Since everyone wants this book, going to make arc 2 a lil harder to get, so all you excited folks who like to go the extra measure have a chance to grab a copy! (you can still enter for arc 1 though below)
+5 Blog About It somewhere (twitter, your blog- NO SIDEBARS, You must tweet or BLOG) about this contest and the #one reason you must have!!!!! (only way to enter) (you must leave the link to be entered) (be creative if you want) and it mixes it up from the same formula (from the other contests)
Captivate by Carrie Jones (1 ARC- 1 Winner)
Summary: Zara and her friends knew they hadn't solved the pixie problem for good. Far from it. The king's needs grow deeper every day he's stuck in captivity, while his control over his people gets weaker. It's made him vulnerable. And now there's a new king in town. A turf war is imminent, since the new pixie king, Astley, is moving in quickly. Nick nearly killed him in the woods on day one, but Zara came to his rescue. Astley swears that he and Zara are destined to be together, that he's one of the good guys. Nick isn't buying it, though Zara isn't as sure -- despite herself, she wants to trust the new king. But it's a lot more than her relationship with Nick that is at stake. It's her life -- and his.
Donated By: Carrie Jones
(if you don't leave direct link or I can't find it, won't count)! Want to be fair to everyone!
+5 I'll tweet about the contest!
Why do I want this ARC? Um, because I tore right through the first one and need more Zara/Nick!! (sorry for the uncreative answer...I just plain want this book! lol)
tweeted +5
I want this arc because I need a it to help be unwind after a long semester of school and I am so excited I almost peed myself when I saw this contest.
my twitter is @faeriexflash.
I k
+5 twitter http://twitter.com/alicia0605
I want this Arc because I think the book sounds really awesome and I've never had an ARC before.
+5 Twitter
I want this book because I love everything about pixies!!
+5 I tweeted! www.twitter.com/lilmissamber
Why do I want this ARC?? Because I'm a total sucker for a good cover, and HELLO! This cover is phenomenal! Pluuuuuuuuus, this book doesn't come out until Jan. 5. I totally cannot wait that long. Annnnnd, I will turn around and pass this book on to another loyal YA reader. Promise. :)
+5 Tweet (mindfulmusings)
I want it because (other than the fact that I really enjoyed Need), I think it would be something my readers would be interested in and I'd LOVE to give them an early review of the sequel to Need!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
+5 blogged about it here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2009/10/captivate.html
I want this ARC because Need was one of the best books I read this year and I really really want to read the next and see what happens to the characters.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
+5 Blogged: http://bunnymoney9.blogspot.com/2009/10/princess-bookie.html
I want to win Captivate because people are really excited about it and I have never read a book of this genre before. Would love to delve into this pixie world!
bunnybx at gmail . com
If you want to find out why I need this book so badly, go check out http://brizmusblogsbooks.blogspot.com
I'll be blogging about it later today when I'll be updating from the Read-A-Thon.
I also tweeted about it!
+5 I twittered.
My name is @KateBlogger
I must have this book because it sounds amazing. And it has pixies. Yup, I love pixies. And I just really want to read it.
+5 tweeted
I want thi ARC for 2 reasons.
1. Everybody seems to like it soo I want to read it to know why all people like it :)
2 Have you seen that cover? I think that it's on of the prettiest I have seen!
I want to be entered because...
I think there are pixies under my bed and I need help trying to fix this pixie problem!!
+5 tweeted http://twitter.com/EllzReadz/status/5121910148
Ooouu, thanks for this contest!!
I want this ARC because *Hello!!* Carrie Jones is the bestest ever and I NEED to get this ARC to be happy! ;p
Tweeted - http://twitter.com/robbiebear03/statuses/5122075242
Robyn :)
+5 The number one reason I want this book is because I've heard wonders about it and I want to read it for myself. Also this book reminds me of Tinkerbell.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
+5 tweeted
I NEED (nice pun, right?) this ARC because I loved the first one and I have to know where the story goes now.
My post is up about why I need this:
I included in my post why I want this^^
+5 tweeted
I want to read this becuase the first book was such a fun mix of paranormal romance/adventure that im must read the sequel, i mean look at the cover, it's beauty speaks for itself!
I tweeted about this contest here: http://twitter.com/alessandra83/status/5125564579
I'd like to win this ARC because... well, there are many reasons. First of all, the cover is beautiful (and I'm a big sucker for pretty covers). Second, I loved Need very, very much and the sequel can't but be great. Third, I've never received an ARC before the book was actually released (which is so totally cool!). Fourth, I must be in love with werewolf!Nick. Fifth, I Need (pun intended, lol) some more Zara/Nick romance.
Please enter me as well. Thank you : )
+5 tweet (http://twitter.com/serenehours)
I want this ARC because I've read anything by Carrie Jones though I so want to. And it's great to have a chance to read it before the book really comes out.
Loved the first one and want to know what happens next!
+1 follower
+1 entry
+5 http://twitter.com/pinkhair
I posted why I needed this on my Twitter, but I can only use 140 characters there, so I'll go into more detail here: I NEED to know what's going on with Zara and her creepy pixie dad and Nick, who I loved! Need was so original and I can't wait for more.
It's unoriginal, but true.
shutupjessicasreading at gmaildotcom
I loved her first book. I can not wait to read this one.
jomullane at bluemarble dot net
+5 for tweeting (my twitter is http://twitter.com/rblprince89)
I really want to read this because I am exploring the YA paranormal genre, and its popularity in order to write a term paper on the subject - so I need to read as many of them as possible!
+5 blogged about it---
I love the phobias in this book- and am dying to see how many more the author can use and also put them in relevant to the story. Such talent!
Ohhh, looks good!
+1 follow
+1 entry
Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com
REASON: Do I need to explain myself? I think all of you who have read Need know what I mean.
Need got my glued to the pages so it's only normal that I want to devour the sequel
+5 post-> http://silviapisyabooks.blogspot.com/2009/10/lots-and-lots-of-contests.html
OMg! Great contest! Love how it's a only one way to enter too!
I want this ARC because well, I have Need sitting here and have yet to read it, but I have a fascination with reading ARCs before they are released, lol. It will push me to read Need ASAP so I can get through Captivate in time to review it by release date!
Tweeted! - http://twitter.com/jennilovevirgo/status/5131213736
I soooo want to read this!
+1 follow
+1 entry
(I'm not sure if I had to put that for this one..?)
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
+1 follower
+1 entry
+5 tweeted this contest here: http://twitter.com/heynocupcake/status/5134103618
WANT THIS!!!! Blogged about it with my reason!
foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com
I would love this ARC because it seems like a great fantasy book :) and the cover is just awesome...
+5 tweet http://twitter.com/andreadbc/status/5134401488
thanks for the giveaway
+5 tweeted about the contest: http://twitter.com/Senfaye/status/5135214552
I want Captivate because I have to know what happens next!
I Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/CRDWLLG/status/5135520509
Why do I want this book? Because not only do I want this book, I NEED it... Get it? :)
- Cardwellmail@aol.com
I want this book because it looks amazing and I need a good book to read during my free.
+5 tweeted: http://twitter.com/naggy8/status/5137853557
+5 I tweeted!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
+5 I tweeted! http://twitter.com/booksobsession/status/5153334645
I'd love to win this book. Carrie Jones is an amazing author, I love her work!
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