Tuesday, July 28

Contest Contest


134 ENTRIES!!!!!

Yay, I am hosting a contest! My Birthday is coming up (August 2) and wanted to host a contest for all you cool people out there!!!

There will be 2 winners total!

I am giving away one copy of My Big Nose And Other Disasters by Sydney Salter, be on the lookout for my review of it! One person will win it! It is signed, which is so cool!

I am also giving one winner a choice of arcs (advanced reader copies). The winner gets to two of any of the following( you pick one, I get pick one)!!

Contests Ends August 22nd at 12:00 AM



throuthehaze said...

+1 Count me in please

+1 follower

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Debbie F said...

Please enter me! thanks
dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Debbie F said...

I'm a follower!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Debbie F said...

+2 - A disaster? Well I don't know if this is a disaster, but it was annoying. I was sitting in my truck in my driveway and I thought I had put the truck into park. But... I went to reach in the back seat for something and my foot hit the gas and I ran right into my other truck that was parked in front of me. Damage to my truck? Oh yes! Had to replace the whole bumper!!!

Not my finest moment!

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

Minding Spot said...

I already follow and early Happy Birthday!

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

Melissa said...

Please enter me.

jjameli (at) cableone (dot) net

Anonymous said...

+1 Count me in. :)
+1 I am already a follower


Colleen said...

Enter me please! :)

Violet said...


Many many happy returns of the day!!!

Such a wonderful contest.

Please do enter me if international...

elizascott2005 at yahoo dot co dot in

I follow you via google reader.

Llehn said...

+1 I'm a follower
+1 Please include me in the giveaway! Thanks!
+1 I commented on your Forest Of Hands and Teeth post
+2 Disaster story? I once had a pair of shoes that was so old, it started cracking as I walked. Since I worked at an industrial area and couldn't buy a pair of shoes, I literally had to tape the shoe to the sole so it wouldn't fall off! Not a great day!


Jenny B. Jones said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!! May it be a year blessed with many fabulous books.

Anonymous said...

+1 Awesome, thanks!
+1 I'm a follower too.
+2 A disaster I've had was Hurricane Isabelle knocked down my tree and it was all windy. The power was out for several days.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to enter!



Anonymous said...

Great contest!

+1 for commenting
+1 for following

You've got a really nice blog. :)

Nicole Y said...

+1 becoming a follower (heading there after I post this comment!)
+1 for commenting (this is me commenting....see?) LOL


Anonymous said...

+2 - I'm commenting and I'm a follower. :)


chocowafer said...

Wow, is this international? If it is, I'd love to join! :)

+1 I'm a follower
+1 commenting
+1 linked this on my sidebar:
+1 commented on Wuthering High review
+2 disaster (kind of): Once, we did a visit (for school) to a manufacturing plant which was sort of far from the ordinary pathway so naturally, there weren't that many vehicles passing by. Since we didn't bring any car, we had to ride on the company's delivery van. Can you imagine? We were standing and trying to hold onto the walls while the van passed all sorts of humps. It was fun, though! LOL.


Yan said...

I would have sent you some ARCs had I known you wanted a contest O.O I'l be posting this on my sidebar where hopefully more people will see!

P.S. I suggest getting rid of the word verification ;P It gets on a lot of people's nerves lol

wheresmyrain said...

happy birthday
please enter me
I am a follower
wheresmyrain at yahoo dot com

Tynga said...

Would you please sign me in for your contest?
I would love to win a copy of Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender. Have had my eyes on this one for a while!

I am a follower

Commented on you last *In my mailbox*

You can join me at tynga85(at)hotmail(dot)com

Thanks for the opportunity!

Katie said...

Enter me! I'm a follower.

SerieslyReady said...

It's the second time I've seen that book to day. If you want to give it to me I don't mind. LOL


Mystica said...

If this is open for international visitors please count me in!

You choose a book! Tks



Sylvia said...

I would love to be entered!!:)
I'm a follower!
Thanks for holding this wonderful contest!


Anonymous said...

So I HAVE to follow you now because not only do you love books but we have the same birthday.. Yay leos! I think the contest you are doing are great. If I can get my blog a bigger fan base I want to raffle some of my books too!

I found your blog browsing and I have been finding more and more great blogs about books dedicated to people who love to read. I am an aspiring novelist myself and am trying to expand my blog followers. I am hoping once I am able to do that I might be able to get interviews with authors I like and help promote them. If you're interested in helping me out, please follow me as I will follow you and I hope to read more updates! Thank you so much, Aleece!

Anonymous said...

Oh and Babyjanexo@yahoo.com! I am going to reread all the rules. I just got so excited about our birthdays being the same that I just left you a comment first! ha

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in your incredible draw. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I became a new follower of your blog just a couple of minutes ago.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

A disaster I've had was tripping and falling on a cobblestone sidewalk while it was pouring rain. My purse went flying and filled with water. I had a BAD sprain and I limped for weeks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Erica said...

+1 following
+1 for commenting
+1 link my my sidebar: www.thebookcellarx.blogspot.com
+1 commented on your WOW post.
+2 A disaster I've had... One is I went to Wyoming last summer, and we broke down like 8 times - 1/2 our trip was canceled because we didn't have a car. It was really amusing our jack didn't work, so we'd all have to get out on the highway and lift the car :P

:) Erica

Keyona said...

Enter me Cindy!! kjdavis87 at yahoo dot com!!

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Follower
+1 Please count me in.
+1 sidebar
+1 commented on another post
+2 My disaster was baking a salty cake. I thought I had used sugar, but turned out it wasn't.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

sharon54220 said...

+1 New follower
+1 Counte me in please
+1 Commented on the Calling
+2 Had a fire in the oven on Thanksgiving, turkey to big for pan.

Happy Belated Birthday to a fellow Leo. My birthday was yesterday (Aug 11)

a flight of minds said...

+2 Disaster? Eating a shawarma, having an allergy reaction, and having to go to the hospital and wait for 6 hours.
+1 posted about this contest: http://aflightofminds.blogspot.com/2009/08/and-more-contests.html
+1 commenting
+1 commented on your other contest, don't know if it actually counts. :P

Alex (& Lauren) at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com

DeNiSe said...

Great contewst PLEASE ENTER ME !!!!!!!!

DeNiSe MaDnEss


DeNiSe said...

Extra Enteries

+1 for becoming a follower

+1 Linking In My Sidebar

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

+1 new follower

+1 comment: HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!


Cari said...

+1 Becoming a follower. Thanks!
+1 Cari neohippy10 at hotmail dot com
+1 commenting on another contest if that counts...
+2 I was deployed overseas (Iraq years ago) and we had local nationals (that was the term we used) on the FOB (Forward Operating Base) doing work for us. It was also my day off. I stayed up really late calling people at home, slept in, and then woke up late. I went to go take a shower in my work out uniform instead of my regular uniform and needed to stop by the office to tell someone something. Not thinking about it, I continued through the building and out the back to head to the showers. That mean going past the local nationals in my shorts and T-shirt. They went slack-jawed and I totally didn't understand why until I hit the showers. As they were unmarried, they probably hadn't ever seen that much skin without it being on TV. Oops.

Happy late birthday! (Mine was the 3rd!)

Briana said...

This is a sweet contest!!

+1 - comment
+3 - follower
+1 - promoting contest = sidebar
[ http://bambookreviews.blogspot.com/ ]
+1 - I commented on your other contest :)
+2 - My dress ripped at prom, big disaster! :(



Diana Dang said...

+1 great contest!
+1 for being a follower
+1 sidebar www.orientaldesires.blogspot.com
+1 commenting on any other of my posts (Big YA contest one)
+2 I screwed up buying plane tickets from expedia.com. I thought for some reason they were in CAD when they weren't. Then when parents got the bill, we have to pay $600 more than we thought! We lost a chunk load of money and its a disaster..


faked_sugartone at hotmail

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway I hope my random number is a lucky one!!! Winks, Shawna ;o)

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

+1 I am a follower of your blog ;o)

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

I COMMENTED on Forest of hands and teeth!!!

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

+2 I left the sprinkler on and it flooded our downstairs bathroom. What a MESS that was!!!

Debbie's World of Books said...

+1 I'm a follower

+1 Please enter me. dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

+1 I posted about the giveaway here: http://debbiesworldofbooks.com/other-book-giveaways

+1 I commented on your WOW post

+2 I'm so clumsy I'm a walking disaster My worst was at a temp job where I totally screwed up a copying job and the boss had to fix it all that night. So embarassing.

Anonymous said...

+1 tashiluvsu@live.com
+1 following
+1 commented on your other contest
+2 I was walking backwards in seventh grade near our gym where all of the seniors were practicing for graduation. I tripped (over my own feet.) and fell flat on my back in front of ALL of them. Embarrassing.

Unknown said...


+1 for becoming a follower

+1 for commenting

+2 a disaster: when I was sixteen I was stopped at a red light and got rear ended. No big deal, not my fault, right? Wrong. My parent's insurance had expired. It was a nightmare!

Wrighty said...

You have such amazing contests! Please include me too! Hope you had a very happy birthday!!

+1 comment
+1 new follower
+1 added to my sidebar
+1 commented on another contest post and going to comment on more now!
+2 A recent disaster was when a deer ran into the side of my car late at night. He bounced off the side and then bounced off the back. I never saw him coming and when I stopped he was laying in the road bleeding. I called the police and when they arrived the deer was standing up with a horribly mangled leg. He hobbled off into the woods and they couldn't find him. I probably killed the poor deer and I still have two large dents in my car. I felt terrible!


Sara said...

Great contest!

+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had! well, I kind of backed into another car, using my boss's car...and didn't tell him. Still feel bad about it.


stacey dempsey said...

this is great i really need some new books

well i dont know if you would call it a disaster but i had my car stolen 3 times last year LOL seemed pretty disastrous at the time to me though

+1 comment
+1 follower
+2 comment on disaster

roswello at hotmail dot com

Pam said...

+1 Happy Birthday! Count me in please!

+1 follower

+2 A friend was visiting me from Singapore and she was holding my baby in the mall. He had an explosive poop and it ended up all over her very expensive, very white shirt that she was wearing for the first time. We cleaned it up the best we could and went for drinks anyway.

melacan at hotmail dot com

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

Cindy! Great contest you have going here.

I'd love to enter :)

+1 Commenting
+1 Follower
+1 Sidebar post (http://fallingofftheshelf.blogspot.com)
+2 Disaster (oh my! My first day of work in a new deli in New York..and my pants ripped right along the right buttcheek...I ended up mooning all of my new coworkers and customers! Yikes!).


jennilovevirgo AT aol DOT com

ColleenFL said...

+1 for being a follower

+1 for commenting (make sure to leave a way to contact you)

Great contest, Cindy!

atrue at iname dot com

Laurie T said...

Please count me in!
+1 became a follower
+1 left a comment
+2 disaster (2 weeks before my wedding the boat company called to say their boat, which was to host my reception taking all of my guests for a cruise up the Hudson River, had developed a hole & was being docked:( Went berserk a while, made lots of calls & had a family member come through with a fabulous restaurant in a yacht club. My parents lost their catering deposit but we had a wonderful day.)

Alicia said...

+1 I am a follower :)
+1 great contest :) adw7984 at gmail dot com

Juliana Dias said...

+1 for being a follower or becoming a follower
+1 promoting the contest: http://twitter.com/tdlivros/status/3286094881

juiceb0xx at hotmail dot com

Shanyn said...

Thank you for this contest!
+1 follower
+1 commenting
+2 Once my grandma was going to take me to the auto shop to get my car fixed. I was sitting in my driveway in my car, and she got into her car (in her garage), started it up, and backed right into mine!!! I never brought it up that she had done that, thankfully my car was rather old so any damage didn't need to be fixed.

shanynlee at gmail.com

Libby's Library said...

+1 Comment - please count me in.
+1 I became a follower.

Thanks so much.


Libby's Library said...

+2 Disaster...you mean like putting the meatloaf in the oven, and forgetting to turn the oven on? Yep - I do stuff like this all the time!


Sarah said...

+1 count me in please.

+1 following

+2 a disaster? slipped over on the ice last Feb whilst taking kids to school and fractured my elbow - couldn't drive for weeks!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday :)

And I'd love to be entered! <3

+1 commenting

+1 posted on my sidebar

+2 disaster:
One day at school, my friend and I were throwing a can of Coke back and forth for fun. And without thinking, I wrote on the can...with pen. So I accidentally pushed too hard and - you guessed it! - it exploded. And my face was really close to the can. So I was drenched! It was so humiliating.

Hailey said...

This sounds like an awesome contest! Please enter me.

On my mom’s birthday I decided to make her a surprise cake and then forgot about it. I ended up making a black burnt block that made the whole house spell like burnt toast for DAYS!

+1 For becoming a follower.
+1 For commenting.
+2 For telling you about a disaster I’ve had!


Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

Great giveaway. Count me in please. jessica(at)fan(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Count me in. :)
+1 follower
+1 commenting
+2 Disaster: We broke down in this realy scary gang town and were there for about 4 hours, in the middle of the night. hile we were there there was some gang shooting between like 4 different gangs. Scary!!

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot my email.


Madeleine said...

Please enter me

I am a follower


Valorie said...

+1 That is quite an impressive list of books!

+1 follower


dor said...

I am a follower. Thanks.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

dor said...

Wow! This is quite an awesome contest.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

dor said...

I have a disaster! I painted my livingroom and thought the paint was off...but thought "I'll keep going...it's just me".
Well, the paint was off and I had to prime and do it all over again. Ouch.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

+2 hmmm a disaster well I planned my sisters first babyshower but no one came because I had written the invitations for the wrong day...Not a Fun Day

+1 pleaase enter me if you may
+1 I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

Oppps for got my email hehe


Unknown said...

1+ I' a follower
1+ Count me in
1+ I posted a comment on the suite dreams by rachel hawthorne post
2+ a disaster that i had was when i was five, during a family road trip and i swallowed a quater by accident. I was rushed to the hospital and they had to take it out of me. i had to stay overnight and my parents was worried. the next day i got icecream for my throat, so in the end it was all good.



+1 I love contests! jessjordan82 (at) gmail (dot) com.

+1 for following

+1 for promoting the contest on my blog--http://jess-jordan.blogspot.com/2009/08/holy-bookness-times-two.html

+1 commenting on your other contest.

+2 I was in 7th grade, running to class because I didn't want to be late (that's what nerds do). I jumped off of the cement toward the ground, right in front of the table the seniors were hanging out at, and ... went rolling. I've never gotten over that embarrassment!

holdenj said...

Please enter me as well!

Happy belated birthday!

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

BookFanatic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BookFanatic said...

EMAIL: i_yamileth_h_11(at)hotmail(dot)com

+1 becoming a follower
+1 for commenting
+1 promotingcontest (on sidebar) http://xxrandombscxx.blogspot.com/
+1 commenting on any other of my posts
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had: I got paint on my hair. It won't come off.

sherryladan said...

Hi Cindy !!! This is Sherry aka sherryladan @ pbs.com. Just stopping in to say hi. Love the books you are reccomending. Like I need more books. I'm also following you on here. Ok, maybe I'm also stalking you so I can get your books. LOL!!!

sherryladan said...

Hi Cindy !!! This is Sherry aka sherryladan @ pbs.com. Just stopping in to say hi. Love the books you are reccomending. Like I need more books. I'm also following you on here. Ok, maybe I'm also stalking you so I can get your books. LOL!!!

Ashley said...

Cool contest! booksobsession(at)gmail(dot)com

+1 For leaving a comment.
+1 I now follow you.
+1 I posted this on my sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com
+1 I commented on your other post with your newest contest.
+2 A disaster? Hmm well once during 8th grade after lunch, my friend noticed that I had a big red stain on the butt of my jeans. It was then that I realized I had gotten my period! I had to walk around school like that for the rest of the day telling everyone I had sat on an open ketchup packet! :P NOT a fun day..

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

You have such wonderful and generous contests!!! Thank you for your kindness and I'm keepin' my fingers crossed to win :)

Anonymous said...

Great contest! Thanks for hosting it!

+1 Comment
+1 follower

e:mail n_monzyk_28@hotmail.com

Kristen said...

+1 Follower!
+1 Awesome contest! :-D (comment)
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had!

Um, let's see.. everything worked okay, but on New Years Eve a few years back, it was a seriously heavy snowstorm and I did a 360 in my car on the highway. Luckily no one was even near me and we didn't land in a ditch or anything. Phew. Had my heart pumping though.


Unknown said...

+1 for becoming a follower
+1 This contest is great!!! Would love to win!(danl71 at yahoo dot com)
+1 promoting ur contest (http://ultimateoutbreak.blogspot.com)
+1 commenting on any other of ur posts
+2 One disaster I've had was when I went on a boat ride and then fell overboard. Then I started drowning since I couldn't swim. But luckily my uncle jumped in and saved me on time. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced.

js22 said...

I love to read - you have a great selection of books!

email in blogger profile.

+1 for being a follower or becoming a follower- I follow your blog on blogger.

+1 for commenting
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had! On one of my LONG trips down south, they stopped traffic for TWO hours to change a sign at 2am. Needless to say I was tired. My cat was getting antsy, and when I paid attention to him instead of the road, I ended up pointed at a sign, and jerked the steering wheel sharply and car eventually ended up in a ditch. A nice trucker helped me get my car back on the road, and the car was still drivable as long as I went slowly. My cat and I were both ok!

Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

rlitex said...

Wonderful contest and thanks to my pal Barbara [bswright@nc.rr.com] for telling me about it. :D

KiraR said...

Count me in!


mrsshukra said...



mrsshukra said...

I once lost my job -- that was disastrous!


Debs Desk said...

+1 Please include me in your giveaway.
+3 I am a follower.
+1 I commented on your other contest.
+2 I guess the worst thing that happened to me was my younger brother died. He died on Dec 11. 2008 and he was 43. It was the worst day of my life.


Marie said...

I would love to be entered!

+1 for commenting
+1 for being a follower
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had -- I lost my job in April, that is pretty much my biggest disaster right now -- sigh.


deltay said...

+1 I'd love to be counted in, thanks :)
+1 Sidebar linked the contest


~The Book Pixie said...

+1 Enter me please
+1 follower


Unknown said...

+ Please count me in

+ new follower

+ 2 My disaster: Would be the day I went to work with two different shoes on and didn't realize it until I got home that night. They were the same color, but definately not the same style (yes, everyone noticed, but no one told me).


ilonga said...

+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting with an email:
+1 commenting on any other of my posts

Unknown said...

I'd like a chance into this giveaway thanks!



Anonymous said...

Please count me in...thanks.

I'm a follower :)

karen k

Anonymous said...

need some reading for vaca..thx for contest..

Anonymous said...

Yay! Please enter me!

12taylor at da dot org

Michelle said...

I'd love to be entered, as the for the disaster let's just say I went for a new hair cut and color the night before my senior prom. BIG mistake.

mmillet at gmail dot com

Renee said...

Another great book giveaway--my favorite kind of giveaway!

+1 comment
+1 posted a comment on your other giveaway page
+2 My disasters usually occur in the kitchen. The latest involved fudge that I was making for a church dinner. Let's just say that it's hard to eat fudge when it doesn't set up properly and requires spoons! I had to go buy something from the Food Lion bakery :(

Anonymous said...

+ Please count me in.

+1 A disaster I had was when my car was hit in the rear and totaled. My puppy flew from the back seat to the front. My mom's glasses flew off. I got whiplash. After all was said and done, the only loss was the car thank goodness!


Windy said...

Yay, I'm in here too!

+1 Following
+1 Commented another blog post
+1 comment this blog
+2 Disaster: in the midst of my morning straight iron hair routine, the straight iron decided to call it quits. So now I am walking around with some sordid half straight half frizz look. Well, it's a look, right?

windy (dot) aphayrath (at) gmail (dot) com

Valerie Kemp said...

+1 follower
+1 for commenting

Cool contest!
shouldbewritingnow at gmail dot com

Lisa Aldin said...

+1 Comment

+1 Follower



Anonymous said...

+1 commenting
+1 commented on ur really large other contest
+1 twittered about this! (speckldharted)
+2 disaster? well how is this a disaster. having the guy you really liked dating ur friend's bff and having them two come hang out with you and ur friend b4 school ever day. not fun


Unknown said...

Might be too late to enter but here I come. aitmama {at} gmail{dot} com

Unknown said...

Follower #350 aitmama {at} gmail{dot} com

Rebecca C said...

+1 I would love to win this book, the cover makes me want to read it.

+1 am a follower

+1 tweeted @ccqdesigns

+2 I was boiling eggs for tuna salad and my dh asked me to come upstairs to his office to help him with something. Later, we kept hearing this popping noise, then an awful smell. All of the sudden it hit me. 6 eggs had burned up and exploded all over our kitchen, including the ceiling. It took weeks to get all the eggs, shells and smells out of the house. Of course it was all my fault.


Amy M said...

count me in please! I am a brand new follower :)

Thanks so much
Amy M
atc218 at aol dot com

Ninja Fanpire said...

+1 Commenting ninjafanpire@hotmail.com

Ninja Fanpire said...

+1 Follower

Ninja Fanpire said...

+1 Linked to contests in blog post: http://ninjafanpire.blogspot.com/2009/08/contests_15.html

Judy said...

Please enter me.

+1 for commenting
+3 for follower


Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

Another awesome contest!

+1 comment
+1 follower
+1 linked this contest in my sidebar at my blog
+1 I also commented on your other massive contest
+2 disaster: I'm not really sure if this is the kind of disaster you are looking for but...last year I was dumped 3 weeks before my wedding by my would-be mother-in-law...it was "awesome"


Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

And I totally spaced and forgot to tell you how to contact me. teentangentsblog at hotmail dot com


Genevieve said...

Please enter me!

+1 for being a follower or becoming a follower
+1 for commenting (make sure to leave a way to contact you)
+1 promoting my contest (sidebars are fine). My sidebar:
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had! I can't think of any real disasters but I've had a few fashion disasters where my skirt was tucked in my underwear. Another time my skirt was a little too big and it fell down as I was walking.


lag123 said...

I am new. Please enter me.


lag123 said...

I am now a new follower.


Jennifer K. said...

+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting
+1 commenting on any other of my posts
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had!

jkpulley1 at aol dot com

The one and only time I attempted to make a tofu chocolate pie. The tofu and chocolate were not blending properly. I thought to use a wooden spoon to smoosh them closer to the blender blades. The spoon hit the blade, shattered, and I had chocolate flung all over my kitchen. Never again.

Bianca said...

+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting
+1 promoting my contest (sidebars are fine) http://wickedgoodbooks.blogspot.com
+1 commenting on any other of my posts
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had! Once, I accidently burned up the microwave. I was young and I thought 1 half minutes said 11 minutes. Oops!

infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

New follower, just commented on another contest and realized I forgot to leave contact info, lol

Also blogged about it http://biki209.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!88898F4A49C6F88D!373.entry

Disaster: Work related, but it was ugly--the super, duper, ridiculously important and short form was due for a promotion my company was hosting and the team we were working with lost it... it was sent last month and the big wigs were getting ticked off at us. :s Only good part was that after lots of running around lost and confused, it was resolved without too much trouble


clash123 said...

+1 follower
+1 hello
+2 when i was 13 i got my period at school. My teacher was a guy and when i asked him if i could go to the nurses he asked why? When i said i didn't feel good he said i looked fine, and i should just sit back down. yes it was bad!


Anonymous said...

I am commenting (+1)
I am a follower (+1)
I put your contest in my sidebar (+1)

email: readingismyantidrug(at)gmail(dot)com

blog: readingismyantidrug.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

+1 Count me in
+2 Disaster - Was on my way to go swimming with my sister, so I was already in my suit. Stepped off the one step from our house to the sidewalk, stepped wrong, managed to sprain both ankles...but the worst part was I was in so much pain, I didn't realize that I had also fallen out of my swimsuit top.

Thankyou! Gwen


Unknown said...

Great contest idea.

+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting
+1 added to sidebar
+2 My recent disaster is that my husband semi-wrecked his car. We have to replace two wheels and tires. Grr.


audrey said...

awesome contest!

+1 count me in :)
+1 following
+1 made a post on my blog (holes-in-my-brain.blogspot.com)


Laina said...

This is an awesome contest!! Please enter me (If this is open to Canada). :)

+1 Follower
+1 Laina1312@gmail.com (that's my comment entry)
+1 I blogged about it here: http://bookcontestlinks.blogspot.com/2009/08/august-21st-2009.html
+1 I commented on your other contest, but if that doesn't count, it's cool.
+2 Does a natural disaster count? Last summer a small tornado passed over and briefly touched down near my town. Did a bit of damage, but no one was hurt. Me and my mom had to have my aunt come in from another town in the middle of the night, though, because some natural gas tanks were hit by something and we got evacuated.

ReggieWrites said...

+1 for being a follower or becoming a follower
+1 for commenting
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had! A disaster was when I wrote a 5000 word essay and then my computer crashed. The essay was due the next day and I got a B-!


Reggie :-)

Samantha LeAnne said...

That's a great list of books there! You have some great contests, just so you know.
+1 for being a follower
+1 for commenting
+1 promoting my contest sidebar here
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had!--When I was a sophomore in high school, I rode the bus. My bus stop was like literally 1 minute from my house and so when I looked at my watch it said I had 20 minutes, so I took my time of course. As I was finishing my make up my sister comes in and says come on the bus is coming. Turns out, my watch died and in my rushing I forgot my actual shoes, meaning I spent the entire day in pink paw print house shoes. I know it's not a major disaster now, but either way it was a fashion disaster and I was in high school, so it qualifies lol.


Misty said...

+1 I am a follower
+1 sidebar (Book Rat)

Misty said...

Oh, guess you need my email, too, on that last one:

Paradox said...

Enter me please!

+1 for being a follower or becoming a follower
+1 for commenting (make sure to leave a way to contact you)
+1 promoting my contest: http://twitter.com/ParadoxRevealed/status/3465211945
+1 commenting on any other of my posts: I commented on the post about the cover of Something Like Fate.
+2 Tell me about a disaster you have had: I can't really think of much... but an incident from 4th grade comes to mind. I was wearing my favorite jacket, and it was sloppy joe day for lunch. I was very careful bringing the tray to my table, only to have it flipped up onto my jacket in front of everyone! But I think the day that another girl spewed chocolate milk over a bunch of people, including me, was worse. I think that was 4th grade too.

paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com


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