Saturday, October 24

Surpise Contest (yay)

Yes, I know I am probably surprising you all. But that is the point!

Winner Will Receive One Surprise Advanced Reader Copy from ME.

All you have to do to enter is tell me your #1 book you are looking forward to in 2010 and what you would do to get it! Think about it! The one you must have!! The book is of course your choice, BUT I will choose the best answer on what you would do for it so be creative.

Example: awhile back my answer was Something Like Fate and I would eat my boogers for it (ewwwww) LOL

To Enter:
Just answer the question



Cynthia said...

The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy I would lip synce and dance around in public to a Britney spears song for it!

Thao said...

I'd love to have Sleepless. A month of no sleep at all to get this book ;D

Dahlia (TheBookShopaholic) said...

I'm anxiously waiting for Boys, Girls, and Other Hazardous Materials, I would run a 100 mile marathon to get my hands on a copy.

Robyn @ Robolobolyn's Universe said...

Um, either Spirit Bound (by Richelle Mead) or The Reckoning (by Kelley Armstrong).

Oh, and I couldn't find anything that said wither or not thins contest was international or what, so if it's not open to us Canadians, count me out. But if it's international then I'm in!

Robyn :)

Janicu said...

I REALLY want to read A Local Habitation by Seanan McGuire. I'd let my sister borrow my car for it. And that's scary.

in which a girl reads said...

I will do anything to get my hands on Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones.

I'd give up chocolate for the rest of life.

I want it that bad.

Yan said...

*raise hand for Spirit Bound as well* There's more 2010 books coming out so who knows what my answer will be a few months from now lol. However for Spirit Bound I am willing to give up GLEE for an entire month, listen to Miley Cyrus "the best of both worlds" for 24 hours straight, watch SPECTACULAR (from Nickelodeon) while dancing, in front of the window so the world may see, to the songs.

Erica said...

Definately Something Like Fate or Spirit Bound or Cresendo (I'm not sure which....) For Something Like Fate, I'd do just about anything. For Spirit Bound I would trek to Siberia and publicly march around the city while reading Vampire Academy Book 1 aloud. And for Crescendo I'd go to like Chicago and wear tattered angels wings and tell everyone I passed I'm a fallen angel looking for a sacrifice lol.

:) Erica

Hayley Lovell said...

Strange Fate by L.J. Smith and I'm pretty sure I'd move in with my aunt. She's a compulsive hoarder and once told me I looked like a hooker. We don't get along. But I'd move into her tiny apparment with her if it meant I could get that book.


Brodie said...

Ohh bad idea reading the comments, my first thought was "Spirit Bound" but then saw Crescendo and ah! Tough! Okay, I'll go with Spirit Bound. I would travel around Russia by foot wearing only a "TEAM DIMITRI" banner across my front and a "BUT I STILL LOVE ADRIAN" banner across my back with a bloody stake raised in my hand and screaming "STRIGOI!" like a crazy man[wo]man at every second person I pass.

Awesome contest! :) thank you!

Unknown said...

Spirit Bound by Richelle Meade, and I would let R Kelly pee on me.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read The Iron King by Julie Kagawa! AHHHHH!!! I'd do 100 push-ups and sit-ups for it and by god do I hate exercising!


donnas said...

Currently its The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare. And I would do without sweets of any kind or soda for 6 months.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Unknown said...

Didnt leave my email, so here it is: =)

pepsivanilla said...

Gone by Lisa McMann!!

To get this book, I would flunk out of college, just stop doing my work, and spend my time creating playlists and fan art for it!

Chioma said...

I am dying for The Mark by Jen Nadol.

To win it I would start living in a van, only listen to techno 70s music, become a vegan, and only wear tie dye shirts and pants combinations for the rest of my life.

Girl on a Mission said...

Sorry, here's my address

Nicole Settle said...

Gone by Lisa McMann and for it I would have a whole bag of earwax flavored jellybeans


Cynthia said...

Haley , i have been wait for strange fate for years. I think I will mostly like cry tears of joy when I finally get my copy. I remember crying when they told me that it was canceled. I was so sad for two years about it. Secret Vampire was the book that opened my love of reading when I was 12.

Mariana S said...

I Really want to read Some Girls Are and to get the book I would write a song about it and sing it in public (Im a terrible singer) maybe even a little dance haha xD.


Bunny B said...

I look forward to Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and I'd wash someone's butt for it! :(

bunnybx at gmail . com

Unknown said...

I absolutely cannot wait for the third book of The Hunger Games trilogy. It won't come out until next FALL, but I am counting down the days!

I want it so bad I would participate in the Hunger Games to get my hands on a copy!


~The Book Pixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ashley (Ibreath2read) said...

I can't wait for " A Hope Undaunted" . I would dance and jump around a Mexican sombrero singing "Pop Goes The Weasel" in Spanish, in the middle of Wal-Mart!
Love Y'all,

Ashley (Ibreath2read) said...

Sorr forgot my e-mail:~)

Dahlia (TheBookShopaholic) said...

I forgot my email address: thebookshopaholic(at)hotmail(dot)com

(3rd Entry)

~The Book Pixie said...

There are so many great ones coming out next year that it is nearly impossible to decide. I'm going to say Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder.

Ok. I would put on a string bikini, rub myself down in baby oil, then strut around my duplex in stilettos and shades all during breakfast and lunch hours while singing at the top of my lungs the song She Works Hard for the Money. Oh, and did I mention I live in the housing projects, directly across the street from a truck stop and gas station. Think about it.


Nancy said...

*rubs hands together while brows connect*
Hmmm....with so many great choices out there. I would have to say SPIRT BOUND by Richelle Mead. After reading her last novel and being left dangling with such an ending. I think I would tredge out to Siberia myself in snow shows and hunt out blood thirty, power hungry, crazed strigoi for a little bite more of Dimitri and Rose.
Wouldn't you???

~The Book Pixie said...

Oh I left off an 'm' at the end of my email. It should be:


Nancy said...

gosh I was intent on my Spirit Bound mission that i totally forgot my addy


Briana said... hard!

I would have to say Crescendo as well! I am dying to read it! I would eat dog poop to get my hands on this book! And then wash it down with some NyQuil (yuck!!).


Tynga said...

I can't wait for Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead, and I suffer of Verigo and I would jump off a plane (with a parachute... dah!) to get a copy early!

Sara said...

Gosh, I do a lot of crazy stuff to get an ARC of Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead. I'd dress up in a vampire costume and wear it around my college campus (to classes, the dining hall, etc) the ENTIRE week leading up to Halloween. My vampire ensemble would resemble the stereotypical Dracula outfit. Slicked back hair w/widow's peak, cape, red lips, fangs, fake blood, pasty pale skin... Unfortunately, I'd probably lose all my friends, but at least I'd have copy of the book! :)

Llehn said...

The book I would love to have is Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken. I would camp out in the rain for a month like in Survivor. Oh and I'd go down a dark alley and meet a bunch of vamps!


in which a girl reads said...

forgot email:


I was Entry #6

Milka said...

Okay, first of all, you put up impossible question, to say one book I am waiting for. There are like millions of books I am waiting for. :)

Okay, maybe there is one book I am really looking for. And it will published at APRIL 2010!!! It is like 6 months away. This book is 'Am most Improper Magick' by Stephanie Burgis. It is set in Recengy England (my weak spot, I love everything about recengy england) and I am already dreaming about Darcy like hero and Elizabeth like heroine. I would probably go outside RIGHT NOW when it is freezing (it really is, I am just not saying... We have snow already and it is under 0 degrees celcius) and run naked around our yard and scream to get this book into my hands.


cait045 said...

I would have to say Karen Chance's fifth book in the Cassandra Palmer Series. I do not even know if it has a title but it comes out the summer of 2010. I am super excited for that one.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read Sleepless by Cyn Balog. :)
What would I do for it? Hmm... I wouldn't read a single book for a whole year just to get a copy! That's a looongg time for me to go without reading.

Anonymous said...

I would love to read Sleepless by Cyn Balog. :)
What would I do for it? Hmm... I wouldn't read a single book for a whole year just to get a copy! That's a looongg time for me to go without reading.

YA Book Queen said...

I'm really looking forward to Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken...the synopsis makes me want it so badly!

Sandy said...

there are lots of 2010 books that I would kill to have... besides Spiritbound and the Reckoning... hmmm... I really want Anna and the Boy Masterpiece by Stephanie Perkins and The DUFF by Kody Keplinger! (both tenners ;D) What would I do to get these? I wouldn't eat bread for an entire year. (which is deadly serious because I ADORE bread!)


Lori T said...

Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead...I would give up Diet Mountain Dew for a month. Which is quite a big deal as I am addicted to it.

latomli (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I so want The Line by Teri Hall. What would I do????? Sing in front of the entire student body at the middle school where I teach :)

foltzsfantasticbooks at

Jenny N. said...

The book I'm eagerly waiting for is Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead. I would do lots of crazy and disgusting things for this book. One thing I would do is bite my toenails with my teeth. I would even send you a pic that you can post on your blog to show as proof that I did it.


Justine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Justine said...

Oh my gosh, there's a lot! But...I'd have to say The Mark Jen Nadol. And I'd go to extreme measures to read it:

I'd run across the country in nothing but a banana suit carrying a sign that says "HONK IF YOU LIKE BANANAS!" Along the way, I'll make pit stops at malls and edit the sign to make it say "GIVE ME FOOD IF YOU LIKE BANANAS!" so that they'll give me free food. I'd have to avoid smoothie or dessert shops though, just in case they plan on making me into a milkshake or a banana split.


Wendy said...

One book?! Oh, boy.

Betrayals by Lili St. Crow!

& I would put on some gold paint all over it, get naked and streak across my neighborhood.

Ha! That sounds fun. ;)

Alessandra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CeeCee said...

Heist Society by Ally Carter. I would create a convoluted plan to infiltrate Hyperion and gain said book (with every intention of returning it) which would most definitely fail and result in me ending up in gaol- so I would spend a couple of nights in a cell, though I would be so traumatized that it may end up being a padded one.


This was a fun question to answer and fun to read other peoples.

A Life Bound By Books said...

It would have to be Spirit Bound and..... as eww as it would be...

I'd let a skunk spray me!



Virginia C said...

Jordan by Susan Kearney (Book #3 The Pendragon Legacy)

I would sing Paris Hilton's greatest hits at a Karaoke Bar!

gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Kate said...

I'd love "Torment" by Lauren Kate (the sequel to Fallen). Fallen was sooo good. I'm willing to sit down and listen to my friend gush about the things I hate for a year/ that she loves e.g. Edward "corpse" Culen, Miley Cyprus, Hannah Montanna/ High School Music...
Just thinking about it gives me chills.

Sylvia said...

I'm dying to get my hand on a copy of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, I would willing skip school just to read this book continuously, until I finish reading it, and believe me, skipping school is really a big, big, no, HUGE deal:)

throuthehaze said...

I would let zombies eat my brains if I could just read The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Andrea [Buried In Books] said...

I would walk around on my hands for a week to read The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard!

The Book Bug said...

I would try and do that spider monkey thing out of twilight ever day for a month wearing reindeer antlers for ANASTASIA'S SECRET!

Also, I'm waiting anxiously for THE CLOCKWORK ANGEL by cassandra Clare, for that book I would find every poster of Edward Cullen and throw them to crocodiles (sorry!)

The book bug (chloe)

Alessandra said...

Looking forward to The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. To get a copy I would walk from home to the Atlantic Coast in France, swim across the ocean and land in the Us, then walk up to Elizabeth Scott's doorstep and beg her to give me a copy of her book. Then I'd walk/swim/crawl my way back to home in Italy. (Lol: I actually can't swim at all. I'd have to learn how to do it properly before attempting to swim across the Atlantic.)


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward for the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins.
No idea what the title of the book is though.

a flight of minds said...

Oh there's sooo many that are coming out in 2010 that I want. Third Hunger Games, The Clockwork series by Cassandra Clare, Before I Fall... I'd die for all/any of them. Or wait. Maybe not die. Then I can't read them. I would swear off candy to get it. And that's saying a lot.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to say I'm dying for whatever the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy will be...
NEED IT...To live...breath...survive

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

I'm dying to read I Kissed a Zombie and I Liked it. I would sing Srarrstrukk bu 3oh3 and dance to it. (My dancing is horrid btw) :)

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Ina said...

I can't wait to read Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh *sigh* and *can'tbelieveI'msayingthat* I would eat a month long every day broccoli and sprouts *ugh*
so you know how much I'm waiting for that one ;)

Ellz said...

Ok, I am in desperate need for Jeckyl Loves Hyde. I would paint my hair BLUE for that book! YEs, yes I would!

Elie (Ellz Readz)

Nikki (Wicked Awesome Books) said...

I'm going to go with some other people here and say that I need the third book in the Hunger Games Trilogy.

To get it, I would sit in a room full of screaming 12 year old Twilight fans (us older Twilight fans don't wail like them young ones) with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner at the front of the room.

That, or I would have someone throw the book out of a plane and I'd go skydiving after it.

:D Nikki


Bianca said...

I can't wait for the Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. I would take TWO math classes if I were to get that book. and I LOATHE MATH.

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

L said...

OMG! If I had to choose only one book, I think my brain would explode. I'm dying to read Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead, Evernight by Claudia Gray, and Gone by Lisa McMann! I would give away all of the books I own to my friend(I absolutely hate lending my books to people because I don't want them to get ruined) who is the messiest person alive. I would probably cry, but it would be worth it to get one of these books in advance. Oh, and I would eat 10,000 vomit and skunk flavored jelly beans =D.


Bianca said...

I can't wait for the Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. I would take TWO math classes if I were to get that book. and I LOATHE MATH.

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Lover Mine by J.R. Ward

I would give up chocolate for one week to get this book! (That's like giving up AIR to me.)


Meggo My Eggo♫ said...

Jekyl Loves Hyde!

Shanyn said...

I'm dying to read My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent. That or the next Spellmans book! I would not eat chocolate for a week for either of them.

shanynlee at

Lilixtreme said...

I'm looking for to The Mark by Jen Nadol and I would eat spicy things for an entire 2 weeks just to get it!

Jenna said...

The Reckoning by Kelling Armstrong. I would probably dress up like a banana, and sing that Peanut Butter Jelly Time song in the mall for a week. Or kiss my brother. . and we hate eachother. It would be creepy. aha x.

Michelle said...

This is fun:

I really, really, absolutely want to read Gone by Lisa McMann! I think to get this one I'd even eat a plate full of liver and onions with a side of green peas. (if you knew me, you'd know what a great sacrifice this is...)


Anonymous said...

I"m most looking forward to Fallen, I would take a plain up into the heavens and jump out of it so I could catch this tenner as it "falls"

Sarah Woodard said...

I want to read Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers, the most. It looks amazing.

Sarah Woodard said...

I forgot to say what I would do for Some Girls Are. I would stay off twitter for two weeks.

Mandy said...

I would take a dip in boiling hot dirty-homeless-man urine while eatting a jar of his toe nail clippings and sipping on his bathwater once a week for the next 10 years just to get my hands on a copy of The Mark Jen Nadol. Heres to dirty homeless men! =)

Cindy said...

I know I'm not entering, but hey thought I'd at least post.

I want Something Like Fate and I would eat my own boogies for it. LOL

Anonymous said...

I would love to have The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott and I would exercise, actually exercise for it! If you knew how hard that is for me, you would probably be shocked.


Kate at Read This Book! said...

After a lot of thinking, I decided on
SOMETHING LIKE FATE. Oh my goodness, I WANT that book so badly. Ever since I heard the title, I knew the cover would be awesome and that the book was going to be amazing.

I would dress in a banana costume and walk down a busy street singing a Beyonce song.

Monica Corwin said...

Lover Mine by: J.R. Ward

What would I do??
I would go back and be stationed in Korea again for a year...if you knew how bad it was you would be gasping...equivalent to spending a year in prison where you are not allowed to sleep and they take your shoelaces ;)


Hummm Love Mine by JR Ward! Hellz yeah. Now what would I do you it..
I would tackle anyone who I even think got it... humm no I already did that for Lover Avenged..
I would send JR Ward enough coffee to keep her going for the next year. Hey we gotta keep her writing dont we?? :O)
Lifkdasux at aol dot com

Bleuette said...

Strange Fate by LJ Smith. I would publicly sing, and trust me, NO ONE wants to hear that. I probably sound like an animal being run over.


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