The blockbuster summer movies have officially started for me! Every summer, tons of neat movies come out!! I just got home from the 10:00 showing of Star Trek. We had planned on seeing it opening weekend but after seeing the long line we decided to try again another day. A week later and the theater was dead as a doornail. Well, there were a handful of people there I suppose. I walked into the theater not knowing what to really expect, as I have never watched the TV show so didn't know too much about the characters or events. Yes, I've seen it on tv and my *remote* never seemed to stop on that channel. This movie was a glance into the early days of James T. Kirk and his USS Enterprise crew members. I had tears rolling down my face within the first 10 minutes of the movie, so that is a good sign that its going to be pretty great! It was a little confusing in parts for me but it all came together and overall there were more laughs and tears than any other movie I've watched lately. As never being a fan of Star Trek, it was an awesome movie!! It will go into the dvd collection for sure!
Because I'm a huge fan of Chris Pine, this movie was a must see for me. If you haven't heard of Chris he has also starred in Blind Dating and Just My Luck. It also starred another guy I love to hate, Zachary Quinto. We all know him as bad guy Sylar on Heroes!
Overall, this was a really good movie. I would definately suggest seeing it!! I'm glad I did.
Live Long and Prosper!!
Just stopping by for a visit. *waves. I've seen a lot of the Star Trek episodes so I had an entirely different reaction to it.
I have also seen a lot of Star Trek episodes... but I have to say I still loved the movie. :) I just consider them different. No point soiling a phenomenal movie just because I use to love the show and things are quite different between the two.
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