Summary: Micah will freely admit that she’s a compulsive liar, but that may be the one honest thing she’ll ever tell you. Over the years she’s duped her classmates, her teachers, and even her parents, and she’s always managed to stay one step ahead of her lies. That is, until her boyfriend dies under brutal circumstances and her dishonesty begins to catch up with her. But is it possible to tell the truth when lying comes as naturally as breathing? Taking readers deep into the psyche of a young woman who will say just about anything to convince them—and herself—that she’s finally come clean, Liar is a bone-chilling thriller that will have readers see-sawing between truths and lies right up to the end. Honestly.

Overall: A little slow at first but got better. There were a lot of details at the beginning but after a while I got used to them. The ending surprised me a little bit. Overall, it was interesting and though it may have a rough start, its worth it to keep reading.
Cover: I had the first book so it had the old cover. I must say I am more impressed with the second cover. I think that it is a lot prettier and I feel that is how Micah is supposed to look. She is supposed to be darker skinned and the second cover does her justice!!!
Did you read it? What did you think of it?
I had not heard about this book before but had seen pix of the cover. It is so nice to hear a blogger be truthful about the book they reviewed. Not everyone will like every book and the fact that you are honest in your appraisal is refreshing..thank you!
Nice review! I got one of those sneek peak things on it and liked what I read out of it. It sounds it will be interesting.
I don't think the second cover does her justice, because, from what I understand, she is described to have dark skin and short nappy hair. She even admits that she could be mistaken for a boy. The girl on the cover does not represent Micah, only her race. Which I guess is something, but it's not perfect. Also, I wonder why, if you knew about all the cover controversy, you chose to use the old cover in your review post. Even if you do have the old cover, it was obviously wrong of Bloombury to use it. I don't mean to attack you, but I think it's sort of disrespectful that you used the old cover.
On another note, I am really excited to read this book!
I have the first cover and totally agree, the second is prettier. I haven't read it yet, but glad you mentioned the slow start. I won't be so quick to judge it if I get to feeling the same.
Sounds really good. I have to read it now. I like your review.=]=]
I can't wait to read this. Micah sounds a little creepy, which I like.
I put in a request at my library for them to get this...I can hardly wait :]
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