls home, their parents send them away to wilderness camp as punishment. With six weeks to spend in the wilds of Canada, time is ticking for Sydney, who isn’t sure what she wants to do about the pregnancy. As she befriends her fellow adventuremates and contends with Natalia’s adamant opinions on the choices available, Sydney realizes that making the right choice can mean very different things.

What Is Your Book This Week? Leave Your Link!


Justine said...

This seems like a really good book. Adding it to my TBR list :)

Test said...

I'm an extremely fortunate person because I already got to read this novel, so let me tell you this: Every Little Thing In The World is AMAZING! I just know you're going to love it.

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Donna (Bites) said...

You have an award! Come get!

Bleuette said...

Seems like a good book.


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