Really Something by Shirley Jump
Summary: They say you can't go home again - and when home is Tempest, Indiana, "Litter Box Capital of the World," who'd want to? Not Allie Dean. She couldn't wait to leave the place that made her feel worthless when she was at her most vulnerable. Seven years later and 170 pounds lighter, Allie's back, scouting locations for an indy flick. It's the perfect opportunity to exact the sweet revenge that comes with looking seriously hot. And the guy who broke her heart just happens to have made himself very available..
Summary: They say you can't go home again - and when home is Tempest, Indiana, "Litter Box Capital of the World," who'd want to? Not Allie Dean. She couldn't wait to leave the place that made her feel worthless when she was at her most vulnerable. Seven years later and 170 pounds lighter, Allie's back, scouting locations for an indy flick. It's the perfect opportunity to exact the sweet revenge that comes with looking seriously hot. And the guy who broke her heart just happens to have made himself very available..
My Thoughts: What can I say? I love a romance!! This book was very realistic. We all wish we could go back and change th
e past or pretend to be someone we're not to get someone else to notice us who did us wrong a long time ago!! It was a really cute book and only took a few days to finish! Once I picked it up, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Labor Of Love by Rachel Hawthorne
Summary: Dawn Delaney has a broken heart. It was broken six months ago when she discovered her boyfriend Drew cheating on her at junior prom. She and her two best friends Amber and Jenna are going to New Orleans to help rebuild houses. But will she also rebuild her heart in the process?
My Thoughts: Loved Loved this book! I breezed right through this book, because I enjoyed it so much!! I am truly a fan of Rachel Hawthorne! She has just the right mix of love, laughter, and just plain old fun! I plan on reading the rest of her books soon!
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Summary: Keanu Reeves stars as an alien named Klaatu who's sent to Earth to warn the leaders of the world about the consequences of their dangerous ways. Joined by a heavily armed robot companion, Klaatu informs the people of Earth that the constant aggression carried out against one another has raised the ire of an alien species, which is now threatening to exterminate all of mankind.My Thoughts: Loved Loved this book! I breezed right through this book, because I enjoyed it so much!! I am truly a fan of Rachel Hawthorne! She has just the right mix of love, laughter, and just plain old fun! I plan on reading the rest of her books soon!
The Day The Earth Stood Still

My Thoughts: Guilty! The main reason I rented this is because I am a big fan of Keanu. Ever since I saw him in Speed when I was a teenager, I have loved him! The movie itself was alright but not really my kind of movie! It had its up and downs, but more than anything I wondered why the little boy couldn't just let things work out and quit getting in the way so much, haha!It was a decent movie though.
Overall, I had a good week, and had no classes. I am taking summer classes this summer (part-time, college) so that should be *entertaining* I still plan on spending lots of time reading and watching movies!
You read Labor of Love!
I love Rachel too!
My fav. book of hers is Caribbean Cruising. I reccommend it if you haven't already read it.
and YAY! I follow you too!
Interested in new reading material
i love reading new books...
my favorite movie kiss is (lol) in speed racer, at the end of the movie when speed scoops trixie up in his arms and kisses her, after hes won the race.
my favorite book kiss is in the book, Just Listen, by Sarah Dessen, when owen and annabel are listenin to a song, and annabel doesnt like it and covers her ears. owne is appalled (hes a music freak) and she insists that itll sound better in a car wash. so they listen to in in the car wash, recline their seats, and lose themselves in the music as they kiss, only to be cut off when the next car in line hinks at them.
oh i forgot,
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