Hey Guys, I've already gotten an email from an anonymous blogger plus 2 comments that were somewhat snoddy. I didn't start this contest to make everyone mad. I started it because I wanted to share my love of reading with others! I just want to give the excitement and joy to others as I have had reading these, so please don't take it the wrong way that I hosted this contest. I didn't do it to offend anyone. I wanted to give everyone a chance to read these books that I was lucky enough to acquire. One comment said I asked publishers for ARCS and that was wrong of me. Let me clarify that, I have gotten about 10 books total from publishers!!! And that is only because there were books I really wanted to read. The rest of the ARCS I have gotten through various ways. I have gotten ALOT from Bookmooch and Paperbackswap. You can find me there giving away books as well.
The ARC's I read and really love, will be bought in hardcovers to put on my keeper shelf! My main source of books are from the internet (bookmooch, pbs, Amazon and Wal-Mart). No Borders or Barnes and Noble here so choices are limited! I've been reading for as long as I remember, from the days of Goosebumps to The Babysitters Club!
I have gotten alot of the arcs I own by 2 certain friends, I will refrain from mentioning their names or they will have loads of emails to answer. I have traded books, I have mooched books! I do not go to publishers very often! Granted, that it would be totally rad if they sent me books but I don't like to ask so when I do, its a huge thing for me!!
Also included is that a lot of the books aren't reviewed yet in the contest. They are scheduled posts, and haven't published yet. I've been super busy all summer and have been scheduling posts so each week it evens itself out. I am a college student and I took 4 classes this summer and have been extremely busy. The reviews will be posted, so stay tuned.
Sorry that this is rather long, I just kind of got sad when people were getting mad at me. I just wanted to share all my books with you fellow bookies.........
Weekly Reading Goals
1 week ago
I don't know why someone would post about why you have ARC's and where you got them. Frankly, it's none of their business. I love your blog and your reviews. You just keep doing what you do best and don't let any of those Debbie Downers rain on your parade.
Hey Cindy!!
I really enjoy your blog, don't let the haters get ya down. Keep up the good work
Don't let them get to you! This is your blog, and you did nothing wrong. Some people are just jealous.
Aw - that's terrible. You decide to have a contest to be nice and someone attacks you for it! That's horrid. Who cares WHERE you got the books, it doesn't matter. Keep up the great reviews and forget stupid people like them! :)
I'm sorry that you had to deal with people like that Cindy.
Some people just don't appreciate kindness. I hope you know that they are personal attacks, and just from jealous people
I love your blog.
Oh what is with these people lately? I keep hearing about nasty commenters. Sour grapes anyone? And we should all remember what our mothers taught us, "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."
I really admire what you're doing to share these awesome books! And really who cares where they came from? Someone jealous, that's who!
Personally, I think your blog's great! And there's always complainers, unfortunately. But we positive people count more, right? Lol. Keep it up! I'm glad I ran across this!
I'm surprised that someone is complaining that you get arcs...especially when you're giving them all away! Obviously someone is a little jealous.
On an unrelated note...every time I visit your blog I crave cupcakes
I think you should be able to do WHATEVER you want with UR books. I mean Annon should GET A LIFE.
That sucks! I dont understand why anyone would attack you like that when you are being very generous and giving away so many books. There has been a lot of hate mail going around recently so I wouldnt let it get to you , just keep up the good work cause your blog is awesome!!
Oh poo on those people. They are your books, you can do with them whatever you want. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone and who ever had the nerve to say something to you just doesn't know how to mind their own business. Don't let 'em get you down! :D
That's mean why someone would hate on that. They're not the cool ones hosting awesome contests and giving away tons of books out of pure generosity! I seriously just don't understand people sometimes..
Don't let it tear you down!
Has it been pumped in the air for people too be extra caddy lately over books? Or did I miss the memo where this became some sort of competetion to see who gets the most books these days? I don't understand why some people (excuse me, some anon people) are trying to suck the fun out of this.
I'm like you, I only have Wal-Mart for a bookstore near me so I was beyond excited when I saw you were doing this awesome giveaway. Screw the haters!
PS- I love your header =D
Aww, why would someone hate on you for hosting such a great contest?
Keep sharing, your blog is great!
It's really sad that people feel the need to attack you because of what books you have gotten. Don't let them get to you, they're just jealous.
I think it's amazing you are even bothering to do a contest that is so great. It shouldn't and doesn't matter how you obtained ARC. I enjoy your blog immensely. Please remember that it is only (I hope a jealous few who tend to be anon) who don't understand that you are sharing something you enjoy with them because you are a nice person.
I'm so sorry that people waste their time to give attitude to an innocent blogger that just wants to write and make people happy.
It seems like there is a lot of hate going around the blog world lately. Don't worry about it. You do not have to justify yourself to anyone, least of all an anon. You are doing a great thing with this contest. Keep up the good work.
People are just jealous - I mean who wouldn't be that you got to read all these awesome books - but you are not to hated for your good fortune. Plus, you are not hoarding them - your are sharing them. And it isn't like you are just trying to get free stuff, in fact, I have it on good authority that you are buying, like, 40 books this September. :)
Furthermore, who would turn down ARCs? I mean, come on, they are a wonderful opportunity, ESPECIALLY for bloggers! If one of those haters were offered an ARC I bet they wouldn't turn it down!
I'm a fan of your blog and you're awesome and you don't have to pay them any mind - we luv ya and that's all that matters!
lol... asking publishers for arc's? Do they do that?? ;-) Honestly, I just assumed that these were books you had read and wanted to pass on... I may be new to your blog (I came for this incredible giveaway! ;-)) but, honestly, if you love and respect books as much as I do, the thought of tossing them aside is not only environmentally wasteful, but intellectually wasteful as well... You are doing an amazing thing AND getting the word out that you are doing it! DON'T STOP! They're just mad because they didn't think of doing it first! (makes you wonder what they do with 'all the books' after they are done with them, doesn't it...)
This same thing just happened to Kristi! Don't let those jealous people get you down, your blog rocks! :)
okie they are just seriously lame. Don't listen to them period! Your blog is awesome and you should do whatever you want with the ARC's you get! =)
Some people are so rude. It's none of their business how or where the ARCs come from. Don’t listen to them. Thank you so much for sharing your books, with fellow bloggers. We appreciate it.
Kind of sounds like the person who posted that didn't know what was going on! I get a lot of ARCs through Amazon Vine and I have even picked up some in the clearance section of Half Price Books! So, there are a ton of ways to get ARCS. Besides that if the person doesn't like ARCS they shouldn't enter the contest, it's silly for them to give you trouble for it :-)
Sorry you have to deal with that!
I would guess they're jealous. ARCs seem like something magical and special and they really wish they had them too.
Don't let the haters bring you down. You've got an awesome site going on, and it's great that you're a huge reader.
I agree with the above commenters. Just ignore those people, there is always someone who loves to create drama. We appricaite you and thanks for the giveaway.
What stinkers! Jealously is a nasty thing! And seriously if you are going to post a snotty comment have the balls to leave your name. What a whinner!
Oh Cindy, just ignore them! They're probably the same jealous evil people who have been mean to other bloggers lately. You're awesome so don't be sad because other people suck arse and can't help but spend their spare time being mean (they should be reading instead.. but that's my opinion).
So, keep the lovely blog posts coming in babe! We're all here to support you!
What the ?!? Don't you dare apologize! We all love you for this, and I never questioned your motives.
Don't let those people get you down. :)
There are allot of haters out there. Please please please don't let them get you down.
Did you see Story Siren's blog about the dark side of blogging a couple days ago?
Check it out.
Keep doing what you do and don't let anyone keep you down.
Aww Cindy! I'm sorry people were so rude as to leave you comments like that. What a lot of these people don't understand (non reviewers that is) is that sometimes...more often than not for me so far in the blogging world..is that authors are OFFERING me their ARCS! I never in a million years thought my blog would amount to what it is...and I'm still in the early stages of it.
People should just be happy that you are being nice enough to share the books that you've recieved, regardless of how you recieved them. I too swap a lot on PBS and Bookmooch (we've swapped before, yay!). Maybe, just maybe, they should try looking into those types of things before becoming snotty :(
By the way, I LOVE the new layout, absolutly adorable!
Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf (and PBS..and Bookmooch)
It's humanly impossible to please everyone. There is a critic and naysayer for just about everything out there - books, blogs, movies. At the end of the day all you can do is go with your gut and what's right for you. If they have any salt to them at all, people will continue to follow and enjoy the company. If they don't you're not missing out on the sour discontent.
I for one think, you've been nothing short of generous and considerate. Let the jealousy eat away at their lives, don't waste another moment letting it cost you any worry dear friend. (Hugs)Indigo
Seriously, get a life. If they really wanted ARCs they'd be working hard on their blogs, not being jerks.
Ignore them honey they are just jealous. I am actually pretty happy you share the love with us =)
well I for one am excited about your awesome contest :) Don't let them get you down!
Also - your header makes me hungry
Some people are just mean. I get my feelings hurt easily as well. Just ignore, ignore, ignore. I love your blog...keep up the great work!
Don't let them keep you down, I don't understand why people care so much about where reviewers get their books from
Ok let me just say that when I saw this contest did I in now way think your were showing off or whatever. IT WAS CLEAR TO ME that you wanted to share your love of book with EVERYONE. DUH!
So for those people that wrote those JEALOUS emails to them I say "GO AWAY AND BE MEAN SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!"
I'm sorry that those people have to ruin something that is fun for everyone.
I like your blog and your giveaway so KEEP IT UP :)!!
Screw the haters.
If they want free books, there's this wonderful building, I believe most towns have them, inside the building are stacks and stacks of books, people waiting to help you, computers, DVDs, audiobooks, and all you need is a card to access these books...hmmm now what was that place called again? OH YEAH, a library!!
Seems like a lot of ARC jealousy has been going around lately. Which really is a shame in itself. *sigh*
Just ignore them and go about doing what you like best. Sounds like they have a personal problem that they need to learn how to deal with on their own.
you know I wanted to start a book blog because I buy books and win books from all you terrific book bloggers that get to do giveaways. So I say keep up the good work. I hate that people have to be so annoying and try to bring people down even in the blogsphere with negativity. I haven't been on your blog for long but what I see so far I like so please keep doing what you are doing.
That is soooo ridiculous!!! This is an amazing, generous and fun contest and there isn't one thing you should apologize for! I'm sure these were more rude, anonymous comments like the ones posted on other blogs. If they are that jealous maybe they should work at maintaining an interesting blog and share the joy of reading instead of harassing others. It's none of their business what anyone else reads or where it comes from. Keep up the good work! You have plenty of support!
Craziness, girl! Ignore the haters.
Love the blog!
Good for you Cindy! It seems there is a rash of jealous people who want ARCs circulating the last few month. Ignore them completely!
Love PBS and Bookmooch, by the way!
Dude - it's your blog and your books. Once you have them, they are yours to do with as you please, right? I assume if you received them to review, you fulfilled your committment, but really, that's between you and the publisher or author. As long as you aren't stealing the books, I'm just glad that you're offering them up as giveaways!!! Wait, I enter just about every interesting giveaway I can find, does that mean I'm begging for books??? Probably, but I'm not proud! LOL
Try (if you can) to put those jealous people aside. Just keep doing what you enjoy with your blog and your books!
Me again! This really made me angry, so I posted about it. Hope that's ok.
I don't want any extra contest entries for this, but I did want you to know that I am SO in your corner. Happy blogging.
I am new to reading your blog but Walking on Sunshine (Jezebelsk) posted about this.
I am blunt and upfront:
They can eat green baloney. You DO NOT need to explain to them, to us, to anybody where your books came from and why. Nor do you need to apologize. Delete and move on. Don't let some anonymous troll feed off of upsetting you. It's not worth it. Don't allow anonymous posts or maybe moderate your comments so you can delete them first.
The way I see it: They can kick rocks.
I receive TONS of ARCs.. straight up ARCs. I have received some nasty emails.. you know what I do? I block their IPs from my blog and being able to email me (my brother is the Internet Security guru..not me!). Don't waste your energy or give this moron your power.
Put your energy into BLOGGING and enjoying your books and the rest.. well.. as I said.. can kick rocks.
Oh and here's my geekiness in full force: Keep on rocking in the free world. Seriously. Do it.
I just found your blog a couple of days ago, and so far, I love it!! keep up the good work!
P.S. ~ Like everyone else, your cupcakes look scrumptious! :p
Im leaving a comment!!!
i was sorta referred by you!! you have a post at random Buzz about managing time. So then i checked out your blog and saw the contests!
and im trying to follow but it wont work lol
my email is sb631@aol.com
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