At the end of the contests tonight, I will be doing a mini interview with me, just for fun.
It will feature 10 questions total.
To enter, you must ask me some sort of question you want featured in my interview (can be anything, silly, general, whatever).
UPDATE: A important question was brought to my attention, what if so many people enter its hard to keep the questions straight?? Very very true. So I am modifying this a little bit.
First 40 People Can Enter. Sorry guys thats still alot of questions. My niece gets to pick the 20 questions she thinks I will enjoy answering most, then the 20 questions will be put up in a vote . 10 Will be Chosen (I have no say over what she picks) Winners will go from there. (its the simplest way)
After the question entries stop, I will write STOP under the comment section, and change the title to VOTING. Each person can vote for 2 questions they want to see featured. You can not vote for your own question (duh, lol)
The Winner Will choose a number between 1 and 5 and you will get that book (these books were donated between 2 bloggers, myself and another. They are all ARCS.
The Rules:
You can not vote for your own question
You Can Not Choose A question someone already asked (so you HAVE to read the responses before you)
If by chance there are ties, the tied questions will be pulled in a hat, and randomly picked.
Have FUN!
(p.s. A few people emailed and said their entry didn't show up, I don't have the awaiting comment option on, it might not have posted, you may need to repost, sorry.)
NOTE: One Question Each (just in case ALOT of people enter-its only fair)
Friday Free-For-All Readathon
1 week ago
Similar to the 'if you were left on an island' is the: If you could only KEEP three books, which would they be, and why?
Ehm, I'm a bit confused now, does this mean we can start posting questions right now, or do we have to wait for a specific post after you end posting the contests? Sorry if this sounds too lame :(
Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies or Fairies? And Why?
Who was your first literary crush and how old were you?
If you could spend some time with your favorite author, what would you plan to do together?
Will your friends that are helping today still be your friends when this is all over? :)
Just kidding of course! They are awesome friends to be helping but they will have a lot of work to do! After it's all over I would love to hear some stats from your contests. How many entries did you have total, how many new followers, how many authors, bloggers, etc contributed, how many books were given, ....? It's more work for you but it would be interesting to tally it all up someday. Hope you're having fun!!
If you could spend a day with an author, who would it be and what would you do?
shanynlee at
If you're life was going to get made into a movie who would you want to play you and why?
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
If you could pick one book or series you read (or had read to you) when you were growing up that inspired the "bookworm" in you, which one would it be and why?
If you could be written as a character in a book, what book would it be and why?
what's one of the worst books you've read? (ever, before you even started blogging)
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
What is your best memory of being proud to be a bookworm- the kind of thing where your heart swelled and your eyes danced for it?
If you could do anything in the world or have any job (and the talent to do said thing) what would it be and why?
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Please count me in.
What are you majoring in college? And where is your favorite reading spot?
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
What is your favorite project that Chad Michael Murray has done?
What author that you have not already met would you most like to meet?
If you had to choose a book title for the story of your life, what would it be?
What rule that your parents taught you growing up do you break most often?
shalondasblog (at) hotmail (dot) com
Why Cupcakes?
If you can be an item from any novel, what would it be?
faked_sugartone at hotmail
You can witness any event in the past, present, or hopefully future. What would it be and why? (Keeping in mind you can only witness these events and can not change anything)
What is/are your favourite word/s?
Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com
If there was a zombie invasion and you could pick one person and one weapon to stick with you who/what would it be and why?
If a fairy godmother told you your life could be exactly like your favorite book for 24 hours, which book would you pick and why?
If you could be any female book character, who would you be? Also, what male character influenced your choice?! Haha : D
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net
What is one thing you wish you had known about blogging when you first started? And if you could go back in time with that information, would you change the way you did things then?
If you could have one superhero power what would it be?
Why did you become a book blogger?
what's your big dream?? what do you want more than anything else?
inael87 (at) gmx (dot) at
I'm not sure if we can ask more than one question but I'll put them on here anyway.
If you knew you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do and where would you go?
What if you had a week?
What do you say about movie adaptations of our favorite books? Good, bad?
ok as of now 33 entries, the next 7 people can enter, under this comment.
Is there any books out there that have influenced you in big ways?
If you could experience something any character experiences in any novel, what would it be?
What type of book do you think that you would be?
If you could hang out with one character for a day from your favorite book who would it be and why?
What is the first book you remember--could be being read to you or the first one you remember reading, if that's easier!
When you were a kid, did you get hurt a lot? lol
One more Question? Anyone want to enter? LOL
If your house caught on fire and all your collection of books burned, what would you do? start over or quit reading?
Ok, that hits 40. Next step, stay tuned!
I just noticed, I forgot my email address: thebookshopaholic(at)hotmail(dot)com
Great questions, I can't wait to read your "interview"
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